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Everything posted by ranworthbreeze

  1. Hello John, If it is the standard Jabasco you can get a new seals/valve kit or you can just purchase a new pump. Both Brian Wards (remember the NBN discount) and Peachments are stockists. Regards Alan
  2. Hi John, What make of toilet is it? Regards Alan
  3. Most if not all the mould/mildew cleaners contain bleach which does kill the mildew/mould spores on fabric/canvas etc it does not fully remove the marks and too much bleach content will and does effect the stitching so be careful and only use a slight quantity, about a small capful of bleach to a bucket of warm water is more than sufficient. Regards Alan
  4. Wise words Grace or you could be in trouble Regards Alan
  5. Hello John, I have left a message for you. Regards Alan
  6. So sorry to hear of your sad news Roz & family, Richard will be sadly missed here on the forum, his open dialogue regarding his illness was an inspiration to many of the forum members and it helped a number of us to be more aware and have checkups. RIP Richard.
  7. Dear all, Further to my email below, The Authority has been informed this morning that the Flood Alerts are no longer in place for any of the Tidal Rivers as water levels have dropped below threshold and no further significant rainfall is expected. Kind regards, Tom Tom Waterfall Digital Communications Officer Tel: +44 (0) 1603 756034 Mob: +44 (0) 7769 696117 Twitter: @BroadsAuth
  8. Now is that the 15 minute argument or the full half hour Regards Alan
  9. Sometimes when I go in the car up to Brian Wards, by the time I get back Tan is all for sending out a search party,. Usually I have to wait at the level crossing on the way there and also on the way back, of course it has nothing to do with the chatting whilst in Wards Regards Alan
  10. Don't forget the VAT Regards Alan
  11. When I enquired last year I am sure they cover the Southern Rivers. Regards Alan
  12. Hello Labrador, you are entitled to your opinions. Sorry to hear of your loss. I can lock your account but it is not our policy to remove your posts. Please confirm that you wish your account to be locked. Regards Alan
  13. Old enough to remember it being 1 & 3 but that was in the mid sixties 4 pints a chips & fish with slight change from 10 bob. Regards Alan
  14. Hello Lionel, At least you will have a tin opener, the usual things forgotten are wooden spoons, spatula, pots, pans, crockery, glasses. Take spare batteries for all torches aboard and for smoke CO2 sensors etc. It is a good idea to have some of those hanging compartments you can put in the wardrobes if storage space is an issue. We always take a mattress topper with us whereever we go these days for Tan's bad back. Print off the tide tables from the Broads Authority website for your visit. Regards Alan
  15. This has reminded me to contact Maffetts to renew our dive insurance, also I need to contact Boulters again. Alex Frazer does some of our servicing and he is always around Brundall. Regards Alan
  16. If I am down at the boat, then you will always find me at Brian Wards, if they do not stock it they will point you in the right direction. Tanya & Nick are more than happy to let their customers try parts for their compatibility, we did this with the led incerts we purchased off them a few years ago , we opted with the 2.1 watt incerts in the end. As mentioned remember the NBN discount. Regards Alan
  17. I know we have kindly been informed there is a flood alert, but here is a notification from the Broads Authority. Dear all, The Authority has been informed that Flood Alerts have been issued by the Environment Agency for the tidal Rivers Ant, Bure, Thurne, Waveney and Yare. The alert is in place for following tidal Rivers: Bure from Wroxham Bridge to Breydon Water, Ant from Horning to Breydon Water, Thurne from Hickling to Breydon Water, Yare from Thorpe St Andrew to Breydon Water (highest levels expected around Brundall), And Waveney from Ellingham to Breydon Water (highest levels expected around Beccles Quay). This message has been issued because of steady rainfall over the Easter Bank Holiday, which is now making its way through the Broads system. High levels in the Broads may last for a few days until the freshwater river flows have filtered through. The Environment Agency are not currently expecting the situation to escalate. Levels are expected to peak between 12 noon and 4pm today, Wednesday 4 April. Standing water will be visible in floodplain areas, and riverside footpaths may be flooded. Do not take unnecessary risks. Please check the link here for any updates in due course. Kind regards, Tom Waterfall Digital Communications Officer Tel: +44 (0) 1603 756034 Mob: +44 (0) 7769 696117 Twitter: @BroadsAuth Broads Authority, Yare House, 62-64 Thorpe Road. Norwich NR1 1RY 01603 610734 www.broads-authority.gov.uk
  18. This all stems from servicing in pubs, gin was plentiful and cheap for a landlord to get things moving again Regards Alan
  19. I know that this will go against the grain with many boaters but I use gin as cleaner both on contacts and small machine parts Regards Alan
  20. Please let me have fuel prices for the Southern & Northern Broads. Northern Broads Horning Boulters 99p per litre 04/04/2018 Southgates £1.10 per litre 04/04/2018 Southern Broads Brundall Brooms £1.25 per litre 24/03/2018 Swancraft 99p per litre 04/04/2018 St Olaves Goodchilds £1.00 per litre 04/04/2018 Regards Alan
  21. ranworthbreeze


    Hello Richard, As Grendel said we had two different posts, one for fuel and one for pump out prices. We pinned these files and amended the first page with the prices and the last known price with a date and I would suggest that we put them in general broads section. If you can start to let me have locations for the Northern & Southern Rivers and current prices. Regards Alan
  22. Hello Simon, Looking at the Broads Authority tide tables the 16, 17 and 18th April low water tides (early morning) are quite low, allowing for the hour difference for Yarmouth the 16th is around 5.00 am and later on the next two days. Regards Alan
  23. Hello Simon, On Ranworth Breeze with the canopy and masthead down we have an airdraft of 9 ft 8 inches so basically we look for a clearence of 10 ft at all Bridges. I use the Broads authority tide tables because it gives me an height at low water. We look for a height of 0.14 or lower, with your height you will need to look for a minus level tide to pass through Yarmouth. We have a simple guide when coming down river for checking for 10 foot at the bridges on the ladders approaching the yacht station, if you can see 7 rungs of the ladders out of the water, you have 10 foot at the bridges, we use this as a guide because the bridge height indicators are few in number and the lower markings are all worn away. Regards Alan
  24. DIY risk assessment for open water swimming By Simon Griffiths • Publisher • 4th August 2014 @outdoor_swimmer How much should you trust the advice of those who tell us not to swim in open water? Our hope is that regular readers of H2Open will be equipped to make their own risk assessments before swimming and know how to stay safe. I spent last week with my family on a boat in the Norfolk Broads. It's a part of the UK I've never visited before but the promise of lots of open water with direct access from a boat sounded attractive. When we hired the cruiser I enquired about swimming and was told there were several swimming pools in the area but that nobody swims in the broads as it's too dangerous. The Broads Authority says: “The water looks inviting, but it’s a natural place and the water is always cold, whatever the weather. There are underwater plants and other hazards such as obstacles, fast currents and occasionally during very hot weather, blue-green algae may be present.” The authority also says: “The Broads is unsuitable for swimming, so don’t be tempted even on a hot day.” Certainly there are plenty of places on the Broads where swimming is uninviting - the heavily trafficked and rather bleak 'New Cut' for example or the broads thick with sailing boats - but there are several places along the River Waveney and elsewhere where it was too hard to resist getting in for a dip. The public mooring spaces all have 'no swimming' signs so rather than risk a confrontation or argument with anyone we instead moored up on remote stretches of the river and assessed our swimming options, and what the risks might be. Firstly, was the water clean enough swim in? Without any testing kit we couldn't get a definitive answer to this question so we had to trust our judgement. The river carries quite a high silt load, so looks murky, but we weren't too worried by that. Our biggest concerns were contamination from agricultural run-off, waste water disposal from boats, sewage and blue-green algae. On the plus side, the river is boarded on both sides by reeds, which are natural filters, and the river looked alive and healthy. We saw lilies, fish, hundreds of birds and countless dragonflies and very little litter. In comparison to the tidal Thames, where I've often swum, this water seemed pristine. Secondly, strong currents. The navigable section on the Waveney is tidal so the direction of flow depends on whether the tide is coming in or going out. However, even at peak flow, while noticeable, the current wasn't stronger than we could swim against (or even close to it). We didn't think strong currents were a reason not to swim. Another potential hazard was other river traffic but we considered the danger here to be minimal. We chose stretches of river with good visibility in both directions and where there was a six knot speed limit. We'd typically only encounter a few boats per hour and the majority of these were speed-limited hire cruisers and so easy to see and avoid. We also saw one sculler but again made sure we had plenty of time to keep clear. Be aware though that some stretches of the Broads are designated as water skiing areas, and water skiing and swimming really don't mix well. A bigger problem was getting into and out of the water as the boat we hired was not designed to support swimmers and at low tide the bank was too high to easily climb. This is one thing we didn’t see mentioned in any guidelines but possibly one of the biggest dangers. We solved the problem using a stand up paddle board that we tied up next to our boat. This served as a platform to slip into and climb out of the river and also as a step to climb back into the boat. Pre-planning how you will get out of the water should be automatic for any open water swim and is especially important where water levels may change while you are swimming. Incidentally, the SUP was great to explore the river and test out the current and temperature prior to swimming. A trip to the beautiful and largely deserted beach at Horsey (and apparently Britain's largest seal colony) showed the danger of underwater obstacles. Swimming into one of the weathered groynes revealed by low tide would be a definite holiday spoiler. In the river there's always the possibility of something hidden below the surface but we considered the risk to be low because of the regular boat traffic. Nevertheless, we always checked before jumping. Finally, was the water cold? We didn't measure the temperature numerically but tested it with our feet before swimming. Given the summer we've had in the UK we didn't expect it to be cold (and it wasn't) but it's always worth checking and giving your body and mind a chance to adjust before leaping in. The idea that “the water is always cold, whatever the weather” is plainly nonsense. So was it safe? I think 'safe' should only be used in relative terms. No swim can be guaranteed 100% totally safe but with a bit of planning and care it's surely a lot lower risk than some people would have us believe. We very much enjoyed our swims and I'd happily recommend swimming in the Waveney, whatever the Broads Authority says, as long as you take appropriate precautions.
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