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Everything posted by floydraser

  1. A relative flies indoor planes similar to this: https://www.tjdmodels.com/multiplex-funnycub-indoor-edition-00888-p-30496.html?cPath=12_29_79&page=2 The radio gear is tiny. Without looking into it I wonder if it's possible to fix it to the deck without spoiling the originality. The hull is hollow so it would fit inside but with a lot of work. I was lucky at the auction. Without viewing you would think people wouldn't want to pay too much for things but they do sometimes; you have to set your limit and stick to it. It cost me £25 with fees but it's a hobby and for that you pay. I'm already starting to get my money's worth though, with this thread and the video! I'll be doing videos of the other stuff I bought at auction and so far there's an accordion, two cuckoo clocks, a back rest and a trumpet!
  2. Thanks again Chris. I see now that Sheringham is actually shown on the links page of the website, I just did't look!
  3. I thought this subject may provoke a bit of interest! I'm a bit late because Friday morning is my running around after relatives time. I wasn't actually present at the auction, it was live but online and no previous viewing was allowed. Here's the one and only pic from the online catalogue: As you can see it looks a bit sad and I guessed there was only one sail. There should be a stand but from the faded paint you can see where it went. No radio control but with the tiny systems they use for indoor model planes I wonder if it's possible to retro fit it without spoiling the lines? Chris is of course spot on, she's an SB-5. SB being Super Bermuda. I thought it would be a bit of fun to have with the Grandchildren if it came in cheap enough which it did, but now as with the Denham Owl, I have accidentaly bought something of a classic! There is loads of interesting and informative stuff about these yachts here: http://www.birkenheadstaryachts.co.uk/index.htm I have already downloaded sail plans and sent a video link to the contact address. I have just had very long and informative email reply from a Gent who informs me these are getting very hard to find and it dates between 1972 and 1980. There's a list of boating ponds I don't remember seeing Sheringham on there, thanks for that Chris. So I'll most likely video the work on it but I'm not sure I should show the links here anymore as I'm well and truly intimidated by grendel's skills.
  4. All I did was scratch my nose at the local auction, and came away with this:
  5. Well as I notice in the pic it has your initials on it, you can over-rule all of us.
  6. How on Earth did the helmsman see past that bow?
  7. Ouch. This reminds me of two years ago when we brought the Denham Owl from Bowling to Brundall. The first bit was from the end of the Forth & Clyde up the River to Clyde Boatyard. I was "somewhat scared" of meeting something rather large and my nerves weren't helped by the engine temperature guage approaching max! Thankfully we only had to wave to a small sailing boat.
  8. Agreed but I think we should also tip our hats in the direction of the excellent engineering which provides the design and reliability of modern cars. Lewis himself is always first to acknowledge the team behind him. I often wonder how many more races would have been won by Nigel Mansell had his Ferraris been more reliable during the turbo years. Same goes for other drivers too I guess.
  9. My point is that any group of people in an organisation will naturally form cliques and will want to recruit one of their own. In that respect the BA is no different to anywhere else and we shouldn't be surprised.
  10. Bet you do. How many times have you seen Calendar Girls?
  11. But isn't that just the way with every organisation, management, political party and even the committee of your local golf/tennis/wild west/model aeroplane club, and the WI?
  12. It will be a bit of a concern if the trend continues. Insurers are not brave risk takers; I remember how our house insurance went up after the '87 hurricane.
  13. I wonder if they would pay my travelling expenses from Leicestershire? Hmm... where do I sign?
  14. floydraser


    Here's a challenge: see if you can weedle this argument into the Great Canal Journeys thread without me noticing....
  15. floydraser


    Marina owners did whatever they did to conform to the rules/guidance and help stop the virus, not to rip anyone off. It wouldn't be fair to bring in any kind of retrospective "penalty". Anyway, as has been suggested regarding tolls, they would recoup their losses with higher chargers in the future. That said I would hope the better marinas would express their gratitude towards their loyal customers in some small way; I prefer red wine in my hamper please Sam.
  16. Well you've seen grendel and Vaughans efforts at crafting skills; they are Premier League. Look here for a taste of life down in the Conference! This is mainly about the fitting of the mains electric water heater. Big news is that I may be moving the boat from the Broads back to Farndon Marina on the Trent. Farndon was my first choice when I bought the Owl a couple of years ago but they couldn't squeeze me in. It was Cal's thread about the Soar that made me think it may be a good idea to enquire and at the moment the sums all look good.
  17. And I don't think you are going to do any of that. I think that like me, you have noticed the trend of posting an attention seeking story of how one has/intends to break the law (or am I?) or go against the spirit of guidance followed by their own justification for same. There was one about bulk buying bog rolls I remember. I think it's because people have exhausted all the arguments in this thread and there's little chance of anyone changing their point of view. But we all have the right of free speech and expressing it here, including boring, pointless stuff is good for our mental health and well-being. So is it possible to remove this thread from the latest thread list to make way for more productive/entertaining threads? Anyone wishing to carry on can do so via the follow mechanism.
  18. Agreed. I recently celebrated getting rid of mine!
  19. A word of caution on freezer kits and isolation: I used a freezer kit - perfect. I used another one and being over confident, must have done something not quite right and it thawed! The main isloator to the house had seized up and we had a flood. Severn Trent were useless and we ended up hammering a pipe flat to stop the water. Lesson: check the main isolator first! But by grendel's normal standard of work, I imagine his copper pipes shine like a ship's engine room!
  20. Green issues, ah I love the hypocrisy we have to ignore to be fashionable! Electric cars don't seem to have gone through a development phase in terms of economy; they've come straight in with the emphasis on fashion and marketing. Can you buy a real eco model without electric windows, door mirrors etc. Self opening /closing tailgate anyone? I understand an Audi option is door “mirrors” which are actually tiny cameras with an hd screen! And where do we get the stuff to make the batteries and where do we dump it when the battery is dead? How much are new batteries? Why does a service on an electric car cost so much? Having had 3 cars from new, 3 different makes, I think I'm pretty close to the truth when I say they hardly do much anyway! Electric cars are a licence to print money on the back of the environmental ticket. Unless things have changed, for me to do the 280 mile round trip to the boat and back I would have to recharge an electric away from home, the cost of which would make it more pricey than diesel. To keep costs down I would have to get just enough charge to get me home. But then I wouldn't be able to use the car for 8 hours. We won't have the capacity to generate the required power because we chucked away our nuclear power industry for the sake of political correctness. We didn't want smelly coal fired power stations but neither did we trust the nuclear industry. Now we're having to try and tempt foreign expertise to come over and help us out.
  21. +1 for a memory foam topper. Check thickness along with price before buying; cheaper ones can be so because they are thinner. I would go for 50mm. The last one I bought from Aldi was too thin. Having previously bought one of theirs, they had kept the price the same but made them thinner!
  22. I'm not sure what you mean; the Nun's taught me to keep away from boys like that.
  23. Now that's my evening sorted: searching Youtube!
  24. Well I don't know much about the breeding habits of fish or the ecology of the Broads but even I can predict there'll be an inquiry into who is responsible for this outrage. And inline with other inquiries it will be strung out so that we get the results just after the last of the people responsible has topped up their retirement funds and got their bus pass, or snuffed it!
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