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Everything posted by ranworthbreeze

  1. If its high voltage you can certainly hear it. Regards Alan
  2. At fifteen or sixteen I was a big lad, the dentists chair was upstairs. In those days it was a injection and then gas, I reacted badly to the gas and was lashing out, and the dentist got in the way. The tooth was out, I never felt a thing once fully under, the dentist had to help me fall down his stairs. Once home the bleeding stopped after a couple of hours, but I was sick for a week with the effects of the gas. These days, its just an injection in the top or bottom jaw and the jobs done. Why is it a scale & polish hurts more than a filling or an extraction? regards Alan
  3. Hi John, Your last paragraph is why I suggested an upholster, pictures I have seen, show results not that dissimilar to that of an old office chair. Regards Alan
  4. Hello John, Do you have a picture of your gaff jaws? Is it one of the fully covered in leather or the type that is just covered on the inner surface? Regards Alan
  5. Hi John, Could an upholster be another option? Regards Alan
  6. Hello John, Thank you for your first post! Lurking is good but posting is better We are not down until July but if we see Dragonsong we will give you wave. I doubt that Grace will give you a wave from deep in cabin if you are doing any weaving about Regards Alan & Tan
  7. I would say antics for the camera, no doubt we were no different back in the day. 1974 my first boating holiday me and 5 girls (Tan was one of them) so I was just the driver The young can make mistakes and can be rowdy at times, but that does not mean there is harm in them. Also today's younger crews are the future of the Broads, Regards Alan
  8. I have just received this email. Regards Alan Dear Toll Payer, The Broads Authority is trialling a plaqueless tolls system during 2016/17, this follows ink seepage issues with this year’s plaques. Further information is contained in the attached file. Yours faithfully Bill Housden Collector of Tolls Broads Authority, Yare House, 62-64 Thorpe Road. Norwich NR1 1RY 01603 610734 www.broads-authority.gov.uk Plaqueless tolls trial – important information The Broads Authority is trialling a plaqueless tolls system during 2016/17 which means it will be using registration marks and names of vessels to verify whether owners have paid a toll. A trial has been under consideration since the DVLA’s move to paperless vehicle tax and is being implemented now because of ink seepage issues with this year’s plaques. The Authority’s Rangers will be able to check vessel registration marks and names on a mobile device to see if they have a valid toll. We are also developing an online system for members of the public to access basic information and check if a vessel has paid a toll. This means that registration marks and/or names need to be clearly visible on vessels moored or used on the Broads and adjacent waters. This does not represent a change for most boat owners since the marks should be on their boat, however: • Privately owned sailing cruisers, half-deckers and keelboats don’t have to display registration marks if the registered name of the boat is clearly visible. • Sailing dinghies and sailboards, which have not had to display a registration mark in the past if a toll plaque was present, will have to display the registration mark instead. • Canoes and kayaks will need to display the registration mark or produce evidence of membership of the British Canoe Union. The requirements above and the information concerning non display of toll plaques supersede the leaflet ‘Display of registration marks and toll plaques’ sent with your toll plaques. If you are in any doubt about what is required please contact the Authority’s Tolls Office for advice. Registration marks are available from the Authority at a small charge. For those already issued with their 2016/17 tolls plaque the advice is to not fix them to boats. Anyone who has already put one of this season’s plaques on their vessel is advised to remove it. An evaluation of the plaqueless tolls trial will be undertaken in the autumn before deciding whether to take it forward for future seasons. Regards Alan Hood Ranworth Breeze Boat Syndicate http://www.ranworthbreeze.co.uk
  9. Hi Shreck, Its all down to the air draft of your hire boat. Not too much room under those two bridges as people have found out last year Regards Alan
  10. All we now is Robin to chirp in Regards Alan
  11. Hello Jon, Welcome to the NBN forum from Tan & myself. Regards Alan
  12. until
    The NBN Spring Meet at Salhouse Broad 14 & 15th May. Please see the topic in full members for the details. Regards Alan
  13. Hi David, That is a good feature, now if we could only have control of these camera's from Norfolk Live! Regards Alan
  14. Hi Steve, Have a look at these dry lining support props, these are handy for all sorts of jobs:- https://drywalltoolsdirect.co.uk/tyzack-support-prop.html Alternatively if you cut two or three lengths of lath, say 44 x 12 mm or thinner if you can get it so it can be bent slightly. Position you curtain rail timbers and then have two pieces of plywood (or thin MDF), these will be used to wedge the above laths that need to be cut slightly longer than the gap between the curtain rail timbers and the two pieces of scrap wood. The bend in these laths (effectively props) should support your curtain rail timbers until the tec 7 has set. Regards Alan
  15. I have to agree Mark, a job well done. I thought from your earlier photos that the sockets were recessed into the decking. Regards Alan
  16. Hi Steve, Have a look at this link regarding adhesives:- http://www.cyberbond1.com/adhesive-solutions/fiberglass-adhesives/ Have you thought of fixing the batons in place using resin? Regards Alan
  17. Hi Matt, The electric posts at Somerleyton will be a welcomed addition once complete. Regards Alan
  18. We like them and have seen no marks on the hull even after over 14 years of continued use (not the same socks). Like everything on a boat they need constant maintenance, on the two large round fenders on the bow we have to use pre-made socks on the other fenders we use the 5 meter stockinette and cut them to length. I tend to fit the socks at the season start and maintain them during my allocations on the boat. The socks are cleaned as part of the cleaning routine and fully replaced when they get holes in them or are looking tatty. If we had encountered any problems other than maintenance we would of course have ditched the use of them. Regards Alan
  19. We have just been watching Tim & Pru on the French Canals, a repete I know but it filled in the time. Water and wine what's not to like. Just to get into the spirit of things it seemed the correct thing to do to open a bottle of wine Regards Alan
  20. We always used to listen to the radio on Sunday, The Navy Lark & Jimmy Clitheroe. These lines always make me laugh. There was one line which still has me chuckling, when Jimmy and his father were talking to Susan’s slow-witted boyfriend, Alfie Hall. They must be meeting him for the first time, and you have to imagine this in a Lancashire accent. “What’s your name son?” “Alf Hall,” came the reply. “Don’t worry lad, we’ll pick you up again!” says Jimmy. Regards Alan
  21. Use fender socks then most of these fenders will look the same, you may get a quieter night without all the creaks, if only we could make the warps quieter Regards Alan
  22. Hello Peter, I saw a report on this this morning. Money well spent if you ask me the restored windmills of the Broads are an historical asset. Regards Alan
  23. I have just been looking at the Norfolk Live webcams, I sent them a message on Friday/Saturday asking if they are any further with getting control on their new camera's at Oulton Broad and Barnes Brinkcraft. I have not had a reply, it does say that they would not reply to any questions regarding the upgrade of camera's. The purpose to my message was that of all of their camera's only one of them could be controlled. Looking at the Barnes Brinkcraft camera it looks as if a couple of boats are stern moored outside the Hotel Wroxham, usually it is side on only for two to three boat dependent on their size. Regards Alan
  24. I have just been on the Falcon webcam and was luck enough to see the other bird return with some meat for its mate, they swapped rolls with the second bird sitting on the four eggs which were clearly seen. The first bird flew off to eat its meal. Regards Alan
  25. Hello Elisamoose, Welcome to the forum and thank you for posting your video of your new boat. Regards Alan
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