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Everything posted by ExSurveyor

  1. I have used the heavy clear tarps for a few years with mixed results. The blue ones are useless. The key is strapping it down well. I did fit extra eyelets as required. For the Calypso l had a large sheet of vinyl made up with eyelets to match the fender eyes, that has proved very successful and withstands the high winds but folds back if we use the boat out of season.
  2. Timbo, you can crew with me in Thunderbird 2 I have nav lights and cup holders for the beers
  3. I think these chaps have too much time on their hands are are missing previous employment where people may have looked up to them. I do like the thunderbirds uniforms If I get the uniform and a blue fender for the Broom Scorpio will they let me be Thunderbird 2
  4. Any nominations for forum members to provide hot air on a rota.
  5. Peter/ Griff, I am in norfolk 14th to 24th if all else fails.
  6. It sells newspapers, not to me anymore
  7. One thing to watch for is the fuel filler cap, my Suzuki failed after six months and started weeping when on its side but was replaced by the dealer. Don't forget to close the air valve for transportation
  8. I have a Suzuki 2.5. I have dragged it from Norfolk to Kent many times on its side and never had a problem. I use a fuel stabilizer over winter and turn the fuel tap off and let it run dry. Always fires up in the spring with a top up of fresh fuel. Nice little engine. I also have a mariner 20 on the back of the broom Scorpio, starts and runs like a dream.
  9. You missed "Establishment and cappuccino supping", not sure you qualify . Sorry can't load a smiley face or tounge in cheek one.
  10. Thank you Vaughan and Timbo for some enlightening reading before my siesta . Intelligent and factual debate and not a raised voice.
  11. You just can't get decent crew these days darlings
  12. The other thing is during peak season 95% of the hirefleet is out and 90% of private craft are in marinas during the week.
  13. In my experience 50% of speeders are hire boats, 50% private boats and the other half are day boats or fishermen on small boats. Now that is what you call balance. 95% of Boats plod along below the limit.
  14. They are trying to keep the riff-raff out
  15. The annoyance of wash from some speeding boats and the ability to shake hands with the crew passing two feet from my boat on a sixty foot plus wide river is more than offset by the ability to moor on the river rather than being packed in a marina
  16. I have had two flying all week, proper NBN ones not the looky likey ones
  17. . However, as a left leaning bleeding heart liberal elitist, Timbo, please tell me you don't sup cappuccino. I know you are not the establishment.
  18. I watch the BBC so that I know what the cappuccino supping left wing bleeding heart liberal elite establishment expect me to think, then I think the exact opposite just to be awkward.
  19. Moored in the basin this week as we have grandchildren staying in one of the lodges in the basin.
  20. They don't stay long when they think they might like to moor in front of my mooring at Brundall Gardens. Right in front of the No Mooring sign. I give them advice on the nearest 24 hour moorings. I did have to ask one guy to pack up his fishing gear and move his cruiser from the mooring behind last year.
  21. Griff legless again and quite armless
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