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Everything posted by ExSurveyor

  1. Beautifully played by a talented young musician.
  2. Grendel is on the case but it is quite a task.
  3. On Whitey I have a double camera set up. One on the rear and one on the blind side, the monitor can swap between the two cameras. I also have a large van mirror on the blind side.
  4. Well, good job I dropped the Psychic prefix from my user name because I didn't see this coming . It is an honour to carry forward the fantastic work of Ian, Timbo and Polly. Although this wonderful trio are stepping down from the responsibility and liability of owning and running the forum, they will continue to be very valued members and around for advice and to be contributors. They have been supported by a number of members behind the scenes, Old Greg, who regularly oils the cogs of the forum machinery to keep it running, The Events team who have had 18 months off but will hopefully be busy next year. Uncle Mike, the forum shopkeeper, he taught Amazon how to do it properly. Last, but by no means least, The moderation team led by Gendel and backed up by Alan ( RB ). The moderation team was expanded by the addition of a number of anonymous members. This gave a broad range of opinions and experience for the senior mods to draw on. I have been a mod for a couple of years and guess what, it can be hard work. Going forward nothing obvious will change as far as members are concerned. I will hold ownership and liability as an individual and as my pocket money is at risk, I will have the final say. Below this will be the Admin team, I will be Chairman and offer advice and general guidance. I am pleased to announce that Cambridge Cabby has agreed to become Vice Chairman and Fairtmiddlin will be Secretary/ Treasurer. This arrangement will give me the luxury of having two others to bounce ideas off of and will spread the workload. After running a number of businesses and organisations over the last 40 years I have yet master the enjoyment of book keeping, the last set of accounts I prepared was 39 years ago so thank you Fairtmiddlin. The moderation team have always operated semi independently from the Admin team to implement the ToS laid down by the Admin team and legislation, this will continue under the guidance of Grendel. As far as moderation is concerned, Please, if your post is hidden, it is because it has caused concerns that need to be discussed or it has breached the ToS. Either way please don't expect a message straight away, it takes time to get a number of mods available to discuss it. The best way to help the mods is to please think about what you are posting, keep it friendly and within the ToS. After the last 18 months we all deserve a bit of kindness. Finally, until I remember something I have forgotten, I have asked Timbo to become Honorary President in recognition of his sterling work in getting the forum prepared for the upcoming legislation and I am pleased to say he has accepted. ( I told him it was equivalent to a Knighthood ) If anyone has any questions or just wants to say hello, please feel free to message me. To a continuing bright and healthy future. Mark
  5. Timbo, Ian and Polly, on behalf of all the members, thank you for saving the forum and getting it into such a viable and healthy position. It is a daunting honour to try and fill your collective shoes. I will update everyone later on the new Admin team members.
  6. I have one on my boat, very useful.
  7. £50 for heaters and dehumidifier, all on thermastats or timer.
  8. I only drain the water tank and pipes, heater in the engine bay, heater in the centre cabin and a dehumidifier.
  9. Apparently so, the main body cover is £625, then add top cover, insulation blanket and clips. Add to that lift out and labour. The lesson is never hit an outboard if you aren't insured and if you are hit don’t assume it is cheap to replace and do a deal. And always be grateful that a fellow forum member was around to witness it.
  10. I am waiting for the full estimate, that might be lift out and change and check everythink. It did 26knts against the tide on the medway during the trial
  11. Thank you Helian for the photo, don't think Tcut will help.
  12. That, from what I understand, is parts, but it was only a quick call with the yard manager late Friday. I will want all the through bolts checked for movement as well.
  13. All working on Firefox mobile.
  14. Apparently it was bow on to the outboard. The yard have checked it over out of the water including all bolts to the rear platform.
  15. I would guess it is the top two parts at least. I haven't seen any photos but the yard were surprised at the price. They took it straight out of the water so I guess it was a mess.
  16. Thank you for that, I really appreciate you taking the time to detail what happened.
  17. Had a phone call today from the marina. The new boat, White Knight, moored in the basin waiting for an engine service had been hit. A boat owner collecting his boat after some work got caught out by the wind and bashed into the outboard. The yard had the boat straight out on to stands to check it over. Fortunately the only damage is to the outboard case and the owner has accepted responsibility and will pass it to his insurance company. The cost of a new casing is a staggering £850 + Crazy. These things happen, the yard were outstanding and the owner very apologetic when I spoke to him this evening. The annoying thing is having spent 6 weeks hobbling around to do work on it, I only had it out on the water for an hour as the engine was in need of a service. At least it isn't summer.
  18. Unusual concept but at least they tried.
  19. congratulations,enjoy your new home.
  20. That is an optimistic price considering the private one for sale last year had a new engine. I could never get my head around the poor use of space, they seem so much smaller than the later ones but are the same hull.
  21. Always worth a cheeky offer to BB when you are ready, every boat is usually for sale on a fleet.
  22. A good close race, it should be a good last few races.
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