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Everything posted by Hylander

  1. http://www.earthcamtv.com/index.p It is called Eath Cam. It shows various parts of the world all day long. Extremely interesting and in live time. None of this delay. If you fancy a trip to the Hamptons. http://www.earthcam.com/usa/newhampshire/hamptonbeach/?cam=hamptonbeach
  2. http://www.bbc.co.uk/iplayer/live/bbcparliament At the moment both of iplayer and BBC Parliament they are showing exactly to the minute of the hour of the day Churchill's funeral. When I realise what that man did for this country it is quite touching to see. Peter's clip about the Camps made me realise just how many of these Camps were about and that we were probably the next in line. Makes you think.
  3. You cant beat a good rib sticking meal. Sorry but I refuse to live on a lettuce leaf.
  4. Hylander


    Potter looks very pretty.
  5. Thank you. I would need to cook on between 6 and 7 to get the batter to rise in my boat oven. The beans would have to be heated on the gas ring but all doable. Well done and would make a nice change. I know I am going back many moons to the 50s, but in Bahrain Mum used to buy tinned sausages, not hot dogs things, but proper sausages. Pity you cannot get them now, they would have been a jolly good stand by for the boat.
  6. Hylander


    Snow has arrived in Beccles and surrounding areas. Look at the web cam at The Waveney. http://www.waveneyrivercentre.co.uk/eddiecam
  7. There is one at the Arboretum as all wars are covered right up to the present day. When you have walked around there you come home with a different perspective on life. Why oh why is the human race so cruel. It seems that be it the concentration camps right across to the cruel way the Japanese treated their prisoners of war, a streak of behaviour which I hope I never have to come across.
  8. When I think that the Duke of York can spend £22,000 a week on a chalet for a holiday, and then went and bought a Chalet for god knows how many million, it puts into prospective the problem with this country , the haves and the have a darn sight less.. May be our tax could be better spent and then we would still be able to afford loos for the ordinary folk of this world. We are not going forward we seem to be going two steps forward and four back each time.
  9. I am surprised Gracie if he is so stupid as to do this all of the time, Mr Plod hasnt spotted him or someone bubble him before he kills someone else. Quite frankly I have no sympathy for drink drivers or mobile users if they kill themselves but just think of the heartbreak of other families, including their own, they are one big selfish so and so.
  10. You certainly have a lovely boat and I am sure the envy of a lot of folks.
  11. Looks quite warm in the photo of you in your Tee shirt. Lovely photos.
  12. Something light hearted but you couldnt call it a Joke for the Jokes Section. Today we mourn the passing of a beloved old friend, Common Sense, who has been with us for many years. No one knows for sure how old he was, since his birth records were long ago lost in bureaucratic red tape. He will be remembered as having cultivated such valuable lessons as: - Knowing when to come in out of the rain; - Why the early bird gets the worm; - Life isn't always fair; - And maybe it was my fault. Common Sense lived by simple, sound financial policies (don't spend more than you can earn) and reliable strategies (adults, not children, are in charge). His health began to deteriorate rapidly when well-intentioned but overbearing regulations were set in place. Reports of a 6-year-old boy charged with sexual harassment for kissing a classmate; teens suspended from school for using mouthwash after lunch; and a teacher fired for reprimanding an unruly student, only worsened his condition. Common Sense lost ground when parents attacked teachers for doing the job that they themselves had failed to do in disciplining their unruly children. It declined even further when schools were required to get parental consent to administer sun lotion or an aspirin to a student; but could not inform parents when a student became pregnant and wanted to have an abortion. Common Sense lost the will to live as the churches became businesses; and criminals received better treatment than their victims. Common Sense took a beating when you couldn't defend yourself from a burglar in your own home and the burglar could sue you for assault. Common Sense finally gave up the will to live, after a woman failed to realize that a steaming cup of coffee was hot. She spilled a little in her lap, and was promptly awarded a huge settlement. Common Sense was preceded in death, -by his parents, Truth and Trust, -by his wife, Discretion, -by his daughter, Responsibility, -and by his son, Reason. He is survived by his 5 stepbrothers; - I Know My Rights - I Want It Now - Someone Else Is To Blame - I'm A Victim - Pay me for Doing Nothing Not many attended his funeral because so few realized he was gone.
  13. Unfortunately ill health is predominantly what happens, especially when you get older. Such a heartbreaking thing to see, I do hope her owners are aware.
  14. Could it not be up by the Big Dog Ferry by the swimming pool or are they liveaboards? When I walk down to the harbour i will have a casual look around. The actual YS is busy at times even in the winter with fishermen etc.
  15. Just arrived at Worlingham near Beccles.
  16. Quote from th Daily Telegraph "Sadly, there are other things, too, that are distinctly Broadland and which threaten the entire area: fish-and-chip papers and beer cans, lager louts in boats and noisy pensioners staggering about on land, at times just as inconsiderate as their younger counterparts." Hmmm!!!!
  17. Clive - You should have added another piece of advice in your excellent brochure - 'Beware of mooring anywhere near to a craft displaying four blue waves on a pennant as they are likely to be non - too friendly when double mooring' and will start spouting thier opinion of local byleaws When what they should be doing is promoting the ideal of being afloat and friendly together Bit of a sweeping statement Griff isnt it. I belong to both forums, yes and we do fly the NBF flag because being a bit tight, I bought it and until it falls to bits like the last one did in a very windy storm it will stay on the boat. Its a wonder it is still in one piece as hubby managed to grab hold of it with his Pike Lure last summer and ripped it. We tend to avoid busy tines and no out of choice we would not want to be double moored, even with people we know, but in an emergency we would always allow this, who wouldnt. it is a personal choice and lets face it in this country there is very little personal choice left to us. No I dont want to get chatting with every one on the rivers but I doubt they would want to get chatting with us two old f.rts.. Saying that a friendly chat at the moorings especially on a summers evening cannot be bettered. (is that word).
  18. We agree on one thing about the marina - it is not aesthetically pleasing to the eye at the moment but it is getting there. At Broadsedge we never ever had hire boats turn up for a pump out as the sign states PRIVATE MARINA. I am sure the odd one over the years probably got lost and went up towards the pump out station but that would be all. The loos at St Olaves marina are kept spotless by a lady who actually lives there. She must clean the loos twice a day, and because they are not for all and sundry to use, that is why they stay the way they are. Dont you just love the word 'temporary'. yes my late father in law had a temporary dog box for the dog, the dog died 15 years later and was still using the temporary dog box. I still reckon St Olaves has improved over the years, the Bridge has been revamped and the 24 hr mooring improved. I get the impression that most boaters come south for the peace and quiet. The quay heading by the bridge can be replaced so that is not the end of the world. Can we have a mention for The Priory Farm Restaurant. Now that is another plus for St Olaves.
  19. I posted that last message from my iphone, darn thing the keyboard is so tiny, so here goes on a proper keyboard. I do agree that a pump out facility would be a definite plus and that was one of the things we missed when we left Broadsedge. Having to trapse for miles to get a pump out is not a plus. What happened to the cafe that I am sure was attached to the old petrol station that was. There is a chandlers by the Bridge.
  20. Trees mean dreaded leaves all over your boat one of the reasons for liking the place. If they were to introduce cafe and the like we would hate it. It is not Blackpool but a marina. There was a cafe in the village at one time.
  21. Keifsmate - if you are referring to the basin at St Olaves , they are always dredging. That is one good thing about being moored there. I am afraid I speak as I find and the Marina is one of the best in my opinion. Spotless toilets, showers etc. Very Secure. On Pontoons , so no worry when flooding happens , like today. Great people around you. Central to everywhere , you dont have to go miles before you get to a main river..
  22. The bridge in question was under JawsOrca's post regarding Wroxham Bridge. It looks like a canal bridge to me for a start although purposrts to be on the Broads.
  23. Do tell how did this vessel get under that bridge?
  24. Only one thing that struck me watching this delightful film and that was the statement that there is almost no tidal range on the Broads, well there certainly is on the Southern Broads so you cannot just tie up to a tree without knowing what is below you and will affect you at low tide. I could have sat and watch the film for hours, so relaxing.
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