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Everything posted by NorfolkNog

  1. Apologies if this has been covered before and I've not been paying attention! We moored at what was Moonfleet for some water. We noticed there was empty space on their Quay so Mrs Nog went to make enquiries. They very kindly said we could moor there for a few hours as Richardsons looked very full. Nice woodie being slipped too. But I just wondered, what the form is, is it a takeover, have Moonfleet/Richardsons sold out?
  2. Take care Timbo and get well soon Best wishes from me and Mrs N
  3. Bit like that here in Beccles Grace White stuff coming down but not settling (yet)
  4. It does seem that the Broads must be one of the few areas to have escaped Reedham, St Olaves, nothing apart from plenty of rain!!!
  5. That's interesting. No snow at St Olaves, just freezing rain. Mind you if it had fallen as snow it would be quite thick by now. I think it gets warmer tomorrow.
  6. I've got loads from 2010 Snow was forcast for today but it's just raining (in Reedham at least)
  7. It's high in Potter too. Just about topping the moorings. We've gone in Herby Woods yard.
  8. You do get a few boats out in December, the honey pot moorings, basically Horning and Ranworth get used a bit particularly around the electric posts. JA's advice is sound, it is best to get some cruising in to charge batteries.,
  9. Mrs Nog has this hidden away  I wonder what would happen if it fell overboard accidently ..................
  10. For any new members who haven't seen this before, check out Carol's superb version of this Christmas classic. Blows away Kylie's version
  11. Bridgecraft have acquired another ex Alphacraft, I think that might be the one.
  12. I think it's definitely Acle but looks to me like outside the shop with the old Anchorcraft in the background (ie not the Bridge Inn). Happy to be proven wrong of course. Bit of a topic drift........... Now where's that spare 23 grand I had tucked under the mattress..........
  13. Some information about what's on at the Lion over the festive period. Looks good Apologies for the quality, nicked from social media
  14. .....or you could have a word with Paul at Swancraft (Brundall) . One of our sponsors, ad at the side here with contact number. Good facilities.
  15. “This, the applicants argue, would result in positive economic benefits for the village by securing existing employment.” That's very interesting. Presumably the economic benefits cited would be the boat building business although I don't suppose it would be legally binding. The cynic in me thinks they might take the profits but let's wait and see! I bet it doesn't include any affordable housing. Isn't there some mechanism where councils can attach conditions, for example including play facilities in the scheme? Be interesting to see how it pans out. If officers have recommended approval I don't think it's a given that it will get passed.
  16. Aw thank you Grace, you're a sweetheart Sorry, that was from last year However watch this space............. Sorry CC, don't want to interupt your thread
  17. Not quite empty Jean but it would have been apart from us! Magical.
  18. Same offer in the Lion as well Top notch beer too
  19. Hot from the EDP http://www.edp24.co.uk/news/environment/flooded-broads-road-leads-to-loss-of-business-and-safety-concerns-1-5291500
  20. Thanks for the update. Lovely building, hope it can be restored OK
  21. Top bloke, I had a drink with him a couple of times
  22. We tend to shower on the move, rather than first thing, when the boat has warmed up. Marshman has a point, you don't strictly need a full shower every day, a good wash will usually suffice! The taps are left on at Reedham but they take the hoses away. You can even fill with a bucket, been there, done that! We've never had a problem with Swancraft, Bridgecraft, Herbert Woods or Faircraft Loynes crossing Breydon. There's no reason why you can't but might be a good idea to check just in case. But I agree, it's a magical time to be on the river.
  23. Sad but true. You'll never find a drop of booze on my boat!
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