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Everything posted by ranworthbreeze

  1. I am so glad we are on floating pontoons, there is about four to five foot on the main pontoon posts above the service roads and parking places at our section of the marina. Regards Alan
  2. Hi I have just spoken with the Toll Office regarding the old cards and the implementation of the post replacements. The indication is that old cards can be sent into the Broads Authority for replacement (not only the ones with the February date on them but the earlier ones as well, as long as they are not used). Notification of the schedule of the post conversion and what can be done with the old cards will be posted on the Broads Authority website in due course (more than likely in early March). Regards Alan
  3. Hi Griff, It was windy all night, stuff all over the place and not helped this morning by the Blue Bin collection, bottles, paper all over the roads. At least we have not got any snow as of yet! Regards Alan
  4. Hi Colin, our airdraft is 9 foot 8 inches with the canopy and masthead down. we used to have a small tender, but we sold it to one of our owners and included the small outboard that used to be fitted above the bathing platform, a source of many banged heads and the only place for the tender to go was over the aft escape hatch, we only used it once. Regards Alan
  5. If only there was a suitable mooring location (I know there is Commissioners Cut) but somewhere a little nearer especially so you could visit the pub just through the bridge. Regards Alan
  6. Jill do not give them any idea's Regards Alan
  7. Hello Pottermill, Welcome to the forum and back to boating, please tell us a bit about yourself, we are a friendly bunch but very noisy. Regards Alan
  8. Hi Phil, Welcome to the NBN forum. Regards Alan
  9. Hi Peter, Sadly local authorities seem to be felling trees all over the place, much to the annoyance of people in these areas, recently in Sheffield an area that had been fighting the felling of their trees were awoken around 4.00am to the trees being felled. My guess is that their legal departments are ruling the roost. Regards Alan
  10. What was the Bridge Function Room (near the toilets) was being converted into a shop in early December. Regards Alan
  11. HI Jonzo, Seems OK to me, I have just edited the Header as well. Regards Alan
  12. I take it that you are talking back in the day when most prams were coach built, the wheels off these were great for making trolleys (one step up from a book on a roller skate). Regards Alan
  13. The poles can be an issue for new crews to the Broads. One way to make it clearer would be to paint a white line up the inside face of the pole and if you keep within the white lines you would be safe. The white or day-glow lines would be easier to see. Regards Alan
  14. Here is a link to Barnes Brinkcraft and the Serenade class, it will be interesting to see a new helm position, but it may be not good for taller helmsmen. http://www.barnesbrinkcraft.co.uk/our-boats/detail/47/ Regards Alan
  15. Hi Matt, The best way is one hand for the boat and one hand for yourself. Regards Alan
  16. I have just confirmed with the Hotel Wroxham that it's bar and restaurant will be closed from Monday 9th January and will reopen on Monday 23 after refurbishments. http://www.hotelwroxham.co.uk/home Regards Alan
  17. The flooding retreats, but the picture featured at Reedham Ferry shows the water level high, when this happens the ferry is closed and sandbags are placed across the road to protect the pub. http://www.edp24.co.uk/news/tidal_surge_retreats_but_train_journeys_affected_after_flooding_on_train_line_in_brundall_1_4836713 Regards Alan
  18. By all accounts the earthquake was 100 miles off the coast from Scarborough. So Griff's wallet must have been full at the time Regards Alan
  19. The worse case price of a rearm kit I have seen (includes gas bottle, activator and two types of clips) is £20 less any discounts. you usually have to replace these every two to three years, there is a date on the activator, usually not a date on the bottles, these can be weighed but we change them or save them as spares, likewise the old activator can be saved as a spare for temporary fix for a discharged life-jacket until a new kit is purchased. Regards Alan
  20. I disconnected all the timers for the outside and inside lights after the timers switched off last night, Tan is starting taking the cards down today and starting taking down the Christmas tree in the bay window. The outside lights and conservatory tree will have to wait until the weekend. Regards Alan
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