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Everything posted by floydraser

  1. I'm about to experience the second hand market and wondering which way it's going to go; I have my Father in law's Kia Venga to sell but I'm wondering if there is going to be so many cars for sale that prices may drop.
  2. I would think they can if they want to but a decent firm wouldn't want you to. As the vaccine hasn't been established to be 100% effective anyway I doubt any rights about working with unvaccinated people could be established, yet. And by the time it could we will all have been jabbed anyway. I would think you could only express your concerns and hope for a sympathetic ear. Shouldn't be much of a problem anyway so long as all the precautions are taken with regard to social distancing, wearing masks etc. My wife has been working at home for around the same time but has recently started going back into the office one day a week as they try and head towards some kind of normality. I love Wednesdays!
  3. Will Kirby here: https://www.freshwatermarine.co.uk/ He's based in Blofield.
  4. floydraser


    Fair play to the bloke for not being afraid to get out and be seen.
  5. And Ben Edwards has moved on from Channel 4 so we have another voice to get used to.
  6. For the life of me I'll never understand why people have to post anywhere that they are going to do something which may be against the law/guidance or whatever. Why not just get on with it and keep quiet about it? We don't need to know. Unless someone can can give me a constructive argument for doing so, apart from the right to freedom of speech of course. It's the same old same old: 29th March, 12th April and 17th have been clear from the start. Once again as before, people are now interpreting soundbites to justify the agenda that we all want, to be able to go where we want, when we want. We can't. Unfortunately, saying "it's confusing" has become a trend, a trump card. Probably started by the BBC a year ago.
  7. Can't do the 140 mile trip until after 12th. Unless of course, someone would like to get married onboard the Denham Owl next Tuesday? Ok a funeral? Damn, I thought not. Or I could join the list of confused people by claiming to be very confused over the issue of whether or not travelling 140 miles accross 3 counties could be counted as staying local? Looking at the weather forecast for next Tuesday I reckon all the rules will be chucked out of the window. Brace yourselves seaside towns! What do you mean the toilets are closed?
  8. There are so many variations with caravanning, motorhomes and campavans that hiring to try them out is always a good first move. As with boats it seems pricey at first but if it helps prevent very expensive mistakes, that outlay could be justified. Motorhomes have become extremely popular in recent years and there are plenty of sites with bus stops etc. by the entrance as a result. There's also a network of free places here: https://www.britstops.com/
  9. I too used to drive artics. I've had a touring caravan for a long time, kept in secure storage. We have it for reasonably cheap, familiar accomodation rather than being caravan enthusiasts; we only go to larger sites with decent facilities, and only in the summer. We don't wave to other caravanners on the road as all producers of camping tv shows would have us believe! Towing a 'van needs special attention to weight distribution to be safe but after the first few trips it becomes routine, like mooring a boat I guess. Hiring first is a great idea. My advice to new campers is avoid the pennons; anyone with those triangular symbols of the hardcore camping enthusiast are likely to be round your unit like moths! The Bilbos Nexa is VW T6 conversion and would happily sit on our drive. It goes in most normal car parks and contains a clean toilet and stove so no need to stop at services, and tea made with boiling water at any time! We would also have an inflatable tent or awning (haven't decided yet) for longer stays. To this end we'll probably be moving the boat on and the Volvo.
  10. Sheila can't be expected to be at the helm all day. She just nipped below to use the facilities and left Giles at the wheel. I think the producer knew what he was doing and staged it all to get more viewers.
  11. Bilbos Nexa would be our choice, for very long days out and short stays away. However I predict a sharp rise in fuel prices around the beginning of June which may have to be considered. Nothing I've heard or read elsewhere, it's just a traditional time for fuel prices to rise; just before the holiday season and they're already starting to creep up again. Losses to be made up etc.
  12. Sorry. I have never seen it anywhere, it just came from my own sense of humour. By all means remove it, I'll not take offence.
  13. Don't worry about cards, the Covid vaccination contains a tiny chip.... Or a tiny submarine with a tiny Donald Pleasance on board. If you start saying, "I can see, I can see perfectly." then fall over, you'll know why.
  14. I am for, but open minded; if anyone can come up with a very constructive argument against the idea I am open to changing my mind. Blood group, finger print, DNA sample??? Stuff hard to fake.
  15. So the Broads is not a favourite, but people flock there in the summer - must be someone's favourite then. Low score for peace and quiet but high score for wildlife spotting? Maybe someone should tell those rare snails to keep the chuffing noise down! From Which? Would that be the views of subscribers only then? Interesting although of very limited value; I'm trying to think of all the attractions in Northumberland. Beamish, Hartlepool heritage centre.....
  16. If you can still bring yourself to watch the BBC news on TV you can see the pain they endure whenever they have to report that the government made a correct decision. Is it just me or......... Come on, they're not perfect by any stretch of the imagination but it's looking like the may have got it right here.
  17. Do you have any evidence of this, or is this your spin applied to the timing?
  18. Once again here is an argument which seems to be, if in doubt, bash the BA. We don't know who the land owner is or their agenda, but nobody is trying to guess either. It would be very impractical to calculate repairs which would last just to the end of the lease - 6 years. Any repair could and should last way beyond that. So if I were the land owner what could be a better earner than to get some other mug to build me a nice little money maker in the form of ready made moorings? I wouldn't want the BA to waste my toll money to provide someone else with an income thanks. Already seen it with the camping and caravan club where they build a lovely toilet/shower block for the land owner to take the lease back.
  19. So what happens to these moorings in 2027 if the BA cannot renew the lease? Are they abandoned or could the land owner have them as private moorings and charge for their use?
  20. As shown before ages ago, this is the boat parked behind mine. As said somewhere in the OP link, as long as they pay the fees.... Just before lockdown though, the owners turned up and cleaned it!
  21. Provided the blueprint for all motorsport commentary. Probably did more for all motorsport in this country than any other individual.
  22. Yep, MIL had her second jab, wife had to wait 10 minutes while they changed over from Pfizer to A-Z but they did it. Again, thanks to all the car park marshalls who are getting intermittent drownings followed by a cold blow dry.
  23. My wife had her letter from the NHS last week but the centres were all too far away for convenience so she decided to wait for the surgery to get in touch. We have already taken my MIL to the local jab centre via the surgery and are taking her back tomorrow for seconds, so we know the set up. My wife nearly gave up and booked a distant one but then this afternoon she got a text from the surgery and she was able to book an appointment at the local place tomorrow, 2 hours after her Mum! Will we be asking the obvious question when we get there? I very much think so....
  24. A really nice, well presented Freeman. Good luck with the sale.
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