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Everything posted by ranworthbreeze

  1. I have just read the following report that the female peregrine has been absent since the 15th May and the male is providing food for the four chicks which are now all regarded as female. http://www.edp24.co.uk/news/environment/peregrine_dad_excelling_as_a_single_parent_as_mum_leaves_norwich_1_4548080 Regards Alan
  2. I am so glad that I do not live nor visit the said area often, it sounds like a lot of faffing about to me what with tolls, congestion charges. You all have my sympathy. Regards Alan
  3. For those of you who have enjoyed looking at the Peregrines, please have a look at our other webcams (please see the following link) and choose Sheffield Peregrines. http://thenorfolkbroads.net/forum/forum/313-other-webcams/ The location is:- Forums/Visting the Broads/Other Webcams Regards Alan
  4. All the Norwich Live webcams are no longer working. I have therefore deleted all of the links. If we find any new providers or alternative links to any Broads based webcams we will add them to our listings of webcams. It is such a pity that we can no longer get our fix of seeing what is happening on Oulton Broad. The Wherry Hotel need to get an alternative supplier to monitor their moorings and the availability of moorings at the Yacht Station. Maybe Sentinal could look into this for their Oulton & Beccles yacht stations? Regards Alan
  5. Hello Jill, Great photos as usual, I think I remember seeing the white faced paneled gatehouse on one of our route finding expeditions towards Beccles? Regards Alan
  6. Hi Alan, That move up to the northern rivers, was it by choice or were you asked to look for pastures new Regards Alan
  7. Taken from Norwich Fire Service:- 002891 22nd May 2016 22:17:01 Cantley An appliance from Acle and a appliance and boat team from Carrow attendeda boat rescue on the river Yare.Crews secured the boat and made safe. Regards Alan
  8. Hello Rob, Welcome to the NBN forum. Regards Alan
  9. Wasn't there issues with the Martin Broom that ended with Brooms having to sort them out, I remember it being in one of Brooms sheds for a while. Regards Alan
  10. Not local news, but news worthy nether-less is the abandonment by the crew of the Skegness inshore lifeboat after it caught fire. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-lincolnshire-36340547 Please donate to the RLNI and other rescue services. Regards Alan
  11. Hi John, It is good to hear that you have found a few bins on your travels, are the ones you have encountered the trade bin size or just the standard household sized bin? Regards Alan
  12. Come on guy's its alright saying where you are, we all know the places but lets have some pictures please. Regards Alan
  13. Hello Rupert & Maxine, Like Neil I will put your details into our boats log, so my fellow owners can take advantage of your services. Have you thought about becoming one of the forums sponsors Regards Alan
  14. I wonder if at any time the rangers who crewed these wonderful patrol boats were consulted?
  15. Wise words Strowager, similar to what we do and would advise the same to customers. Regards Alan
  16. Hi Stuart, It sounds as if you have been sniffing too much Carnauba Wax Regards Alan
  17. Hello Mike, Welcome to the NBN forum from Tan & myself. Enjoy your time on the Norfolk Broads. Our forum members love to give advice so ask away. There is loads of information if you browse the forums. As others have already stated if you are in doubt regarding anything relating to your boat, ask the boat yard. Regards Alan
  18. 9 out of 10, must read the questions before clicking on the mouse, I had to guess a couple of locations. Regards Alan
  19. Hi Mark, Did you see me working, replacing a section of the bathing platform last season? One of our owners made a template, I then I machined it slightly over size and trimmed it up when on the boat. Regards Alan
  20. Hi Mark, I think we have used the two part cleaner & restorer in the past, i certainly got the dirt out of the teak. As you say you have to use water. In our case this only involved the aft steps and the bathing platform so the use of plenty of water was not an issue. Regards Alan
  21. Hi Robin, A good idea that the bridges could have name signs, the only issue I could see with them is that more than likely they might be fitted lower than the bridge Regards Alan
  22. Tan & I were watching Super Vet last night and commented on the love and devotion that dogs give to their owners even though at times they can be in pain. With this in mind please see the following short clip. https://www.youtube.com/embed/VDrabmm421I Regards Alan
  23. Hi Bob, Watch out for those distances on the Norfolk Broads, those Norfolk Miles are a killer, every time we have walked anywhere it takes ages and almost all the roads end up taking you to Brigadoon or back to "The Village" Regards Alan
  24. Hi Mark, It looks good. A suggestion, if you fitted two additional sockets on the tabletop you could then fit it either way around. Regards Alan
  25. Hi Ray, It sounds great for Tan, but for me it would have to be without the soy sauce, curry powder, chilli, garlic, cayenne pepper. I can remember invited friends aboard a few years back when the restaurant at the Kings Arms Ludham was in the small front room, Peter had Red Snapper in a cayenne pepper sauce, he liked it and eat it all, washed down with many glasses of water, I have never seen anyone go so bright red before or since. It is often mentioned. well you do with friends don't you. Regards Alan
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