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Everything posted by floydraser

  1. Blimey, that was a hectic few days! We were disappointed to cancel our first "blow the cowebs out" caravan long weekend due to the storm a week before the Bank Holiday. I have a load of auction bought stuff to clear out but because of the Indian Variant, we still don't fancy the idea of attending car boot sales. So Friday morning Mrs Raser suggests we join the traffic and get some use out of the boat. We arrived eventually at 21.20 but the marina has good lighting so no bother there. No running water until lunchtime Saturday while I sterilise the tanks but again, no real bother. Saturday morning we headed off the Blakeney Quay which we have visited a couple of times and love. Saturday afternoon we were joined by Mrs Raser's sister and husband and alcohol may have been taken. Sunday we visited Wroxham as reported elsewhere, chilled out in the afternoon and had a steady trundle home late evening. This is because we had things to do and Mrs Raser needs to work to keep me in boats. Due to the good weather forecast I decided to return to the boat on Tuesday to carry on with the smelly work required to make it waterproof from the top. As I'm preparing for the trip I get a message from Son No.2: he's found me some more work! B*gger! After 18 months avoiding Covid I thought those around me hadn't noticed and the whole business had been forgotten. Damn. The Electrical Engineer I do the work for would be in the office on Thursday and could I meet him there? OK. I actually did well to avoid working in that office as they did have a bout of Covid go through the place. My Son actually had it as did most of his family but a couple who have worked there for years, and coming up to retirement age both got it really bad. Thankfully, after spells in hospital, both have recovered. Each working visit to the Denham Owl has two parts: one is obviously to get some work done but the second is to plan the work for the next visit. I managed to get some timber into the gaping holes left when I removed the rotten wood last year, and even got to fibreglass over the top to make a stronger, waterproof structure. Then I took some measurements for bits to be made at home for next time. The return of work means I'll be limited to weekend visits to the boat for most of the summer so let's hope the weather patterns are kind...
  2. Hmm, difficult one that. Do any of the squad normally play for Ip***ch? If so, no chance at all near Norwich.
  3. And is she allowed to put it down for a drink at half-time?
  4. The leisure battery on my caravan is now 10 years old but then it hardly does any work. We always have a mains hook up and when not in use it's disconnected. The batteries on the boat are conected as Mark's, via smart charging and shore power. Without the shore power and left connected for alarms, bilge pumps etc I would imagine the battery is earning it's keep a bit more and wouldn't last as long. Luckily though, there are instruments available to monitor or check the condition of a battery to help avoid disasters.
  5. Here's DO 22. This one's a bit different due to Covid and my imagination. In it I announce that I will be aiming to part ways with the Denham Owl sometime during the rest of this mooring period, in other words, before April 2022. Work still carries on though and I will be taking a trip to the Norfolk Records Office to fill in the missing part of the boat's history.
  6. ///vanish.trombone.swaps What3words will get you close.
  7. They do look like an ideal place for launching canoes and the other one being straight, looks like a bathing place. But with the link to the main channel I had my doubts, hence the question on here.
  8. Sorry if I didn't make the irony more visible; I was joking.
  9. We've actually started using the boat for accommodation at last. Who knows, one day it may even move. So for the first time ever, we visited Wroxham this morning (Sunday). Or should they just change the name of the place to Roy's? It's a bit spooky; it's like he's watching you! Anyway, Mrs Raser bought a new dress and a new top from the boutique which wasn't called Roy's but frankly I shouldn't be surprised if he isn't something to do with it somewhere. We did buy a bottle of Whitley Neill Orange Gin from Roy's though, just to help with his cashflow. This caused a massive argument: I insisted the gin should stay on the boat but Mrs Raser said it should come home to be consumed here. I lost of course but I put up a good fight. Good news for all the traders though, there were plenty of people about and loads of youngsters with coolboxes and beer, queuing for day boats. Mrs Raser noticed that some of the young females were slightly under dressed but I was more interested in the scenery like this photo: What are these? They look deserted but at the same time, quite modern???
  10. But doesn't eliminate the postman.
  11. No Griff, this is what you do with a Dutton Phaeton: It starts at 3.16 but keep watching.
  12. I've done both festival and the revival a few years ago but no more I'm afraid. It used to be quite inclusive in the early years but the last time we went, having spent quite a bit on travel etc to be there, VIP passes were needed to get anywhere special.
  13. We nearly treated ourselves to ticking the Monaco GP off our bucket list a few years ago. I'm not sure if they still do but back then, every other year they used to have a Classic GP a week before the main race.
  14. I'm sure by now Griff, you've casually dropped this into a conversation: "Goodness me Darling, what a coincidence. There just happens to be a fine looking shooting club right next to the runway which I think may be open the day after my flight." Obviously translated into Proper Yorkshire.
  15. Look out for this place, it's next to the runway. http://northamptonshootingground.com/
  16. Lovely clock Paul. As a hobby which keeps the grey cells ticking over, it's priceless. But selling them: price would depend on the quality of the clock mechanism in part. A cheapo from China via Ebay or better one via somewhere like Cousins. I can't see if it's varnished but bare wood collects dust and would be a pain to clean after a few months. As Mark says, minimum wage per hour plus materials plus vat and you would have to pay tax on your declared earnings.......
  17. My Brother in law put me right on that one, although I was sort of suspicous and asked him before I even attempted it!
  18. Being from nowhere near Norfolk I would go by whatever Allan Smethurst would say... Best listen to all of his albums; he's bound to mention them all somewhere! And when visiting my boat I turn off the A47 at Postwick.
  19. Large windows, a toilet, the ability to keep most of the water on the outside, no long sticks on the roof with string and flappy bits, especially aluminium sticks with bits of string hanging down that go "ting ting ting" all bloody night in a breeze, no log burner, no potted plants (anywhere on the planet!).
  20. So you build up the mental image with a fine description of the mooring, then shatter it all with the last sentence! Should we have a separate thread for discussing our own underwear? Have a great time!
  21. This reminds me of another famous Monty Python sketch............. Some motoring forums will say that car's onboard computers will always show you around 10% better fuel economy for sales purposes. That said, my diesel Corsa 1.3 has a Fiat based engine and on a good day the 142 miles to Brundall, cruise set to 72mph (shows 69 on the satnav) A14/A11 gets me a score of 74 to 80 mpg. back to the anomolies of the computer though: I have noticed that if I use the same brand of fuel for a while then change, I always get the higher score. Currently averaging only 55 with these short journeys. April 12th we took the Volvo XC90 (2.5 litre 5 cyl) and kept the speed down to around 65 and got 42mpg.
  22. I never knew this stuff existed until I went looking for something to clean the sliding volume controls on an old Bontempi organ: https://www.screwfix.com/p/wd-40-specialist-contact-cleaner-400ml/92716
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