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Everything posted by MauriceMynah

  1. For years I just thought myself wierd (come along now, I know you all think it too ) until recently I met someone with the same horrors as my own. I have something akin to a phobia, not of children, but of bodily fluids. I cannot sit anywhere near a young child when it eats. To see a child eating with it's mouth open will quite literally make me retch, similarly a child with a runny nose. I associate a childs sticky fingers with their having just eaten so once again I would find myself 'running for the hills'. Other bodily fluids from lower down the anatomy hold similar reactions from me but I see no reason to go into details there. So, how I would react to your "two little people" would totally depend on their age and their ability to eat in a fully adult way. None of this would be their fault, it's all mine and I've been like this from my early twenties. Oddly enough, Shakespeare was aware of this problem, giving one of his characters the same problem. Corporal Nym is unable to kiss any woman "I cannot kiss, that is the humour of it; but, adieu." Trust me, I know the feeling, I tried and was sick!!! End of a short relationship! There are other inconveniences but I'm not about to bore you all with those suffice to say, if you come across someone who "dislikes" children, please allow for the possibility that there's a reason for this.
  2. Being rude to a child, or anyone else come to that, is of course unacceptable behaviour, but more people should take your lead Gracie, and not allow their children to go to people they don't know.
  3. An interesting parallel kids and dogs. but the difference between owner and parent is far more marked. It is only recently I have lived without a dog yet as a batchalor with the exception of my older sister, I have never lived with children. For this I am grateful. That's the history, now for the opinions. I find that in a pub, where a dog is off the lead, should that dog approach a person and that person shows signs of not liking this, the owner will inveriably call the dog away. It is rare, no, very rare for this not to be the case. Where a child approaches an adult, and that adult shows any sign of not liking this, the parent will look at the adult as though he was filth for not liking the child. Pubs used to be the last bastion of freedom from children. Alas no more. Ok, so you've got kids, maybe grandkids, and possibly even some great grandkids. Good for you, I honestly hope they make you happy. Now, cuddle my Rottweiler!
  4. So vote for the ones who ARE local! That's a matter well within your control
  5. Well, I've looked at the photos of the interior http://www.broadlandyachtbrokers.co.uk/boats/468 and have decided that it's just a bit too short on the creature comforts. I'm just too fat and lazy to go that way, nor in all reality do I think I'm agile enough. Still It looks a great boat for the right person. Thanks all for the advice given. I can hear the sighs from here that I'll not be zig-zagging my way up the Ant on a summers Saturday afternoon, Clive's being the loudest sigh of all.
  6. The year that Ultima was on the cover, we hired her. She was wonderful, sleef powerful and a picture of elegance. That is,until mother ran her aground at high speed in Barton Broad about half an hour after we took her over! I have to admit, I thought that was 1968! Still, my memory isn't what it used to be, and sadly, I can't remember what it was! I meant to add that she was built by the Neatishead boatyard
  7. Hmmm, I wonder if the Victorians knew where to stick that!
  8. Ok, so a letter cost 1d, How much was a call on a mobile back then?
  9. The "Neatishead Boatyard" used to be at Neatishead, which makes sense, but although it moved to Wayford Bridge it retained it's name. There was a pub there called "The Woodfarm Inn" but that also moved allbeit not far.(just across the river and just across the road) The new "Woodfarm inn" more recently changed it's name to "The Wayford Bridge Hotel" and even more recently to "The Wayford Bridge Inn". The Neatishead Boatyard is run by Peter and Thelma Linford, though no longer has a hire fleet.
  10. That makes me think it's Wayford Bridge, just across the river from Jon's yard.
  11. Not retired but reading the replies with great interest. The matter is still in the balance!
  12. I have one question for Robin (LR) If you wanted a river boat, why did you buy a share in a sea boat? Jack Powles of that vintage (and for many years after) were sea boats, not river ones!
  13. I think "The other place" dates back to the early 1700s or late 1600s. Not one anyone can level at a living politician
  14. I think I rather started the "Other place" reference a while back. It wasn't meant to be anything snotty or childish, but a reference to the way the houses of Lords and Commons refer to each other. I rather enjoyed doing it here and it sort of seems to have caught on.
  15. Did you go in the Hotel? I was there for a while!
  16. Well well well ! Here I go again. Yes I know, this has happened before and I got over it but it’s looking worse this time, Let me explain. There was I, minding my own business having a beer with a friend (yes, I do have some) when suddenly I decided to look at some boats that were for sale. I finished my beer and took a wander. There it was. A nice little craft, just one foot shorter than mine and at a very attractive price. Volvo diesel inboard and what looked like the original gel coat. I’m seriously thinking of selling Nyx and going for this one, I really liked it. “So what” I hear you all say, “No big deal swapping boats, people do it all the time.” Ahhh yes I says, but this one’s got a stick! Yes folks, I’m looking at another raggy. Now, I kid you not. It’s a 26 footer and I’m rather smitten so will someone give me a good hard slap and get me back to the land of rhyme and reason. If nobody does that there’s a better than average chance I’ll be heading back up to my boat to have a look inside this new madness of an idea. If anyone interested wants to, it’s at Sutton staithe, and it’s a twin keeled Westerly.
  17. Can anyone confirm or correct me as to the surname here. I asked earlier about the Rising Sun Coltishall, and suddenly thought "Sid Dolt" is that right or am I going mad?
  18. I'm trying to remember the name of the landlord of the Rising Sun Coltishall back in the late sixties. First name I think was Sid.
  19. JM, I live on the Herts/Essex border. At least I know where I can find an Adnams Broadside. PS, Jasper, That comment is typical for Libra!
  20. There are few things in life more tenatious than a french Jehovers Witness.
  21. Nothing like a stiff drink after being out on the boat all day.
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