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Everything posted by ranworthbreeze

  1. Hi all I am chilled out, but still need to do a bit while Tan is at the helm. More tomorrow. It has taken me a couple of hours to read all of the posts I have missed over the last couple of days. Regards Alan
  2. Hello Neil, We have passed Lightening & Thunder a few times during the last few days. Tan drew my attention that you were waving from your mooring we we went passed the other day, I was looking down doing some work, so apologize for not seeing you. I hope you are OK, if in doubt you should get yourself checked out. There is a list of medical facilities in our information pages. Regards Alan
  3. Hello Mandy, I am so sorry that it did not work out for you and that you are having to sell your share in Moonlight Shadow. On the plus side shares are currently selling well on most syndicates. Regards Alan
  4. If your air-draft is tight for the Yarmouth bridges you are better using the Broads Authority tide table because it gives you the hight of low water so you can calculate your passage (or not) through Yarmouth. If you check out our information pages you will see links to the various tide table sites. Regards Alan
  5. Day 3 Wednesday Awoke at 5.00am but managed to stay in bed until 7.00am, to a very bright morning. We had breakfast and decided to head for Beccles, I phoned the Yacht Station and reserved a mooring. At the Sugar Factory we saw Broads Beat with three officers at the slipway with their boat just being removed from the river or due to be launched. On the way while Tan was at the helm until we arrived at Reedham, I did some repairs to sections of the canopy by doing some stitching. I took the helm through Reedham, we had already taken the masthead down and were prepared to go under the bridge with about four inches to spare, but the bridge operator opened the bridge before we got to it. Tan took over the helm again whilst I carried on with my jobs. We arrived at Somerleyton bridge to find it was still open after a number of boats had passed through towards us, we saw lots of boats during our journey, the most I have seen for while, I hate to think what it was like on the Northern Rivers. We passed the Waveney River Centre, which looked very busy. I put a few sausages and some potatoes cut into scallops in the oven so they would be ready as a very late lunch when we got into Beccles, we noted a lot of new piling work and banking being done on the outskirts of Beccles. We arrived into the Yacht Station on our mooring a little after 2.00pm, paid the fees and had lunch, I have always loved the smell coming from the oven whist travelling, it always takes me back to our early Narrow Boating days. After lunch I started cleaning sections of the canopy, I will tackle the top section when we are back at our marina later in the week. Taking in the sun a drink or two I managed to win 3 games of Runnikub in a row, today the games would be mine. We put up the canopy but left the doorways rolled up because it was still quite hot. We settled down and watched a DVD (the force was with us) while having crackers and cheese and finished with coffee and a couple of crosswords. Canopy locked down for the night at 11.00pm we went to bed. Regards Alan
  6. Day 2 Tuesday. Awoke at 5.00am a dull day it had been raining overnight. Checked on computer what had been happening with regards to emails and looked in on the forum to see what mischief Grace and the other little mice’s had been up too. Tan awoke and we went for a shower, being has the other wet room was engaged Tan suggested we share; sadly all we got was wet! We left the showers and called round the corner to Brian Ward’s (they open at 8.00am) needless to say we had to wait for the railway crossing. Tanya was on the counter, she let me take back to the boat two sizes of round fender socks, so I could replace the two socks on the forward fenders (I know we have debated the pros and cons many times on the forum, all I can say they work for us with no effects to our gelcoat). Back at the boat for breakfast and a couple of crosswords. Breakfast done with Tan washed up whilst I contemplated what jobs I would tackle first. We were having trouble with our starboard boarding ladder, so I removed it and could see that the mounting flanges were slightly bent, these straightened I refitted the ladder, it needed some silicon grease collected later). Next job was to inspect the 10 long fenders on the sides of the boat and the two small round fenders on the rear (protecting the bathing platform) several of the fender socks needed replacing, I did about seven of the long ones and one of the aft round ones. We use the fender stockinet to cover these, it is more cost effective than buying ready made socks and using the stockinet they tend to fit better. Now I looked at the two round fenders on the bow (funny none were blue other than the coloured socks), I removed one of the fenders and carefully removed the sock, sadly it turned both sizes of the socks from Brian Ward’s were unsuitable (returned on another visit). Next job was the fit a aft navigation light we had purchased a short while ago, the idea was just to replace the cover being has it was the lens that was cracked, the angle of the lens was wrong or so I thought, so back to Brian Ward’s with the fender socks not used and the light we had previously purchased. Nick on the counter confirmed that the light was for the aft position on the boat (I had already noted that the forward light had a different lens), with this in mind I asked Nick if they could swap the aft for a forward lamp which he kindly did for us, so forward light cover put onto aft light and fitted the new cover on the forward light, he took back the socks and supplied me with the needed silicon grease, because I took the large round fender with me he said he could order two socks and have them available by the end of the week. Back at the boat we had lunch and the weather was beginning to clear up a little we decided to venture out of the marina, I asked Tan which she preferred Rockland St Mary or Bramerton, she said Bramerton so “right hand down it a bit” was suitably executed. The new moorings at the Ferry House at Surlingham looked very good; we shall have to call in this week. Arrived at Bramerton and moored up. I did a couple of small canopy fixings repairs and then Tan and I had a couple of games of Rummikub which Tan won. A boat moved so we moved the boat nearer to one of the electric posts, after some jiggling the card we had power. We walked up to the Waters Edge and had a very good meal, never had a bad meal here since the pub changed hands about four years ago, as the Wood End it was always hit and miss, that was if it open of course. Back at the boat we played another couple of games of Rummikub, Tan won her third game of the day while I won one! No justice! Coffee, a crossword and in bed by 11.00pm. Regards Alan
  7. Day 1continued We left home at 7.40am but had to call in for fuel, arrived in Brundall at 11.15 and straight into the facilities after groaning when getting out of the car. We called down at the boat Carol & Jeff were still cleaning the inside of the boat, we had a word regarding any issues etc. The potential new owner had arrived early and was looking at the boat, I suggested that we went for some lunch and talked about the boat. Carol & Jeff had finished off their cleaning and joined us at the Bistro in the Marina. Down at the boat we showed Bob around the boat explaining where everything was and what it did and how we stowed it away, including the emergency tiller. This has never had to be used thankfully. To use this you have to remove the aft berth mattress and then a hatch to get to the rudder control linkage. I always think of the old film “The Cruel Sea” where they had a chain of command from the engine room to the bridge. It seemed correct that we take Bob onto the river so he could experience the helm on Ranworth Breeze, canopy down we departed the marina and headed towards Norwich. I handed the helm over to Bob and once through Brundall into the 6 mph section I had Bob do an emergency stop to show the boats handling of course the boat stopped within its own length. We headed towards Brammerton and decided to moor outside the Waters Edge, so just to show willing we decided to purchase a pint, thank you Bob. The afternoon was looming and we were running ahead of a very large black cloud, so back to the marina. Bob had moored at the pub very well and I allowed him to have a go back at our berth, he didn’t do to bad, it catches most people out because of the wind we experience in the marina (no comments please, I know what you lot are like!). Moored up and canopy put back up, Bob signed his contracts that he brought with him. We said our good byes and took some of the bags out of the car boot and just put them aboard so we could nip over to Beccles to get provisions. I missed the junction off of the bypass and came off the next junction, halfway around Norfolk with the prospect of being in a farmer’s field at any moment we arrived at Beccles from the other end of the town and I wanted to find Morrisons. Shopping done with extras not on the list, we set off back to Brundall, on arrival we called into the Yare for a meal which did not disappoint, it was very busy. Fuelled up we headed back to the boat to unpack and stow everything away. Coffee and a couple of crosswords (not arguments) later we headed to bed at 11.00pm very tired. Regards Alan & Tan
  8. Day 1. No more sleeps, the day as arrived, up early and forum checked out, no locked users or new members to validate. Its is time to close down the computer and put it into its case and start to pack the sardine (oops car). With luck we will be in Brundall by lunchtime, maybe get to see one of my fellow owners if they have not already left the boat. More later when settled. Regards Alan
  9. Hi John, Is the pub with the net curtains the Kings Head Loddon? Regards Alan
  10. Hi Jean, Please let us know when you get a reply. I agree a great yard, well turned out boats and friendly service. Regards Alan
  11. Hi John, The bins at Rockland staithe have been just up from the staithe at least from the start of last season. Regards Alan
  12. The webcam at Barnes Brinkcraft is currently down. The Oulton Broad webcam (Norfolk Live only have one operational webcam working)is still down it must have been off now for two to three weeks, I am missing my Broads fix. Regards Alan
  13. I have seen that video clip before some time ago, very interesting solution to a problem, I bet a lot of calculations were done before attempting it. Regards Alan
  14. Hi Grendel, It looks quite good considering the poor light in the tunnel and as you say the rain on screen and vehicles around you. I would hold back on the 30 foot underwater testing however Regards Alan
  15. Hi David, They look ideal, we all have our routines for the journeys to the smallest room in the middle of the night. I hope we are going to have a report of your two weeks on the Broads? Regards Alan
  16. Alan & Tan an extra day & night on Ranworth Breeze
  17. Happy Birthday Alan, It looks as if Grace is ready for a party, I hope you can keep up with the drinks Regards Alan
  18. Here are some contact details for people to contact regarding issues with Broads waste bins, kindly supplied by Paladine. Norfolk County Council Project Director - Residual Waste Services Joel Hull joel.hull@norfolk.gov.uk North Norfolk District Council Environmental Services Manager Scott Martin Scott.Martin@north-norfolk.gov.uk Great Yarmouth Borough Council Senior Environmental Ranger Paul Shucksmith ps@great-yarmouth.gov.uk Broadland District Council environ.protection@broadland.gov.uk South Norfolk District Council Leader and Chair of the Cabinet John Fuller jfuller@s-norfolk.gov.uk or feedback@s-norfolk.gov.uk Waveney District Council customer.services.wdc@eastsuffolk.gov.uk Broads Authority Chief Executive Dr John Packman John.Packman@broads-authority.gov.uk Chair Professor Jacquie Burgess Jacquie.Burgess@broads-authority.gov.uk Vice-chair Sir Peter Dixon peterjbdixon@hotmail.com Asset Officer Angie Leeper angie.leeper@broads-authority.gov.uk
  19. After seeing Monica's pictures of full waste bins on another topic. I suggest that the Broads Authority and the relevant district council is contacted emailed with regards to any complaints. By kind permission of Paladine here is a contact list of people who to contact. Norfolk County Council Project Director - Residual Waste Services Joel Hull joel.hull@norfolk.gov.uk Direct dial telephone number: 07747841876 or Norfolk County Council General enquiries: 0344 800 8020 North Norfolk District Council Environmental Services Manager Scott Martin Scott.Martin@north-norfolk.gov.uk Tele: 01263 516341 Great Yarmouth Borough Council Senior Environmental Ranger Paul Shucksmith ps@great-yarmouth.gov.uk Tele: 01493 846620 Broadland District Council complaints@broadland.gov.uk environ.protection@broadland.gov.uk Tele: 01603 430615 South Norfolk District Council Leader and Chair of the Cabinet John Fuller jfuller@s-norfolk.gov.uk or feedback@s-norfolk.gov.uk Main number: 0808 168 2000 Waste and Recycling: 0808 168 3333 Waveney District Council customer.services.wdc@eastsuffolk.gov.uk Tele: 01502 562111 Broads Authority Broads Control Broads.control@broads-authority.gov.uk Tele: 01603 756056 or VHF channel 12 Chief Executive Dr John Packman John.Packman@broads-authority.gov.uk Chair Professor Jacquie Burgess Jacquie.Burgess@broads-authority.gov.uk Vice-chair Sir Peter Dixon peterjbdixon@hotmail.com Asset Officer Angie Leeper angie.leeper@broads-authority.gov.uk Tele: 01603 756057 Regards Alan
  20. Hi Paul, I have heard this before, sadly not allowed to join the club yet. I always vowed to retire to retire at sixty, but still working. Regards Alan
  21. Hi Frank, Thank You Can you send me your mobile number in a PM and we will see if we can meet up in Loddon? Regards Alan
  22. Maybe its just me but that article seems more about self promotion than promoting the Broads! Regards Alan
  23. Hi Ray, Having seen family and friends that have retired or taken early retirement, you will have no time left at all, their lists of what to what is needed to be done is never ending, decorating seems to be a must. My brother in law has to leave the house at 6.00 am two days a week to look after grandchildren. I started work in 1968 at 17, it seems so long ago, only worked for two companies and became self employed in 1980, been working for the state as a unemployed tax collector ever since! Enjoy your retirement and reflect that at one time you had time to spare Regards Alan
  24. Hi Jean, My worse case fuel and pump out (two tanks) was £186 about 3 years ago we had gone over Breydon and back two times over the week journeying from the Southern to Northern Broads and a quick trip across Breydon and back again to show guests that arrived down at the boat. Regards Alan
  25. Hello Delta, There is a variation of 18 inches to 2 foot ( or I should say there is on the other bridges going into Norwich). Regards Alan
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