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Everything posted by NorfolkNog

  1. Great pictures JF, thanks for sharing Not sure about the little French number though
  2. Just a bit of a further update. The last few moulds were either sold off or cut up. They remaining ones included the Pearl 38 and an Ocean 31 and a Broom 29 as Clive mentioned. It is understood that a company in Ireland bought some of the moulds. However the good news is that the Broom 29 moulds (which turned into a Haines 29) have been bought by Swancraft (Shadow) and they intend to produce these again. So, if you are the market for a top quality build......... (now where's that lottery ticket)
  3. That is the worry of course but lets keep fingers crossed!
  4. Couldn't agree more as I'm sure we all would. Trouble is property developers are not keen on tradition or people unfortunately.
  5. Yes, I think MM has summed it up very well, unfortunately. I believe the owners now are property developers and the only thing these kind of people are interested is making maximum profit regardless of the human or environmental cost. I think as others have said the hire boats are probably just a smoke screen, it would be easy to sell them off if needed I would imagine. Just think how many 'luxury apartments' they could cram into that river frontage. I feel for the people losing their jobs and hope they can find something else.
  6. Just thought this was a good follow up showing an actual launch Acknowledgements to Hunters of course but as they published it in the public domain I hope they won't mind
  7. Thanks JM I was quite intrigued!
  8. As the title suggests. I nicked the picture from Twitter (sure Hunters won't mind) So come on you saileys I'm guessing it's some sort of wax or tallow concoction
  9. Must agree with Simon, two to 4 berths are quite thin on the ground, particularly newer ones. Swancraft were one of the few yards to build several new smaller boats. It could be down to economics, they probably make more money from hiring bigger boats. I think its also true that the punters want more and more luxury which is maybe why FL tend to build upwards to create more space. The Brooms and the Ferry boats seem to follow this trend. Personally I'd have a low airdraft Alpha any day of the week but that's just me!!!!
  10. I think we will get more as the season gets underway. I've got quite a few 'library' photos which I'll browse through. Of course the snow makes even ordinary photos look good. I've kicked myself numerous times for not going up Riverside Road to photograph Pulls Ferry in the snow. I was in Norwich on 28th Feb and could easily have gone up there. You just don't think at the time. Anyway here's a couple from February to get the ball rolling. I don't think they are especially good though but its a start!!
  11. Yep, great write up and lovely pics. Thanks for sharing. Best time to be out when its quiet!!
  12. I play drums. Not brilliantly but I enjoy it. Problem is I don't drive so might have problems lugging my kit on the train! I do know an excellent keyboard player and singer too.............
  13. I'll try to write up more when I get a minute Basically the Southern Broads are generally quieter and well worth visiting. Problems at Norwich are not as common as you might think, just maybe avoid Friday and Saturday when it gets a bit lively on the nearby Prince of Wales road.
  14. I'm pretty sure that the moorings are not part of the pub. Back in the day the BA ranger used to be around there, I think this is confirmed by the fence which had been erected in recent years clearly separating the pub garden and the Quay. A couple of barges and a Broom seem to be fairly regular fixtures there now so I'm not sure what the status of these moorings are.
  15. I've always liked the Ship and invariably call in every time we are on the Broads. The beer garden was always one of my favourite places although the view is a bit obscured now with the large boats which appear to have taken up residence. Popular with the locals too. My only reservation is with the real ale which has been a little disappointing on my recent visits. Otherwise good pub.
  16. http://www.broads-authority.gov.uk/boating/navigating-the-broads/urgent-boating-information/breydon-water-channel-marker-replacement-works
  17. I use these guys quite a bit Fast delivery and no minimum order https://www.cricklewoodelectronics.com/
  18. Thanks Jean, the trains were a bit chaotic but we got back safely. Hasn't put us off next February though! I just feel so sorry for folks who had holidays booked for this week. You don't expect conditions like this in March!
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