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Everything posted by floydraser

  1. I bought 12 from Brian Wards at the start of lock down on special offer. No forum discount as they were already discounted but they did store them for me until convenient for me to collect. I bought the ropes for them from Rotomarine via Ebay, very nicely spliced and whipped.
  2. I also watched the screen while joking with the nurse and technician about a TV documentary from the previous evening. But that's just me. I was however, in awe of these people who choose to do this work for a career and afterwards I made a point of telling them all so. My serious point remains though; don't upset NHS staff.
  3. Which is why there are more and more cctv cameras in hospitals, and rightly so. I don't wish to make light of the issue but that woman needs a colonoscopy then she may realise that these are NOT the people you should be rude to.
  4. Ladies and Gentlemen. I am proud and pleased to announce that the human waste transfer pipe has been successfully replaced. Done done done done done! I was so chuffed I nearly passed me fags round! Video to follow but for anyone contemplating a similar experience here are the details. Remember science lessons where you had to write up theory, method and conclusions? Firstly, it was no-where near as foul as one may imagine. In fact, the worse bit of it all was contorting this ageing frame into varying positions and discovering muscles I didn't know I had. I rehearsed the procedure, pretty much as Edward Woodward must have rehearsed for Callan years before me. I made a damn across the bilge as an insurance against anything non-liquid blocking the bilge pump. I used an old, small curtain; small because I would have bring it out wet and bag it. I decided the best way to remove the old pipe was to cut it into sections short enough to go straight into a wheelie bin bag – rechargeable multi-tool a Godsend here. I chopped through the first bit and.... water came out, in a trickle. Well what did you expect? In preparation I had treated the tank with Odourlos and put the same into the toilet and half flushed it to treat the pipe. Leave for three weeks and pump just water through the pipe. When I cut it the smell was there but by no means foul, although I could almost hear Old Berkshire Boy shouting, “Put that ******* mask on!”, so I did. I let it trickle as a gush may have dislodged something. When the trickle stopped (40mm x 4m should be about 5 litres; any more and I was emptying the tank! There wasn't much) I started chopping the pipe up. I couldn't believe the jubilee clip came off easily, then the pipe slid easily off the inlet. The toilet end was a bit more stubborn but I won in the end. The pipe route goes from the toilet into the bilge under the galley floor and that's where I started fitting the new pipe; one way through two bulkheads to the tank, and the other, up the inside of the hull to the toilet. That was the worst bit of the job as the hole for the pipe to pass under the shower tray was a tight fit, about 18inches out of reach and the new pipe wanted to curl up! That's probably why the previous bloke chopped the pipe and put stainless joining piece in, which I thought would encourage blockages. A heat gun on the pipe followed by much cursing with my head and right arm in the bilge got the job done. I removed the joker valve housing and it was even clean inside there! Having fitted the tank end I pulled the rest through and realised I'd over ordered by just over a metre. Better than being short but an expensive waste using top Leesan pipe: nearly half a bottle of Adnams whisky! Connections made, I removed the damn and flushed the bilge with freshwater (Odourlos is marine safe BTW) and a splash of white vinegar, double bagged all the waste bits and had a beer! Now I can think about cosmetic tidying of the fridge surround and toilet plinth but the focus is now on the outside.
  5. Unless someone can show otherwise (and I'm sure they will if they can!) I don't remember anyone campaigning for those minutes to be released, so the BA did it of their own decision. Similarly, I don't remember anyone campaigning for the reductions in VAT on food and holidays, again something the government came up with themselves? I think the support needed may well be there when needed in both cases and I'm prepared to believe that someone somewhere has their feet on the ground, even if it only because they have little option!
  6. I don't think a rise in tolls would be anything of a shock to us, any more than a rise in petrol/diesel car tax, bus/train fares etc as a result of Covid. The document is easily available out there originating from the BA website, I managed to find it easily enough in a rather obvious place.
  7. This is part of the agenda for this Thursday's Navigation Committee meeting I believe. Nothing frightening there and anyone employed by the BA would find it reassuring that their jobs are relatively secure.
  8. Can anyone see the rules anywhere? We got "I've always understood" and "I think" and "perhaps" but nothing solid. I've just tried to find reference to toll exemptions and drawn a blank. That's not saying they're not there; I only found about the Winter Layup Tarrif by accident when I rang the BA. Glad I did, it saved me a lot of money! If there is such an exemption then you should be safe as long as the proof is there that the boat was genuinely up for sale. It could be that a BA inspector called and couldn't see a for sale sign. I've always found the BA office staff to be a friendly bunch and easy to deal with. Pleas let us know how it goes.
  9. Back when there were only 3 or 4 channels, as Sky kicked off and there was talk of multiple channels, some people were predicting a dramatic drop in the quality of broadcasts. The BBC has eventually given in to market forces and now tries to compete. I also remember comedians at the time making jokes about Sky only having very few subscribers.
  10. But if this forum was formed on the basis of one particular issue, then we should all know what it is so that we may make informed choices about were we want to be. Or would you be scared of losing a lot of members? I looked into both forums and guessed something had gone on. We're British; spats are what we are good at. Just about every village in England has two clubs/societies of the same ilk due to spats. Good old democracy for you: 52/48 wow let's form another country! I just wish we could debate without having to stoop to this; I thought we were above it.
  11. Help me here MM, I'm trying to read what's in between the lines but the print's a bit small.
  12. I hope your father and Mr Blofeld are somewhere having shaken hands; let's leave them resting in peace and not drag them into it. But you keep quoting history and the future is out of your hands.
  13. And your point is?? Yes and I remind you that when it comes down to a vote, you and PW get just one vote each, as do I. And there you go again taking a knife do Dr Packman. You could of course join the other forum and discuss all this in great detail with the man himself, but you would rather stay here. And in another thread there was quite a derogatory slant towards the Blofeld family history. How would you feel if Dr Packman or Mr Blofeld started slagging off the memory of your father? I think you should realise that your father's influences have now gone and you're not going to get it back by posting on this forum. The way you conduct yourselves is not inspiring a vast army of followers. And please don't remind my about your secret army of Instawappfacetwit followers hiding in the bushes waiting for the word to strike!
  14. This thread came to welcome stuttering halt with the prospect of the restructuring of the broads. Nothing's changed. Yes you have the right to express an opinion, no I don't have to read it, "are you saying ....?" Same old forum cliches used as an excuse for hitting the keyboard. Soo boring and preditctable... Oh I almost forgot, don't forget to like like like your Buddies posts in support to show you're in the gang.
  15. No. Once the bullies realise you're not going to be bullied, they stop. Yes, just like school children.
  16. Oh dear...strap yourselves in everybody; here we go again..... Good point though Cheesey.
  17. New members have easy access to all the threads and can easily see which are currently being debated. No need to keep bringing up old ones which have been comprehensively debated previously, just for the sake of it. New members may well wonder who you mean be "we". Don't include me in that; "we" are not in some kind of army. When I was a new member round here I got the impression from certain people that if I didn't share their opinion on this issue, I wasn't welcome to voice one.
  18. No, I mean let's stop regurgitating old cr*p about a futile ongoing argument which acheives nothing but degrades any value this forum has. We've just a nice period free from this, with positive reports about people actually enjoying the broads. The quote above is recycled from 2010 for God's sake!
  19. This is the kind of stupid thing I would be likely to do: As I hardly ever run my engine I would probably suffer brain-fade and forget to open the raw water inlet valve...... But that's just me.
  20. I wonder how much money/travel/environment is wasted every night just after 10 when for some reason, to report on what happened in Westminster today, it can only be reported by some poor s*d standing outside Westminster? If they employed faster pigeons maybe they could the text back to the studio in time?
  21. Such an awful tradgedy for this young family. But as a lorry driver for many years I always had the fear of being first at the scene of any accident and I also feel for those witnesses and members of the rescue services who will also bear mental scars for a very long time.
  22. I can't let this go without saying a big thanks to Vaughan for this information. It's extremely usefull to those of us with big old grp boats. A hopefully constructive note on forum posts: in the future, this thread will be harder to find due to it's title; it is just the kind of thread people with engine mounting problems would be looking for.
  23. Excellent point but those of us with older boats which may have not been cleaned properly for a while could do with idea for what we can use to loosen limescale and stains. At home I use citric acid every so often but I'm guessing that's a no no in the holding tank?
  24. What a shame and a wasted opportunity. Plenty of moorings to attract boats, especially for summer evenings, and plenty of room for a kids play area. Once people are there both the pub and windpump would benefit. But then it seems an odd place for a temple of any relegion.
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