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Everything posted by Smoggy

  1. I read the title and thought another bomb had gone off....
  2. Try it and see if anyone asks you to move.
  3. You back to the last pub and start again.... While still facing forward.
  4. Smoggy


    Spell check strikes again! Should have read "elderly queue".....
  5. You mean Gracie got seen with an empty glass?
  6. Probably tastes like chicken, can anyone confirm?
  7. If going south be aware the tides flow and range is far more than you will experience on the northern rivers, nothing to be afraid of but something to understand and respect. The monsters on breydon are another matter, be afraid, very afraid!
  8. The rogue swan is not uncommon, in St.neots there was one at the rivermill known as hissing sid that had many dinghies and kayaks over, but sometimes when folk talked about hissing sid in the pub there they were actually referring to the woman in the house next door that owned the whole plot, usually the husband and son....
  9. And while the pub had officially shut these two had a whale of time... 20230720_232409.mp4 My beast was asleep on the boat, she's way too lazy for that sort of malarkey.
  10. If anyone is passing reedham tomorrow (friday) the nelson is having a charity do for British heart foundation so if there's space drop in and part with some cash, I'm sat in the pub watching preparations and I'm knackered watching so deserves support.
  11. Getting ready to leave southwold so our day will involve sneaking under haven bridge around 2.00-2.30 followed by an evening in the nelly at reedham.
  12. I can highly recommend the copper smokehouse and they will let the dog in the back room, make sure you're very hungry and don't order extras or you be eating from a doggy bag for a week, cafe 142 does a nice breakfast too, didn't think much of the grub in the bitch in the ditch. I still don't understand the fuss about banksy, it's vandalism at the end of the day, if I spray painted someone else's property I'd expect to get arrested.
  13. Ain't gravity a pita! As a biker I've been doing their lottery for a good few years as it raises the chances of needing them someday.
  14. I am indeed, the grubby (MM taught me well) princess 30ds not the seamaster 30. Must have imagined beccles, I knew I'd seen tideway in various places, it stands out a bit as it's the name of a friends boat on the great ouse.
  15. So what's the planned cruising itinerary between repairs/upgrades?
  16. I think we saw you in oulton broad, beccles, then cantley (may have been reedham) not stalking you honest....
  17. Had my screens done a few years ago and they leak like a sieve between glass and frame after a short sharp shower, they had to be done twice as first attempt came out a different shape than the holes they came from, he'd never heard of measuring corner to corner to assure a shape. If you are looking to get windows refurbished pm me for a non recommendation due to tos.
  18. Pond looks cracking! My day started calm at burgh castle, traumatised the dog on a lumpier than expected trip down to southwold, had a lovely dinner in the red lion, wandered in the Lord Nelson to be greeted with "hello again, 2 stouts?", got quite drunk on quite a few more stouts, now back on boat checking the kraken is still up to scratch and got sodding hiccups... I hate hiccups! (But love blackshore stout)
  19. Does Keswick still have a shop called "the sick and the wrong "? As I recall it was skater stuff near the laundrette. It was a long time ago I think 2006 when we were there.
  20. That is really crap! I'm glad my mum has a good personal alarm.
  21. I thought the plan was repairs enough to be towed to Holland but it's been in yarmouth for a long time now. Don't look any prettier though.
  22. Here's a screenshot to get Gracie's blood pressure rising on a hot summer day.....
  23. I seem to have a swallow thing going on this week, heard a twang so looked up to spot this little chap on my guard wire. Barely a breath of wind now at burgh castle so looking good for a southwold run tomorrow afternoon, should get under haven bridge 1.30 onwards.
  24. Ts nelson was the sea scouts boat in Norwich and is now moored in woodbridge so probably not the same one.
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