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Everything posted by MauriceMynah

  1. e-mail received at 16:45 from Yodel informing me that they are going to collect a parcel for me from the vendor. So far so good!
  2. Yes, it was me as agreed. I hope you are keeping your side of the bargain and that the cheque's in the post.
  3. Well well well! This might prove interesting. I have today, just ordered another few items from the company I ordered bits from before, who use Yodel. Order placed this morning at 10:00. I shall keep the world informed, meanwhile who is reckoning what will happen?
  4. Martin, we almost always are "almost right" and as you say, in a very strange way.
  5. I sort of mentioned this before but given that most people who own boats buy them second hand, it would be nice to have articles about what's available. The sort of thing would be... Dawncraft Dandy. How much would one expect to pay, the pros and cons of that model, any known problems (and how to overcome them), the following issue could cover a different but often available craft and so on. Explore their limitations, would it be ill advised to take a Norman or Dawncraft out to sea? A readers questions might be interesting "I have a 50hp Mercury outboard. What's the best way to attach it to my 4ft coracle?" On a more serious note, and referring to a very contentious issue in another place a while back, a qualified experts view on how to tell if a boat used primarily on fresh water is suitable to do sea cruising. There are many many subjects out there to be written about but what seems to be missed is that we are not all motor cruiser enthusiasts any more than we are all sailies. you do need to cater for both. The other thing is that although we all like to dream, very few of us are very rich. Target the middle and lower income and you won't go far wrong.
  6. 1965, "Fancy Free" from Richardsons was my first trip. I was 10 nearing 11 and bar two years (76 and 77), every year since.
  7. I've got to laugh!, I've just had a parcel delivered by... you guessed it... Yodel! I've been away (on the boat,) and the fellow left a card Saturday, another one yesterday, and was writing out a third today when I got home. Pretty good on the whole, but I must be that exception that proves the rule!
  8. Sorry about that! That's what comes of posting Youtube clips of "Round the Horn" on other threads!
  9. Couldn't agree with you more Alan, I like it both ways too.
  10. "they spent £1,085,000 on promoting understanding" Dave, As neither you nor I understand what that means, all one can say is... They didn't promote it very well then, did they! "Anyone care to define or defend?" Define or defend?... I don't even care to READ!!! I have nothing but admiration for those of you who have the patience to read these sorts of documents, but I get half way down the first page and my mind just wanders off to somewhere nicer. Before I know it, I'm starting page three and realise I have no idea what I've just read.
  11. I hadn't appreciated what good value the moorings were on the broads until I compared them with Brighton Marina, or maybe I would do better if I were to compare like with like.
  12. For my mind I think the BA's favour is that they seemed not to have looked for excuses for another major increase, concealed perhaps by "leveling the playing field" for this or that. The fact that the BWB's (or whatever it's now called) increase is .2% lower is largely irrelevant given the differences between the two organisations. (I was typing this as Poppy's post came up) Suffice to say the difference is minimal. I reckon the increase is fair. Anything within 1% of inflation is tolerable (IMAO)
  13. Apologies for hoovering this up from 'another place' ... no not that other place, another other place, but I was just a tad surprised that it hadn't been mentioned here. I notice in the other place it is being discussed, where in this other other place it has been brought to the attention of it's members but not as yet discussed. Lowest tolls rise in Broads Authority history Broads Authority members unanimously approved a 1.7% tolls increase on Friday – the lowest in the Authority's history. David Broad, Broads Authority member and Chairman of the Navigation Committee, said the increase was very fair and the boating community seemed happy with it. “The Broads tolls are very good value for money, especially when compared to other waterways and in the context of all the valuable work the Authority is doing. “We are in the process of enhancing our network of free public moorings, other facilities and infrastructure, improving dredging and ensuring our assets are updated and protected for the future. Therefore we need to increase tolls with inflation so we can continue to do more for the benefit of boaters." “There is no regular Government funding for navigation so all this improvement and maintenance can only be funded from tolls.” You can read more about this decision in the committee report. http://www.broads-authority.gov.uk/__data/assets/pdf_file/0005/506381/Navigation-Charges-2015-16-and-Draft-Financial-Strategy-to-2017-18-ba211114.pdf Personally, I reckon the BA has got it pretty much right, or "spot on" as one in the other other place would have said.
  14. "Hi Austin is a cross lab retriever" Geoffrey, Please stop saying things to Austin that makes him cross! He's doing his best.
  15. Iain, You could try reintroducing transportation, at least it's warm down under!
  16. See if you can get that changed to two bottles of wine and one meal
  17. An age old problem that will never be solved for as long as these reviews are written by human beings. Some people are genuinely nice. they will be given something that is "good enough" and will give it a ten. then, when confronted with perfection, they give that a ten too. These are the sorts of people who when asked after a meal "What would you mark that out of ten?" will without exception say "20". They are tiresome folk who had an original thought once but did nothing about it! Then you get the other side of that coin, those who will never give a ten because that would be perfection, and the meal they just ate couldn't be perfect as nothing is! These people will, if having just had the best meal of their lives which was indeed perfect, will respond to the above question with "9.999". These people also had an original thought once but ignored it not realising it to have been a good one. Add to these people those who always say nice things, subtract those who never say anything, good or bad and try to ignore those who have axes to grind either positive or negative and you end up with this indisputable truth. You cannot, under any circumstances, take any notice of reviews. On the other hand, maybe I'm just a cynic!
  18. Thanks Dave, I owe you one
  19. Hmmm, the thought has just occurred to me that normally it would be the seller who would pay any commission. I have never heard Simon sing...and...well... well, I've got this kind of hunch, which, not to put too finer point to it, I'd rather listen to Geoffrey sing.... well in fact I suspect I'd rather hear Dyllan than Simon! I do accept I might be wrong, Simon might have the voice of an angel. I've never been that close to his bath to find out!
  20. I've had a lollypop waved at me once, but that was on the southern waters and I was punching the tide. I reckon it was for excessive wash rather than my speed over ground!
  21. I was "snapped" when coming up to the boat at the end of last month. Letter of intention to prosecute has come and I've little choice but to hold my hand up. Mea Culpa and all that! I had wondered about writing a letter explaining the reason I was speeding to see if it would help... Dear Sir, I admit I was speeding but it wasn't my fault. At the time of the offense I was on the phone arguing with my sister. She was saying I shouldn't be driving because drinking six pints of beer was too much. I pointed out that as the car's brakes didn't work, the police would have a hard job stopping me anyway. This didn't stop my sister from arguing that the brakes were largely irrelevant because the tyres were down to the steel anyway. I ask you! Is it any wonder I was speeding? Yours etc.etc. I reckon that should help.
  22. I have just acquired a vacuum pump and reservoir for removing the old engine oil. it has a pipe that one sticks down the dipstick tube after which it's just a sucking jobbie. The real reason I bought it was to..... NO Peter & Timbo, behave yourselves!!... I bought it to assist in the bleeding of the engine if I have to replace my fuel filters. After watching the engineer at Whispering Reeds do this job it was apparent that a sucky thing was just the job. One of the few disadvantages of using Biodiesel is that fuel filters need changing more frequently. A small price to pay!
  23. Oh, just one small point Geoffrey, You do realise that as the boat was advertised and therefore bought and sold via the forum, you are honour bound to sing us a song sometime. :)
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