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Everything posted by ranworthbreeze

  1. Before I had a Panasonic Brick of course I used to be on call and pagers were the latest thing of the day. I have had a phone for far to many years, but still tend to use it as a phone, as already said I can' t be bothered with texts, I prefer to email or if I require an answer I actually talk to people. Maybe it is an age thing but looking around, seeing the twitchy zombies walking in the street or constantly picking up their phone in public places such as pubs etc, with that expression on their faces; that nobody wants to talk to me, I am unloved. Yes phones great for business use, but lets keep it real. Regards Alan
  2. Hello Grendel, My guess is that the summer tracks may still be on or around the bridge. There always seems to be stuff lying near to the tracks. Maybe they should reintroduce the practice of fitting the summer tracks. Regards Alan
  3. Hi Jeff, This topic has been raised many times on the forum, most if not all the bridge markers need maintenance or replacement especially at Yarmouth, Somerleyton where the lower markings are almost unreadable. Regards Alan
  4. Hello Paws, Here is a link to the shows website, there is not a program of events as of yet. http://www.horningboatshow.co.uk/programme.html Regards Alan
  5. Texting I regard as a waste of time and does nothing to improve my temper, it would be OK I guess if mobiles had those big letters and numbers. Regards Alan
  6. Hi Mark, If a management company register or pay the tolls, they would be an higher price because it would be classified as a commercial toll. Back in 2012 when we re-registered with the Broads Authority our tolls went down from around £750 to just over £400. Usually one or two people are listed as the registered owners of a syndicate boat. In order to change our registration we worked with the toll department and had to give them copies of our draft contracts. Many of the ex Challenger boats went through a similar exercise. Regards Alan
  7. Hello Vanessan, Sadly a glue gun does not fix everything. What I can not understand however how does he manage to store broken things in the garage with all that wood stored in it As Robin says the technical aspects of household husbandry (poor choice of a word) is well beyond me, repairs to washers, dryers and irons I can understand, but the merits of the programs are well out of my league. Regards Alan
  8. Hi Steve, You will have a new bow thruster to play with with joystick control, we have replaced the old bow thruster with a dual blade more powerful version. I will see you next month. Regards Alan
  9. Its OK Steve we have plenty of extra fenders to have a go. Regards Alan
  10. If you make it difficult, expensive or impose too many rules and regulations for people to get rid of their rubbish some will just fly tip . The cost for local authorities to then clear up beggars belief, assuming they have not charged the land owners for this privilege. Regards Alan
  11. Hi Ray, In those circumstances I would try to get one of the boats to take a line and pull me in. When the roles are reversed I will always ensure that they get a mooring, it is better to take a line and pull them in rather than coming in under power. Regards Alan
  12. Maybe it is possible but you would need a lot of propellers to get any lift. It might solve the Potter Heigham Bridge issue however Regards Alan
  13. A friend of mine sent me this youtube clip. Regards Alan
  14. At the end of the day if you enjoy your time boating on the Broads you have to pay. There is no mileage complaining about it, maybe if I had to pay the full amount rather than a share in it I would have more to complain about. We all have hobbies, activities and maybe collect things, these are the things that make life special to us, if boating is your bag then enjoy, chill out and relax on the water. Regards Alan
  15. Here is a link to Hoseasons it shows a few pictures of the boat and the layout. http://www.hoseasons.co.uk/boat-holidays/broom-boats-brmb/broom-captain-bh2180 Regards Alan
  16. Hello Jamboboatman, Welcome to the NBN forum. Regards Alan
  17. I also feel so sorry for these people who have booked in good faith, they have have confirmation of the booking which may have been booked early last year, they have arranged to have time off of work (not an easy job for some people to fit in their holidays). Now in some cases they have been informed that their bookings will not be honoured, some may be able to arrange with another boat yard if it i early in the season, but in the height of the season this may prove to be almost impossible and in the summer holidays other locations will be already heavily booked. My personal opinion that these bookings should have been honored. Regards Alan
  18. My Day today involved myself and Tan down at our local community centre for our dress rehearsals for next week's production of Jack & the Beanstalk. We started at 9.20 am and walked out of the building at 6.10 pm. Yorkshire Television attended during the rehearsals, there should be a small feature on Tuesday, this year is our 80th production. I have been involved backstage for over 50 year and Tan for around 45, Tan is prompting in this production and her brother is playing the Baron and his daughter is in the junior corus. Myself for my sins doing the lighting and backstage lifting the backcloths. Regards Alan
  19. Hi Finny, Clive has said that their booking agent which is indeed Hoseasons; their policy is against solo or single parent (single adult) bookings, Richardsons have fallen in line with this policy or maybe just supporting their booking agent. I find this rather bazar when the booking agent is in a state of flux that any of their clients are indeed changing their policies at this time, it would have made more sense to wait until later in the year or even next season. Regards Alan
  20. Hello Waterglade welcome to the forum. Regards Alan
  21. Hi Grendel, As soon as I saw your first picture I thought purpose made tap or die holder, many engineers made their own tools back in the day. Regards Alan
  22. Thank you Paladin for sharing these emails with us all on the various forums. Regards Alan
  23. I saw this, no doubt only used for marketing but at whose cost? http://www.edp24.co.uk/business/new-artwork-at-norwich-airport-welcomes-visitors-to-the-broads-1-5395321 Regards Alan
  24. We encountered single handed crew on the Marple locks a few years ago whilst doing the Cheshire Ring, we ended up using one of our crew to help him and speed up the operation, there are 16 locks in this flight with very short pounds between them. Writer & boater John Gag used to do his trips single handed and always carried a set of steps o get off of the roof of his narrow boat, this was before Elf & Safety where all locks had to have ladders fitted. Regards Alan
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