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Everything posted by Hylander

  1. Well done - of course , never thought of that. Good job somebody is with it, because I am surely not.
  2. No , no dogs or cats at the moment but thank you for the heads up, will tell my daughter in law who has a couple of (look like old men) miniature ones. That is frightening.
  3. We had some chaps knock the door this afternoon reckoned they were something from the Government doing a health check. Anyone else know anything about this. We just listened and they left.
  4. This really made me chuckle. If you look closely the helm is wearing a mask going along on his boat. You have heard of 'dish of the day' well this is rule of the day.
  5. Hylander


    We have one also lives nearby drives an old Morris Minor, sits in it all day long revving it up and going nowhere. I call him Doris Morris. I do sometimes wonder.
  6. Hylander


    Answer - a box of Swan Vestas.!!!!
  7. I agree with you Ray, this is something that B and his cohorts should really look at, especially if they ever and I mean ever want to get into government again. Because the elderly are not big business they are not interested. The Government departments waste so much money , millions here , millions there, they talk about it as if it was nothing at all and yet to sustain a benefit to our real elderly is a disgrace. Most of us would not be here if they had not gone to war when they did and this is how we repay them. Mods if too political please take down.
  8. I wont quote your post as rather long sorry. When my Mum who had saved all her life and never ever went on a holiday, went into a Home she had to pay for everything. In the four years she was in the home it cost her over £150,000. No one paid for Mum and yet she had paid all her life. You will find that most pensioners who own their own homes , will lose their homes to pay for there upkeep in a Home. They came from a generation where you did not squander money on gadgets and holidays abroad, they saved. There was no such thing as credit. You saved up for what you wanted. Albeit there are always a few that didnt. My Mum had an awful expression and at the time she used to say it I used to cringe, but she would say, Dad and me did not water our money up the wall. What this requires is a mere pittance in the scheme of things but it means so much to many. I , although I am getting on am supporting our real elderly here.
  9. Yes it is busy. Soon be a struggle to get a fag paper between the boats. Good to see though, a joy that folk are back on their boats.
  10. In my letter of complaint to the BBC , your post is more or less word for word what I put. Great minds think alike and all that.. They should get rid of all these odd balls that we are supporting , yes supporting. Most of them cannot even speak the Queen's English, and I am not referring to a foreign person learning our language but some of the idiots where every other word is like, like, like. Watching tripe and that is only word for it, with loads of bad language is not my cup of tea. There are a few ie the McCartneys and Stewarts of this world that are rich , but most of us, just about scrape through each month. It is a disgrace and the BBC should be ashamed of itself. When you are young you can get out, when you are old and may be have ill health and are on your own , your TV is your friend and company. Nice one BBC.
  11. I was looking at HW web cams this morning and everyone getting off of their boats etc and realised that the Marina camera has a delay on it. I watched on the Tour round camera a guy getting off his boat with his cool box. Looked immediately at the Marina web cam and no chap no cool box , in fact nobody. So assume a delay on there. The Horning web camera , Carol is on to it but thinks the rain has got into it. It does seem very temperamental.
  12. Good time to be about , most folk have gone home or just about to start their holidays.
  13. If anyone is interested here is a link from Age UK who have been campaigning for some time to get us the free TV licence. I have sent in my 10pence worth of what I feel and think about it all. Copied from the Age UK email to me. On 1st August, about 4 million older people will lose their free TV Licences. I've just written to the Government and the BBC asking them to sit down and agree on a solution to save free TV Licences for over-75s before it's too late. Please will you do the same? It's very easy to do, just click here to send them an email. Thank you so much, Hope this link works... https://campaigns.ageuk.org.uk/page/64039/action/1?ea.tracking.id=Email1
  14. Well I booked direct with my yard on the 30th June , everything has been confirmed to them from Hoseasons, no problems at all with the yard. May be some yards are overwhelmed with all that they have to comply with and it is therefore easier to do it through Hoseasons.
  15. "Only two bathrooms but I have never understood why you need three on a boat - my own house only has one bathroom......" You wait until you are our age 70+ believe me two loos are essential. What gets me is though some boats may have three loos but only one waste tank. I imagined each loo had its own tank.
  16. You do get a few perks for booking with the yard with Silverline in the fact that you do not (or it used to be) pay for parking and the divers insurance I think was included. At least if you book direct with the yard you are assured of your holiday. Paperwork can come later.
  17. Brinks is back with us. I can see a lovely large boat has moored opposite the camera. Very tall.
  18. We always booked direct with Silverline.
  19. Book with the yard H.... Is taking 2hrs plus to get through to and then you get cut off or phone goes dead. Horrendous at the moment. Above I am speaking from experience this week, you just cannot get through, think they must be having problems with system. Probably wrong but trying to give them benefit of the doubt. Jimmy H would turn in his grave. This virus has a lot to answer for.
  20. Do you think they are giving something away in Wroxham?
  21. Yes I recall those, how they had the cheek to call them a hair dryer beats me. Absolutely useless. Can you imagine that on a boat today. The ladies of today expect a proper hair dryer together with straighteners.
  22. Someone in his 50s should know better in my opinion. Reading it through brought back memories of that young lady who was killed when her so called 'boyfriend' sped up the Thames. If as has been spoken about it was a speedboat it sounds a very similar instance. The word domestic conjurers up the scenario of a blazing row after a day out.
  23. Brace yourselves - next batch just about to leave Potter Heigham... This was practically empty last night.
  24. Well to put one to bed , I looked on Miles Weston's forum this morning and could not see anything relevant. I dont do faceache. There is no hard and fast rule on here that you can contribute to another forum. I have been on other forums for donkey's years. In fact a lot of old timers on here are on a lot of other forums . it kind of reminds me when ITV could never mention the Beeb for some reason and visa versa.
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