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Everything posted by Bernard

  1. Thank you, I did email them with my thoughts on their complete disregard for other users of the broad.
  2. The Hickling saftey boat came past today doing 10-12 mph causing a huge wash on what was already a choppy day on Hickling, had to turn into it to ride it in a small boat the best I could, was picking up the marker buoys at the end of the day an emergency?
  3. Potter Web cam is working, still coming through.
  4. May also be good 'real' training for the helicopter crew, getting people off a boat who may or may not have actually needed rescuing but dealing with actual people in a real low risk situation
  5. The boat has been removed and is back in the shed drying out.
  6. The bloke putting these videos on YouTube is a pain in the backside, his fishing ones are awful, worst handling of fish you will see, cares more about the likes etc, gets offered advice but just deletes it.
  7. Purposely snapping lines leaving them in the water, not the cleverest move. Also damaging someone's tackle is no different to what happened to the boat at Neitishead, mindless vandalism, but one of them seems to be ok here.
  8. It was closed a couple of weeks ago when we hoped to stop for a pint.
  9. Bernard


    Heard rumours there is a seal on Hickling Broad, don't know how true, just wondering if anybody else has heard anything.
  10. Roughly how far does the salt tide come up the Bure on a normal summer tide?
  11. Why not put some sort of lock gate either side of the bridge(s), get 3 of 4 boats in both sides then pump the water out to give 7'6" or so clearance take the boats through open the gates and off you go. Just need a good investor.😅
  12. My friend went on countdown a few years ago and said how lovely Rachel and Susie were, happily taking cups of tea to contestants and chatting with them backstage.
  13. Bernard

    River Booms.

    It was installed after several tons of fish were killed after getting trapped by a salt tide, certainly not shutting the door after the horse has bolted.
  14. https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-norfolk-58910204
  15. I met this on the Ant, had no trouble passing on one of the narrower sections, was lovely to see, seemed to be making good headway so the only people I can see it annoying are those that the speed limits don't seem to apply to.
  16. Here is the small step at the bottom, not too bad, just take it slow.
  17. The top of the slipway was redone a couple of years ago so no longer rough, just the small drop at the end now, sides could do with some attention though.
  18. I used this last week to launch my 14ft dinghy, there is about a 4" step at the end of the concrete slip which didn't cause me any problems, just take it very slow, the sides are a little rough. Be careful though as it was very slippery as soon as youn put a foot into the water.
  19. Barton broad now at its highest recorded level. https://flood-warning-information.service.gov.uk/station/6216?direction=u
  20. Sutton is a great slipway but if your boat is of any size you might want to give the yard a ring first as there is often boats moored along it, struggled getting a dingy in before.
  21. Have a picture of the Blackheath (I think) going through reedham in the late 90s heading to Cantley, will try and find it.
  22. Will catfield Dyke be open at weekends like meadow dyke or completely shut 24/7?
  23. Lessingham star has a large beer garden, also a campsite behind it now!
  24. Bernard


    Last time I saw it was with the sunken thing on the sutton/stalham cut through.
  25. I may have just got back from there after a couple of fine pints.
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