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Everything posted by annv

  1. annv

    Jump Start.

    If you tow a boat the prop will turn enough to damage some gearboxes so possible but unlikely. John
  2. annv

    Jump Start.

    Hi Biker you need to be careful when ordering a battery for a car as many cars today have different needs than older vehicles which just needed to turn engine over. Stop start cars need a different type of battery which won't suit a boat engine when i sorted a battery twelve years ago for my new boat the one that was most suitable ie size, length, height,and cold cranking turned out to be for a Rolls Royce, that vehicle todays battery would not be suitable for a boat engine today, as engine starting spec's have changed for new cars. John
  3. annv

    Jump Start.

    Hi I'm advocating QUALITY batteries not the cheapest crap unless you only want it to last a couple of years. i use to fit UNIPART batteries as not only where they very good but gave a life time guarantee to the original purchaser along with a credit card size warranty card this would last in glove box indefinitely as against a paper receipt, had a customer who had a honda from new he only bought the one battery and as he hardly used it the battery's only lasted four or five years i use to say that a taxi would be cheaper but he wouldn't part with it so every four or five years a new free battery. John
  4. annv

    Jump Start.

    Hi Relayer ideally you should connect the positive terminal from donor battery to flat battery then negative terminal from donar battery to a bare metal part on flat battery's engine, then start up doner engine and run for several minitse OR charge battery for 24hrs with battery charger this will prevent any surges/ damage to flat engine circuitry. BUT i guess that the two engines are connected by 100 amp earth wire that connects at the starter motors retainer bolts in which case after making certain there are no fumes by running engine room extractor fans connect positive of flat battery then to positive of donner battery then wait a minute or so then start up engine run for a couple of minutes then remove pos lead in reverse order. I would suggest that you only need one starter battery for both engines A 100 amp 13 plate Automotive lead acid with highest cranking amps this will last forever mine is 12 years old so far with no sign of wear AND get it from a Motor Factors not Halfords or wilco.or domestic/starter battery. then connect both alternators to a advanced regulator (i use Sterling ones). then chose the highest number of domestic you can fit wired in parallel connected so positive supply cable comes from first/No1 and negative supply cable from last and if not on mains electric get a small solar panel to maintain the battery's voltage when your not there. John
  5. Hi Paul Sheet ice (can) cut through a wood or plastic hull like a saw blade,only steel should be sailed on sheet ice. John
  6. Hi There's Oulton Broad, Burgh Castle, StOlaves. John
  7. annv

    Jump Start.

    Hi Relayer YES is the answer first do you just want to start the engine or do you want to check/change the battery. John
  8. Hi Follow manufactures advice.Or start up after a few minutes turn fuel of let engine run until fuel used then squirt some RedEx into air inlet while turning engine over,cover/tape inlet then spray WD over engine replace original engine cover with anti theft cover or remove engine and take home or tilt engine out of the water, ideally use fuel before next year and start with fresh E5. John
  9. I would add that giving way to oncoming tide is much like give way to the right on the road, subject to no lights ,But the one that sounds his horn has taken right of way and must be given right of way. As with many things not perfect but better than a free for all. John
  10. Sitting here i would guess it would be one of the cheapest places to install extra pillars to everybody's advantage. John
  11. Andrew it's called competition! may be if we were a Communist state the prices would be the same but the end product wouldn't. John
  12. fisherman always seem quirt normal when speaking to them on a mooring but when there are more of them they can be awkward and uncooperative, when sailing on the Waveney they can be hidden but often the rod might show, when possible if i come across a fisherman i cross the river and give them space very rarely do you get a wave but if on occasion you cant do this and boat is coming the other way you cant do this and as my boat is very quirt you are suddenly on top of them you then get varying degrees of nothing to the most Appling languid and maggot throwing, it seems they think i do it deliberately, it dosn't go to one thinking well but the worst. Very strange tribe are fisherman. I have even had them refuse to move of off my home mooring on a Sunday afternoon when i returned after the weekend and wanting to pack up and go home. John
  13. A friend of mine many years ago had maggots thrown over his boat he turned found jumped off, the Angler ran so he throw all his tackle in the river. i often wonder if the fisherman ever attacked another boat, A boat hook on the keep net has good results, they cost quite a lot. My yard had no fishing signs up along river bank didn't work. he then put up Private fishing signs worked a charm. apparently fishing club waters are sacrosanct. John
  14. What is there not to lke about thrusters apart from cost and not using them to steer when situation make it helpful. i use mine when required, I do however have hydraulic thrusters that are more controllable than electric. Electric one's are effectively a starter motor and are on or of, and dreadfully noisy compared to hydraulic. Now if they are cost effective or not is if your pocket's are deep enough, Quality costs. Do you spend 5,000=00 pounds to stop you bumping the Quay heading twice a year. I would not build a boat with out them being fitted BUT! i would buy a boat without having them fitted. Thrusters are best fitted/designed when initially boat is constructed, and perhaps small electric ones with proportional control could be better than hydraulic to fit and use when/if made. John
  15. Its a pity they dont ask mister average about these, they are quick to make seats, leg room etc for mister average, seems mister average is only consulted when it suits them, MONEY it seems is the deciding factor . John
  16. Hi Carole you could have a good quality steering wheel lock,its visible through window and will deter potential thieves, that's what i have when i leave mine in vulnerable spots. John
  17. Soaking/steaming will expand the wood but if your handle end at mop end has a feral this will need removing first, pincers or if a vice is available to hold end of shaft then a forked chisel (that upholsters use) driven under the head should give results if not drill it out in centra then screw a self tapping screw in the hole then hold head in vice then tap handle end with a hammer to pull it out, or a combination of all suggestions. and as a last result cut end of handle off and start again using a stainless screw, thread dipped in candle wax first instead of a nail. this will be easier next time you need to replace the head, providing pond life dont remove it to save you the trouble. John
  18. Hi Luro A call on channel 12 as you approach often gets a response. John
  19. AND there is a pub across the road where one can wait in comfort with a round cylindrical item in one's hand. John
  20. Also blunting the tip can also prevent splitting or both can only help. John
  21. Try smearing candle wax on nail before driving it in. John
  22. Ah Winkle's old pub had many a pint in there. John
  23. We use the liquor from cooking the onions to melt the butter and mix it all up in a bowl then on to paper wrapper from butter then in with roast towards the end you get a nice crust on it dont use any milk just the liquor. John
  24. Just make sure you chop it up finely. John
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