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Everything posted by ranworthbreeze

  1. ust had this through from local council I wasn't sure if people maybe aware of the restricted access to Hickling as per the highlighted below. Stuart Dear Berth Holder, We have just been notified by the Broads Authority that permission has been given by the Environment Agency to remove sediment from the Parish dyke, from the entrance to the dyke near Whispering Reed’s Houseboats, right down to the ends of both legs of the Parish dyke. The removal of sediment will be by sucking material through a floating pipe which will cross the Northern end of the Broad, and deposit on John Tallowin’s field on the far side. In previous times, the centre of the dyke only has been dredged, but this method will draw sediment across the width of the dyke, therefore the operation needs all boats to be moved from the dykes whilst work is carried out. We are therefore proposing to move all boats on the Parish Staithe into the Pleasure Boat dyke whilst this work is carried out. This will be done by a team of Parish Councillors and Pleasure Boat staff. Boats would be moved, in order, by paddling across the dyke and then walking them around the (by then) empty Parish dyke, and into the Pleasure Boat dyke, where boats will be tethered together two or three across. The proposed date to start moving boats would be 6th February, and boats would be returned to their moorings 19th/20th February. There is already a Notice to Mariners in force that means there is no navigation on Hickling Broad whilst the works are carried out. We write out of courtesy to ask your permission to move your boat as described, and would ask that you check your insurance to confirm that a third party can move your boat, and that it can be kept for a short stay at any moorings away from the specified permanent mooring (most boat insurances cover this). Would you please advise the Parish Clerk, Charlotte Hummel, preferably by e-mail, that you are happy with the proposed arrangement and that your insurance cover is adequate, by Friday 2nd February. We would also ask, if possible, that you check your mooring ropes for length and quality, and undo and retie the ropes in position before we move boats. They get very tight after a winter of being subject to weather, and it would be a great help to speed things up for us!! We apologise for how late in the day this all is, but it has been out of our hands. We believe it is very worthwhile to put ourselves out to make sure the sediment is removed from the dykes, and feel sure you would all agree – especially those of you with a keel!! It is a once in a generation project and we should all ensure that it happens! Glenn Wilson
  2. Hello Selsie, Welcome to the forum in your own rights. Regards Alan
  3. As Hockham Admiral (John) requests please tell us a little about yourselves. I note many of you are on the route that team Indy have taken to get to the Broads or are fascinated by their adventure. Regards Alan
  4. Hi John, More than I was prepared to pay, the only cost was £65.00 (including delivery) for a used fan and of course more pulled out hair. How are you managing with your pain at the moment? I am glad to see that the hospital meals look inviting. Regards Alan
  5. Hi Vaughan I remember it well and was the start of Goldie Hawn's career. Regards Alan
  6. My day yesterday started with catching up with the forum watching a bit of TV and breakfast after Tan got up. Tan went down to the community center for a Panto rehearsal at midday so I pulled the car further down the drive to finish getting the heater fan out of the car (it had stopped working a couple of weeks ago) I had already taken loads of screw out and undone various clips but it would not drop out of position. Virtually bent double head in the footwell, more light on the job I found the last offending screw all I had to do now was remove a heating duct which in all the video's I have seen easily pulls off, today it just came off, fan out. The reassembly took only about 15 minutes including refitting the replacement fan,removed glove box housing and all the trim. Job done it was time for a brew before switching the oven on in preparation for tea. Tan arrived back from rehearsal around 5.30pm and only had to wait for Yorkshire Pudding. We settled down to some TV and a glass of wine. Regards Alan
  7. Hello Loddonlad, Welcome to the NBN forum Regards Alan
  8. Hi Ray, Being as you are going to make off the flexible pipe you could fit a regulator with a gauge. http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Butane-Gas-Regulator-Push-Fit-Leak-Level-Gauge-Manometer-21mm-Clip-On-BBQ-/351097172272 Regards Alan
  9. I think you would be surprised at the amount some of the boats usings the Brooms fuel station take on board. Let's face it there is not really an alternative option for fuel around Brundall. Regards Alan
  10. I am just trying out some belgium beer that a customer sent me for doing some repairs for him. It called Liefmans Goudenband, a very dark beer that came in a 75cl sparkling wine bottle complete with wired cork. So far so good, off to check on the Indy crew. Regards Alan
  11. Hi Bill, Yes I had forgotten about those, are they green with a red top? you see them at a number of garages in cages, yet another connection and I think they are used for barbecues etc and a few few small appliances. Regards Alan
  12. I thought that she was until she encountered the weir just before the lock, I would defy anyone to cope in that situation. Lets face how many of us have encountered the effect on the River Chet from the sluices from Hardley Flood and have be prepared to oversteer when being hit by the current. Anyone new to boating has learn the ropes, we all made mistakes when we first started boating or were new to waterways such as the Broads. Regards Alan
  13. I did one a number of years ago, sadly this was lost/amended when the new handy information tab was created. Regards Alan Boat mooring on the Northern & Southern Broads.doc
  14. Hello Ray, There are two types as already stated Red & Blue, red is propane and blue bottles are butane, both of these types of gas have different connections to the bottles and are run at slightly different pressures. The red fitting goes into the fitting at the top of the bottle connection, the blue screws onto the outside of the bottle fitting. If you do not have a gas bottle spanner you will need to purchase one. If you do have space for a spare bottle then just make sure the rubber pipe is long enough to change over the bottles. You could have fitted a new regulator that has a pressure gauge on it, these are usually just used as a guide, the ones on the market are cheap and are not that great. Some systems may have two connection pipes and flexible connections to go to each bottle, they also additional valves to control each bottle, the danger here is that you can have both bottles in use and of course run out of gas on both bottles, the best policy is to use one bottle at a time. If the system has been tested fully then you may be able to leave the gas on overnight, at one time we would even turn the gas off if cruising. If you leave the boat then turn the gas off at the bottle. Regards Alan
  15. Hello Paladin, Those four objectives make sense and are more favourable to people from the area and its visitors, it is a pity that this could not be adopted for the Norfolk Broads. Regards Alan
  16. Maybe the Scottish National Parks are different, Loch Lomond does allow boats, even speedboats on its waters. I spend a lot of time in the Lake District and still had property in Bowness at the time of the demonstrations against the ban, I can honestly say that I did not come across anyone that openly said they were in favour of the ban. As I have said from a commercial point of view the loss of the spending power will never be made up. Regards Alan
  17. http://forum.norfolkbroadsnetwork.com/handy-information/boatyards/ Regards Alan
  18. Team Indi have a good trip, be safe and watch out for those big waves. Regards Alan
  19. Hello Grace, Are you feeling OK? please take your temperature and get back to us, you are clearly not well, only two pairs of shoes and hardly a drink in sight. Forget this New Years resolutions nonsense and get back to being yourself Regards Alan
  20. The thing that I find interesting in the article is that all the pictures used relate to the day visitor rather than people that visit the Broads for a week or weeks at a time, no real pictures of boating holidays, it all seems to be about the flora and fauna. We all like to see the wildlife on our visits, but lets face it most of us come to the Broads for the tranquility of being on the water, watching the world go by. Regards Alan
  21. Dear All Urgent Boating News - Boundary Farm Mooring (River Bure) is closed due to subsidence from 1 February 2018 until further notice. Kind Regards Laura Milner Administrative Officer Operations Broads Authority Tel: 01603 756035 Broads Authority, Yare House, 62-64 Thorpe Road. Norwich NR1 1RY 01603 610734 www.broads-authority.gov.uk
  22. Dear All Urgent Boating News - The Authority has been informed that Breydon Bridge at Great Yarmouth has been repaired and is now operational. Kind Regards Laura Milner Administrative Officer Operations Broads Authority Tel: 01603 756035 Broads Authority, Yare House, 62-64 Thorpe Road. Norwich NR1 1RY 01603 610734 www.broads-authority.gov.uk
  23. Hello Jocave, I assume you are talking about cutting the port side because of your moorings, is there anything impeding the starboard side? If I was addressing this issue I think I would have a fabricated plate made in stainless steel to reinforce the cut out section, this would aid the fixings and hinges on the cut out section. Regards Alan
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