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Everything posted by NorfolkNog

  1. I don't know what the air draught of Swan Ranger is off hand but I would be very surprised if it won't get under Ludham. If you don't get through I'll drink a pint of John Smiths!
  2. Quality Swancraft fit out As MM says levels should drop, I'm sure you'll be OK Please keep us posted!
  3. I would have also recommended Swancraft like a shot. certainly worth a call although I suspect the OP is looking for something a bit more basic. Could be wrong though, I often am!
  4. diito Agreed, wear a lifejacket and watch your step! Mind you, I sometimes have a slight wobble on after a couple of sherbets, double extra care needed!!!
  5. I'm guessing Trev is looking something fairly simple rather than full boatyard facilities (but I could be wrong of course) thinking the likes of Langley or Hardley dyke perhaps? I don't know who to contact unfortunately. Oulton Broad maybe or even Beccles?
  6. I'm sure you'll be fine! its probably more due to the wind direction in the North Sea and the moon. looks like rain on Friday but I don't think it has so much effect. The tidal variation isn't quite as severe on the Northern rivers I don't think. If the worst comes to the worst you can always moor at Neatishead and spend the time in the White Horse
  7. Hi Neil I can understand and sympathise. I have an idea that naming and shaming is discouraged by the Mods particularly when a specific craft is identified. I think also the standard advices to report the matter to the BA. Having said that, been there, got the T shirt, so I can empathise.  PS didn see the post so just guessing
  8. If only! Not until December I'm afraid I'll certainly check it out though
  9. Nice one. If I read it correctly, there should be around 6' 7" showing at the Bridge currently.
  10. Glad you enjoyed the Dog Simon, excellent pub (IMHO of course)
  11. I'm no expert by any means but I would have thought you would have a decent chance to get through at that with reasonable river levels. We got through in May with Tower Bridge which is 'plated' at 7 feet although I think its more like 6' 10'' There was room to spare too. Just a thought.
  12. I can appreciate the goldfish bowl bit!! We have moored there in the past, its handy certainly. I'm sure someone has moored at Sabena - just can't remember who. Could give them a bell. https://www.sabenamarine.co.uk/contact-us.html Summercraft certainly another option but a fair walk from the centre. I've never heard of anyone actually managing a mooring at Barnes - I don't think they make it very easy! Is there the odd mooring on the café/dayboat bit just next to Hotel Wroxham?
  13. Assuming the ten quid at the Hotel Wroxham is not an option I seem to remember someone mentioned that its possible to moor at what used to be Sabena - I assume its private moorings now. Don't know any details. Faircraft Loynes is definitely a no no - they wont allow private craft. Tricky one.
  14. I'll second that - excellent pub, always a favourite with me and Mrs N They are in the Good Beer Guide this year too
  15. that's true, the worst bit is where the channel is narrowest. You get the under tow at Yarmouth as well which seems to make it worse.
  16. You don't say which day you hope to go through Yarmouth but the earlier in the week the better I would think. The tide will be going down from around 10 to midday depending on when you go. I think it would be possible, not ideal and as others have said you could end up against the tide crossing Breydon although this is not as bad as going against the tide up the Bure. You just need to be very careful approaching Yarmouth and check the bridge height carefully. Don't forget you need to get back too and the 'window' is closing all the time. At that time of year the daylight is fading fast too. You might be better putting it off until another time when the tides are more favourable. Don't forget on the return trip the next safe mooring after Yarmouth is Stracey Arms. Maybe just stay North and relax!! Good luck whatever you decide though.
  17. The tides aren't particularly favourable that week. If you go through around low tide or slack water it will be dark. Same in the morning. As Neil suggests - if you must do it, try splitting the trip. You could even moor at Berney Arms so as to leave crossing Breydon as late as possible. Having said that 8 feet isn't a huge amount, so as long as you avoid high tide you may be OK but is just depends on water levels on the day. Looks to be spring tides so the rise and fall will be greatest. Not easy, if it were me, I would leave it as late as possible going through Yarmouth to allow enough time to moor up for the evening. Good luck!
  18. Aw, just a thought. Hope you get sorted.
  19. Yes, pump out is self service - you buy a 10 quid token for the machine from the reception. Fuel, you need to find a member of staff to serve you (interesting) they give you a chitty to take to the reception and pay. Try Swancraft
  20. Good point Neil. I know Swancraft definitely do. Otherwise Goodchilds, maybe Hippersons at Beccles? Pacific maybe would too?
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