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Everything posted by Cheesey69

  1. If you got shore power buy a tube heater and a thermometer plug, stick in engine bay. All it’s got to do is keep the engine bay above freezing Or buy 25 litres of antifreeze from Amazon open filter pour in mix until it flows from exhaust a good 2 to 1 mix would cover it
  2. Well folks it’s the inconsistency’s that will undo the effort to pull together. looking forward to the traffic count to lessen, and like last time, if it don’t then I will know it’s failed.
  3. But well, I can still go fishing because that’s recreation.
  4. As regards to the winterisation question considering last week there was not going to be a lockdown and I’ve had zero chance to get to my boat mainly due I’m a key worker and I actually work during the week and those 3 days notice was as good as an underground airport, I thank you
  5. Both. Cold and self discharge will do them in. A good charger will keep a float charge in the system
  6. 2010 started snowplough career. November 28. Worked the Dartford crossing
  7. It’s an argument with many sides. can you afford not to worry ? if your young it’s costing you. then I hear us oldies say what about us? the the young say we used that argument about the EU and climate change. I leave that there
  8. They don’t. You can legally go fishing. Anytime. with someone from your family See angling trust. It’s classed as a recreation and you can travel to it. As it stands at the moment. so can you fish in your boat? rules are strange sometimes you think you understand them...
  9. Recreational activities allowed so grab a fishing rod, jump in boat and away you go.
  10. So do we do it now before Monday or hope is only a four week shutdown ?
  11. Near my village in france you own the river bed up to the middle but you are also responsible for the bank and that includes any anti flood defences so you get to pay the cost per meter
  12. Worse is the low level nuisance, fires at night, talking and laughing late at night while they are smoking in the garden, music at odd times and dodgy parking and bbqs right outside your window not enough to report but enough to get on your nerves
  13. You can’t get experience from a book. You can kill an industry by making too many regulations to enjoy the operative word here is experience and you can get that by doing sometimes mistakes get punished too harshly but that is life. I earn a living clearing up after people’s mistakes
  14. My only worry is you want pubic money and the public to care but they won’t if they can’t see it Not a huge loss of votes to the government if the funding gets cut then by its nature the Broads are very secretive in its special places but it belongs to the country not us and it will be the country that decide the future Ancient rights can be swept aside easily done by any government with a majority and then your standing on sand so I fight for access for all, crowds and all because if the spark of love for broads is lit then that’s one more person in the army
  15. Yup. A sort of natural selection. Ive encountered this attitude while ditching. Any sort of change, any sort of introduction of anything man made is resisted. The thing about certain aspects of conservation is that it’s cheap, in fashion and attractive to money
  16. I like the idea of pontoons in the middle of nowhere
  17. Moorings oh the moorings as said, larger moorings very hard to find
  18. In my experience of semi governmental organisations is you will like what we give you unless you really make bad publicity and the general public get upset. until then just write strongly worded letters and we will take note and do what we was going to anyway
  19. Brings to mind a post I made several years ago about a couple new to the Broads who turned it in due to the lack of mooring anywhere near where they wanted to go. just ended up going between potter and acle when Richardson’s had a base there. Me and the mrs spent a couple of hours talking with them, found out they never knew about the other boat yards at wroxham they could use and yes, they was sold on the image of just pulling up alongside a pub and eating and apart from the co op in acle and Lathams that was it for supermarkets
  20. As future note, I partition my HD into separate portions, one having just windows on. Normally if anything goes down it just effects the windows partition. Rare in this country but maybe more in the countryside is surges so I run my pc through an anti surge plug. Another idea is to use a usb thumb drive for storage for photo back ups
  21. Ours uses about 3 to 4 amps after start, so my battery is 110 amp and the alternator is 70 amp. so all night operations plus lights and fridge plus tv takes it the battery down to around 70 amps cold weather. Most craft can easily last the night and a couple of hours running on good batteries and all’s well.
  22. Amateur here, if the local sea level is rising, how much would that effect The Broads in terms of drainage speed and level?
  23. Don’t plan. That’s the plan. chances are that Horning will be full then what? we sort of aim for a destination and if say, a gap at Horning, we stop to eat otherwise we got food on board and Wroxham ahead. I guess what I’m trying to say, happy stumbling seems to work better than a plan. Many times moorings are full, bad weather, the full English breakfast have delayed things. I’d rather wonder and wave vaguely in a direction to go. As long as we have eggs and bacon
  24. Don’t be assured of a continuing supply either. Our fleet used to be duel fuel but struggled when several station got rid of gas due to the rise of hybrid and electric cars
  25. Beware of the wood on top of moorings, very slippery when wet. so with that in mind run through mooring routine with crew. electric cards buy plenty. Before shower really warm boat up! if it rains a lot then drying coats will be problem and towels so dry them by hanging them in warm air flow from heating while going along. Your making power so why waste it it rains inside your boat as well so we keep cabin doors open to even out condensation Bring gloves for wet mooring ropes when cooking open a window to let out steam Torches remember them. long cruising runs for hot water and power set that tv Ariel before settling in for night Dew will make outside of boat wet and slippery check for connecting stuff before leaving mooring
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