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Everything posted by ranworthbreeze

  1. The effects of wash produced varies from craft to craft, small boats can and do produce a lot of wash. The speed limit is well posted in most area's, what concerns me is that the 6 mph limit at Brundall Gardens ought to be 5 mph with those boats moored on the riverside, when I am training I mention to all new owners that they should slow down for these boats. After all the years we have been hiring on the canals I am well aware of being moored on the bank side and being thrown all over the place with boats passing at normal speed, Regards Alan
  2. Hi John, Well aground both of them and a long way outside of the posts by all accounts. Regards Alan
  3. It is my understanding that two of the Broom's hire fleet were stuck on Breydon waiting for the tide over the weekend. If anyone saw these can you comment please. Regards Alan
  4. For everyone's benefit here is a link to Herbert Woods page for Rio Light:- https://www.herbertwoods.co.uk/boating-holidays/our-boats/rio-light.html Regards Alan
  5. Both Tan and I have magnetic bracelets Tan has the pretty type mine are a combination of stainless or copper bracelets with two or more magnets, we both feel they help. Regards Alan
  6. Thank you David that was very interesting, I wonder how much practice the yachts and the fireboats had undertaken. Regards Alan
  7. Hi Jon, If you want any advice regarding sales or where to advertise these shares, please feel free to contact me. Regards Alan
  8. http://www.edp24.co.uk/news/is_this_the_best_dad_joke_ever_bradwell_father_s_joke_goes_viral_on_twitter_1_4637022
  9. http://www.edp24.co.uk/news/they_were_extremely_lucky_lifeboat_coxswain_reacts_to_major_rescue_operation_in_lowestoft_1_4636259
  10. I think you are all being mean to Robin just over a fender, its not as if he has had too many other issues on the Broads. His can opening is a legend, second only to Guy Martin for his home made bean can Regards alan
  11. Hi Griff, That all sounds very expensive, and the work is going to be long term. Will bronze gripfast nails also be used with the copper roves for those planks that have major stress on them? There is a good potted history of MTB102 on the National Historic Ships UK website (for the benefit of the forum members):- http://www.nationalhistoricships.org.uk/register/486/mtb-102 http://mtb102.com/ Regards Alan
  12. That's the beauty of the Broads, just go with the flow. Regards Alan
  13. My mate Ron from the USA me this picture, it is boat related. Regards Alan untitled.bmp
  14. Hi Eric, Only bacon, what happened to the sausages Enjoy the rest of your visit, looking forward to your reports and pictures. Regards Alan
  15. Hi Neil, We have moored in the Beccles Yacht Station in the past on November the 5th but any major display over the water is fantastic if there is little or no cloud cover. As I mentioned earlier we are not down until the 22nd November but we may stop in the area after our AGM on the 19th November at the Hotel Wroxham. Sharon & Jim are on the boat from the 8th of November. Regards Alan
  16. Hello Caractacus, Welcome to the forum from Tan & myself. Regards Alan
  17. Never mind being a pensioner, not many can afford Sainsbury's prices, almost as dear as Waitrose and Tesco. Regards Alan
  18. Hi Neil, When are you down in November? We are on the boat from the 22nd. Regards Alan
  19. Hi John, The two red flags at the Bridge confirming the bridge will not open. Regards Alan
  20. Grace if it was one of your bottles it would be either empty or full, a full bottle should float but a empty bottle would not be a total loss other than causing litter I thought your bottles came in braces Regards Alan
  21. Following on from various posts regarding emergency numbers and Jonzo's post re emergency text information. http://www.emergencysms.org.uk/ Phone 999 or 112 if your provider has no service these emergency number can be relayed via another providers service. 'In an emergency on the broads, river ways or coast, always ask for Coastguard' (as suggested by Ash; HemsbyPie) Sadly there are places that no provider can offer service at all, Loddon springs to mind. Regards Alan
  22. That is after they have failed to get under the Yarmouth bridges. Regards Alan
  23. In June this year many of us were suffering with rain most days, some were tripping their heating or had set their heating at a low level. I can remember when June used to be the month, hot holidays in the sun in this country. I suggest that they are playing a warped record http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/science-environment-36841072 Regards Alan
  24. Hi Stuart, Robin may be interested in the blue fender Regards Alan
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