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Everything posted by ranworthbreeze

  1. Hi Peter, That is a bit more modern than the series I can remember watching. Regards Alan
  2. Hi Brandenjg, There is a couple of Beer Pump Engines on Ebay currently. One is on a BIN at £49 and the other is a auction and is currently £28 with four bidders. The engineering tools are interesting but may not be worth that much, anyone in engineering would have to send the micrometers & dial gauges away for calibration checking before use. The original cost of these tools would have been an arm & several legs! Regards Alan
  3. until
    Season Start work party weekend
  4. Hi Eric, Have a safe trip and don't forget the travel socks Regards Alan
  5. The new link to the Peregrine Falcon Webcam is now working under the new 2017 link. Please check on the forums webcams or visit the following link:- http://upp.hawkandowl.org/norwich-peregrines/norwich-cathedral-peregrine-live-web-cam-2017/ Regards Alan
  6. Hello James, Ems & Jangles, Welcome to the NBN forum. Here is a ink to the details of Barnes Omega. http://www.barnesbrinkcraft.co.uk/our-boats/detail/27/ I think Robin did a review on the Omega. Regards Alan
  7. To be Honest I feel any reopened or new mooring be it owned/managed by the Broads Authority or privately owned should provide some form of refuge facility. The last thing we need is newly opened moorings being a dumping ground. Regards Alan
  8. The biggest risk to the stitching is how portent the bleach solution is, a cap full to a bucket of water should be OK but a more potent solution will rot the stitching so be careful. Regards Alan
  9. Update on Mutford Lock – Road Bridge not Operational Oulton Broad Road Bridge is now operating with reduced schedule of opening times until repairs are completed to a damaged barrier. Bridge lifts will be possible each Friday, Saturday and Sunday between 9.15am and 11.45am. Advance booking is necessary. For bridge lifts on a Saturday or Sunday, bookings must be made by 11.30am on the Friday before to guarantee an opening. The lock is open and operating on all normal published hours for vessels not requiring a bridge lift. Suffolk County Council expect the repair to the barrier to be completed in mid-March. Once the repair is complete full normal service will resume with bridge lifts possible each day.
  10. Hi Monica, Not quite yours but this cheese scrapper was the nearest I could find. https://www.amazon.co.uk/Cheese-Scraper-Tête-Moine/dp/B000KJLQCC/ref=pd_sbs_201_img_1?_encoding=UTF8&psc=1&refRID=WZ50J3PP9MMX2XG3R39Q To be honest the best of the mechanical graters I have used I find rotary to be the best. http://www.lakeland.co.uk/19730/Zyliss-All-Cheese-Grater?gclid=CJf947DyltICFW4R0wod8dcBSg&src=gfeed&s_kwcid=AL!49!3!105382642349!!!g!42886315944!&ef_id=VfK6kQAAAJYT2i-g:20170217101219:s After saying that I tend to use the old tin upright type and grate direct into a dish. Regards Alan
  11. Hi Griff, I didn't realize that you were a flat capper (ok for the shooting lark) I hope you do not wear it in the van or I will have to avoid driving in Doncaster and at times on the Broads Regards Alan
  12. Hi Wayne, Here is a link to see the style of the Wilds Calypso. http://fbwilds.horning.org.uk/page2.html Regards Alan
  13. I was looking at the webcam a short while ago and there was a Peregrine looking up at the camera. Lets hope this is a sign of more to come. Regards Alan
  14. Hi Wayne, Welcome to the NBN forum. Please let the forum members have an insight into what type of boat you are looking for? Regards Alan
  15. The Broads Authority should be encouraging youngsters onto the rivers and broads, as you say they will use waterways that are free to use. No doubt clubs that own kayaks for youngsters use will also use other waterways. Getting youngsters involvement in the Broads is the key to its continued use. Regards Alan
  16. Hi Carole, You have been reading those books again or maybe you are just a aficionado of words. Regards Alan
  17. Hi Peter, Didn't one of them marry Billie Wright? Regards Alan
  18. Hi Vaughan, Here is the picture for you.
  19. It is not uncommon that matches are staged at the Beccles Yacht Station, we have been advised when mooring the previous night, not to delay our morning departure. Regards Alan
  20. Hi Charlie, That bag looks a trifle small for Grace's requirements but I bet she would like the idea in principle. Regards Alan
  21. Hi Jon, Ours is the same (well it would be), our increase is £51.68 on last year which I worked out at about 13.85%. Regards Alan
  22. I also had my toll request message, sadly the message is not supported by the internet service? Yes you can read it in plain text but it is somewhat a pain. I guess I will just log onto the tolls account to see the damage. Regards Alan
  23. Hi Fred, Were Siddy's boats Pennine Boats of Silden, if they were, we once hired with them. Regards Alan
  24. Hi Phil, We were trying to keep the Southern Broads a secret especially in the summer months. We were there in early July and it was quite busy. Regards Alan
  25. Here are some observations from my mate Ron in the USA Astute Observations · I don't do drugs. I find I get the same effect just by standing up really fast. · I don't like political jokes. I've seen too many get elected. · The most precious thing we have is life, yet it has absolutely no trade-in value. · If life deals you lemons, make lemonade. If life deals you tomatoes, make Bloody Marys. · Shopping tip: You can get shoes for a buck at bowling alleys. · Every day I beat my previous record of consecutive days I've stayed alive. · No one ever says, "It's only a game!" when their team's winning. · Ever notice that people who spend money on beer, cigarettes and lottery tickets are always complaining about being broke and not feeling well? · Isn't having a smoking section in a restaurant like having a peeing section in a swimming pool? · Marriage changes passion; suddenly you're in bed with a relative. · Why is it that most nudists are people you don't want to see naked? · Snowmen fall from Heaven un-assembled. · Now that food has replaced sex in my life, I can't even get into my own pants. · I signed up for an exercise class and was told to wear loose fitting clothing. If I HAD any loose fitting clothing, I wouldn't need the class! · Don't argue with an idiot; people watching may not be able to tell the difference. · Wouldn't you know it! Brain cells come and brain cells go, but FAT cells live forever. · Why is it that our children can't read a Bible in school, but they can in prison?
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