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MauriceMynah last won the day on May 6

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About MauriceMynah

  • Birthday 03/11/1954

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    The Broads.

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  1. Well, what a lovely meet. I couldn't get the Beachboys out of my head as I hummed "Good Libations". It was great to catch up with everybody again. And once again I suspect I over libated on Friday, it certainly felt like it on the Saturday. Now, back to business. Although I was generally a tad disappointed with the overall lack of patination displayed at the meet, it was delightful to see, and be treated to, a display of an instant patination installation of the shorts by courtesy of little bramble. His efforts are much to be commended.
  2. Vaughan, would you reckon that's the case in today's larger boatyards, I'm thinking of the big three.
  3. Please turn off the kettle now, the steam has reached Wroxham Island.
  4. Sometimes I sits and thinks, and sometimes I just sits. A A Milne I have to express my gratitude to Mr. Milne for the above quote as it demonstrates wonderfully my present status. Whilst I was in thinking mode, and moored at one of my favourite spots, I looked out of the window at the BA 24hr sign "Wroxham Island" it said. "TG311 183" it added. My interest was aroused when I read "NR12 8TS". Ahh I thought, hmmm I added. Who on earth is going to send a letter or a parcel to Wroxham Island? Or, who is going to input it to their satnav. Now, if I remember to do it, while I'm moored at Salhouse for the meet, I shall put it into my Garmin that sits by the helm and see what happens. If it directs me out of the broad and tells me to turn to port, I'll be very impressed. Any bets?
  5. Do you have any "residential" moorings? Pm me if you prefer. Thank you.
  6. Where is the fish restaurant?
  7. It is the BA's responsibility to maintain the navigation. Nobody said anything about stopping anywhere.
  8. Just to add, since the Mermaid's Slipper closed, I'm unaware of any really high end eatery on the northern side.
  9. I understand what you say CC, and I too wish them well but I think they're missing a trick here. One of the outlets should be high end with the other more standard. Personally I would go high end with the cafe and pub-grub at the pub, but that's just me! @Vaughan a heritage carrot is one that can trace its roots. Chips look up to crushed new potatoes but down on merely boiled potatoes. Its a fried and tested standard.
  10. It strikes me that the pub is trying to be a bit "gastro", and is in direct competition with the cafe. That seems a bit stupid to me. The owner should be trying to capitalise on having the two outlets by making them different from each other. Why does nobody do "Pub Grub" anymore?
  11. Ahhh yes Hylander, PC ! If a police officer on the local parish council was typing an email to a traveller he would be... A PC typing a PC note on his PC for the PC. Simples.
  12. Lucky Pumps !!! Reading through this thread I think I'll just use bottled water, I understand that.
  13. If it goes "Ping..ga" does that mean you've found a u-boat ?
  14. If you are not moored in a mooring space, but blocking it, you are impeding it. Grens point was to do this at the point where the BA had cordoned off the space, thereby helping the BA to enforce their own instructions. A much stickier situation for them. Mind you, I might be talking out of my backside here.
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