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Everything posted by Poppy

  1. EDP journalism has got progressively worse over the last few years, showing an inverse relationship with its cover price. Tomorrow, the price rises again - to 85p and £1.80 on Saturdays. I have probably purchased my last copy.....
  2. Can't see how acetone will work on scaling. Grease, oil definitely, and I use it myself, but limescale needs an acid. Simple chemistry.
  3. The puppy's parts - and cheap as chips! http://hughcrane.co.uk/chemical/clover-acid-wash-80.html Hugh Crane are on the S. Walsham Road between Acle and Upton.
  4. Poppy


    IMHO, the bridge gauges and their accuracy has little to do with the problem. I'm afraid that like the increase in hire craft navigating after dark, boats aground, etc. can partly be put down to ignorance, to an unwillingness to read instructions (or listen to them and a wider attitude that can be summed up as 'don't ******G well tell ME what I can and can't do. All too prevalent in society today, and not just on the Broads I'm afraid. Yes, take a 'swipe of their credit card, just as is done when hiring a car or checking in to a hotel !
  5. Poppy


    Low water slack - yes!
  6. Something about where the 'pricks' are
  7. And in six months we go through it all over again.....
  8. Would that be the one about the difference between a BMW and a hedgehog?
  9. Now that's Just the sort of stunt Winkle at Upton would have pulled - and got away with it
  10. Yes, but you can't DRIVE over it, can you?
  11. I trust that all the local vets and animal rescue centres have been contacted ?
  12. Pah! THIS is how to build a bridge ! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aqaI3L4Y5dg It's impressive to drive over too!
  13. Bit of filler. That'll be all right
  14. .... and as for the EDP, they've forgotten what journalism is. I still buy it every day, I must break myself of the habit! Trouble is, SWMBO is a share holder, having been a past employee.....
  15. Another 'Archant' publication to which I subscribe is 'France' magazine. I can barely be bothered to take it out of its polythene wrapper now, and it's a mere shadow of its former self. I must remember to cancel my subscription
  16. Anybody seen this? Zany TV series on 'The Community Channel. Sky 539, Freeview 63 and others. It's on tonight (Friday) at 7.00 pm.
  17. Bypass? BYPASS? You mean 'The road to nowhere' !
  18. Next time you're this way, Try 'The Bell ' at Salhouse. Bl**dy good steaks there!
  19. Poppy


    Especially those hidden side dykes where the tips of the bow can sometimes bee seen peeping out. Doing their paperwork, no doubt
  20. The moorings are indeed owned by the EA, but are administered and let by the Upton Parish Council under license from them. All the spaces leading to EW's yard and the basin are private.
  21. Poppy


    One important consideration is that when the tide is slack at the Yacht station, the flood (rising tide) has been running for about an hour.
  22. I believe there was also a 'Large private GP' also aground somewhere near the Yacht Station - possibly between the bridges. Anyone know more ?
  23. Fess up JM - you had one of those
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