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Everything posted by marshman

  1. And of course, if you are going to stay on the Broads and rivers all those three things are absolutely vital - not!! And more importantly, will add little to the resale value!!! Its a bit different if you intend going to sea when they would actually be used - and of course other things you have not mentioned!! On the Broads - of passing interest only!!!
  2. And of course, the big problem is that the BA don't even own the banks on which the trees grow!!! As always its the EA who have to have a final say and I believe at some stage, even the Forestry Commission (or whatever it is!!) also manage to get their nose in the trough at some stages - but don't quote me on that!!!
  3. Perhaps they could alternate the use of the bed!! I would be far more interested in the performance and condition and viability of the boat - rather than prioritising the sleeping arrangements!!! That would be very secondary - given that these are boats designed specifically for use on the Broads I am sure the OP will be well aware there are design constraints and it is not like a motor cruiser where you can pick what you like - there will be many other design issues relative to the accommodation which will take some getting used to, rather than where you want a kip!!! Space will still be very much at a premium!!! I would also reiterate the comments of Chris B as to these boats - I have sailed many boats on the Broads and offshore and there is not any experience quite like sailing something like this! They are very powerful and when I returned Womack Classic to Colin, who I know well and commented on it, he said, you should try that design with a full rig!!!! At the time, I had my son with me, and he can handle a boat too, and the two of us had no issues, but these boats are not really for novices and you can easily underestimate the power that area of sail can provide in anything more than a breeze. Please do not let me put you off, you could be exceptionally experienced offshore and in a dinghy and very capable but anything like that will give you a bit of a thrill, especially in a decent breeze!!!!
  4. That is the link I posted - same one so it should work!!!!
  5. You have forgotten the best two - Womack Classic from Colin Buttifant! His boats are very good indeed! http://www.swallowtailboats.co.uk/hirefleet.html Often overlooked but real quality here as well. Both yards anything other than run of the mill!! https://www.broadssailingholidays.co.uk/boat-hire Good old fashioned diesels - be warned though, those bigger sailing boats are powerful old boats!!!
  6. Don't forget that in the newer boats, all grey water will probably be going into the tanks as well!!
  7. Has to be ash! Plenty around!!
  8. Why is diesel different prices?
  9. Its a good job we don't test for every other infectious diseases as well or the whole economy would collapse with no one able to work in case they pass it on. Its a bit sad to see it hitting the public sector so very badly - somehow the big companies in the private sector seem to be able to cope! Surprised the supermarkets are managing to keep open and the tanker drivers seemingly coping too!
  10. Perhaps all the people off have been told to get a positive PCR or they will have to go back to work
  11. Andrew - pressure is just one factor affecting tides!! Last week pressure was high and little wind and it was still high! You have to remember that the Bure in particular drains a large area of Norfolk, as indeed do the Wensum and the Yare. In addition big spring tides due this week will cause "blocking" so I don't see the water going anywhere quickly I am afraid.
  12. You don't really need a scope - well not if the webcam is working!!!!
  13. Hi Vaughan, going to test your memory here!! Are you sure the pond was down behind Southgates Yard 'cos there is still a pond, not used for shooting these days of course, at the other end of the village in the marshes behind what is now Clives new yard. Toddle off through the woods at the back of his and go down towards the old wind pump and its almost opposite Cockshoot Dyke. Been down there a few times but it is fearfully wet in that area - looking from the aerial photos its now looks pretty brown and turgid - perhaps it needs mud pumping!
  14. In this type of environment everyone always complains prices are too high and then proclaim that they will buy when the inevitable glut hits the market and will buy when prices are lower!! I have had boats for years and I have news for you guys waiting - you will wait forever for prices to fall ! In all the years I have had boats , the price of "Broads" type boats never really falls back and the reason for that is that demand always exceeds supply. OK there may be times when prices slow down or perhaps trend marginally down but there is almost always a demand for that type of boat. Even 25 years ago fleets were shrinking and new boats coming off the stocks were limited - its even more limited these days with literally in overall terms only a handful of new boats being built annually, continuing this shortage that has been evident for many years. Perhaps I am wrong but don't hold your breath for boat prices to fall back to the levels YOU think they should be!!
  15. Agree with that! In fact the number of s/h boats seems quite low - excluding of course the high powered toys! The boats are for sale but only for the right price - NBS had an overpriced Benmore on their books year after year and sold it eventually! If they don't sell then they go back into the fleet! Just a way of helping cash flow but few bargains to be had I am afraid.
  16. It affects different people differing ways - or not at all! Never had one reaction to any of the three - probably water they put in me!!
  17. I believe they might have said they will not do that now.
  18. marshman


    Not heard it but would not be surprised - they pop up all over the place every now and again!
  19. As far as MV is concerned, it will probably be regarded as a hollow victory - to be able to win only with the help of the Race Director will hardly endear him to his fellow drivers, several of whom have been openly critical of the tactics and the way the events unfolded. Ah well, you make your bed and lie on it - he will never be regarded as a worthy victor of the 2021 World Championship and I suspect the whole team will impacted. A little phrase from the past comes to mind, and you can include Christian Horner and Red Bull in this - cheats never prosper! Perhaps a bit harsh but thats what happened - a worthy World Champion? I think not, outside of the Netherlands,I guess!
  20. Sadly by actually engineering a result, they will have driven more real fans away - I suspect the reverse was the intention to encourage a silly spectacle and in the long term they could drive more away than they could have attracted! I suspect less people will watch next year, knowing it is effectively fixed!
  21. Of course Jean - just testing!!!!!!!
  22. There is shed loads of bleak and miserable news around ,so lets post something brighter. Tomorrow sunset here is at 16.37 and after that, it will get no darker in the evenings - indeed after a couple of days or so it will start to get lighter!!!! Its not the shortest day 'cos the angle of the dangle relating to the Earth means it gets darker in the morning until early January but I for one will be pleased to see even a tiny improvement in the evening as I know what that presages! Spring - eventually!!!!!
  23. Naval patrols still do but thats not newsworthy!! Like many others, I too support the RNLI, and am pleased they rescue all those in peril if needed. There was quite a lot in the papers sometime ago about others following a small few who withdrew their support - I was quite pleased to read the post by the OP suggesting it is not an option but a legal requirement. I am sitting here next to my warm radiator and cannot believe the danger and privation some of these people go through because of their circumstances - they are not all worthless people, with many being qualified individuals and whilst we do take some that actually make their way here, its nothing to refugees taken in by some other European countries. We have always through the ages relied on immigrants of all creeds and colours to do jobs we do not want to do, and I do not think it appropriate to try and influence the RNLI just to ignore them.
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