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Everything posted by BroadAmbition

  1. Underway, all to the good. No sign of JM this morning though. Lovely sunny morning Griff
  2. We are crewed up, under sailing orders. Main engine start in 5 mins Griff
  3. MTB102 will no way do 35kts today. In her current configuration she will manage 25kts tops Griff
  4. The thing is, even if it was a boat of 'B.A's stature, the same sort of passage plan would be needed to get through Mutford Lock and the like. We are constrained not so much by the tides on the Yare / Waveney - although of course they do have to be taken into account with Indy's draft, the main constraint is the timing of the Lift out at Lake Lothing, gotta be done at HW that means the rail and road bridged have to be opened, the same would probably be the case for 'B.A' too (I've not looked to be honest) Besides I kinda like it when road / rail bridges have to be opened to secure a safe passage - Feels like I'm getting my own back! Griff
  5. Thanks for the offer, recruit him for what? - Giving a hand on 'B.A'? Good, glad to hear it Griff
  6. Smoggy - I obviously do not have your knowledge of this situation, but your word / guidance is good enough for me. Therefore - Signed as requested Griff
  7. Fri 07th I make HW at OBYS 1120 so a 1130 Lock booking is spot on Sailing from Brundall on Friday 07th at 0800 - State of tide at Brundall will be three hours past LW on a rising tide. Therefore the transit to OBYS will be on a rising tide all the way. This is ideal. The Tidal flow won't be much of an issue to Indy. Crew can either join onboard Thursday evening or early Friday morning.This means I can get in a full last Thursday working on 'B.A' Sailing Thursday - HW at Brundall is 1027 then on a falling tide down to Reedham. LW at Brundall is at 1644. If we leave it half way past LW at Brundall, sail on a rising tide that means sailing at 2000 to Reedham. Sunset is at 1930. If you want to sail Thursday we have to go early, then wait at Reedham for the rest of the day and overnight (Assuming we can get alongside of course). This will lose me a further full day working on 'B.A' - Not Good! We could of course sail early Thursday at 0700 on a rising tide straight thought to OBYS, wait there from 1030 and overnight for the lock booking at 1130 on Friday. This again will lose me a full day working on 'B.A' - Not good! Personally I would go with crewing up Thursday evening and sailing Friday morning. However it is of course your call and I will be ready in all respects with whatever decision you come to Griff
  8. Thanks JM, Looks like your the or one of the crew then Griff
  9. I’ve now been told this happened Thursday. Some damage to rails. No update on injuries though. Clive would probably know Griff
  10. Just read on FB that a Richo’s Commander stuck under St Olaves Bridge some injuries sustained too. Hope the injuries are not serious Griff
  11. One of the seven bunk light has started to flash periodically - first one to develop an issue. The deck head lights currently installed are fine but a few in t galley, the bezels were failing, turns out they are chromed plastic. Over the past 11 years started to look tatty. So Robin produced 4 polished s/steel units which we changed over. Yes you guessed it, he then went and produced a full set of the same so now got to change the lot over just for cosmetic purposes. I suppose it’s correct as they will all match. There are now sixteen more to change over. Sigh Griff
  12. If all goes to plan - and when does that happen often? - I should be onboard 'B.A' late tomorrow (Sunday) evening. That's assuming the 'GriffTile' van gets me there. The last time I set off for Norfolk in said van (To assist with RT) the turbo let go after only 20 odd miles down the A1. Way back I initially planned for this visit a whole five days working on 'B.A' but as ever those plans have been somewhat restricted again, this time down to three days or so. Not my fault I cry your honour. Lady Beryl (Next door to 'B.A') requires a bath side tiling, fitting of shower control / riser rail. A certain Hampton needs a couple of galley wall tiles replacing. The former NBN's owner wants a hearth tiling. Then there is Indy - She will rob me all day Friday (Thereafter I'm working on Indy for the following 7 x days as previously planned) So what's to be done on 'B.A ? As usual we have 'The List' which we never seem to get to the bottom of Primarily for me is to fashion a new cant rail right around where the cabin sides meet the deck from the same timber that I used for the top rail, (Timber that no one including Tim Collins have been able to tell me what type it is) Then make some mounting pads for the new deck lights, the mounting pads will be from teak as I have some stock of this. (That was a show-off statement BTW). Then fit/connect said deck lights. Of course the limiting factor in the cant rail / pads department is the drying time of coats of varnish. Meanwhile between Robin and I we will be tackling the Solar Panel replacement, not an easy job this one as we have to route new cables from the SP's right through to the MPPT, that is going to be very awkward. The onboard radio/cd player has to be changed, it's a larger unit that requires re-wiring as well as joinery work to make it fit / look proper. Then there is the Beta engine, now slightly overdue a few hours for a minor service, oil, filter, diesel filter, air filter etc. That will see it ok for another 250 x Hrs then come the 3'000 Hr mark its a major service which I always look forward to with joy and glee. What else? - A replacement spark driver for oven / grill that's assuming Robin/Howard have actually ordered the thing, reduce the size of the tiled foot shelf in the shower compartment. Replace an LED bunk light, renew some deckhead Led lamps. Oh and then of course have another clean through ready for Bro and friends who are afloat from the Friday evening Will we achieve all of the above during this visit? Despite turning in forecasted minimum 12 x Hr days without stand-easy or lunch breaks - Will we heckers like but as ever and in the normal fashion will certainly give it a go. Onwards and upward once more then Griff
  13. It's a deal. Just gotta find the blooming things, snag there is I have put em all in a 'Safe Place' and we all know how difficult it is to find 'Safe Places' especially with my grey cells Griff
  14. Just caught up on this thread, thank you for sharing such lovely photos I've been following this thread from the beginning. Thanks to for the photo's but more importantly to me thanks for you historians sharing this knowledge with us, enlightening us - Fascinating stuff all of it, we as forumites are so lucky to have living breathing witnesses to a bygone age brought right up to date Griff
  15. That’ll be interesting, a few photo’s would not be amiss. We’ll volunteered Griff
  16. You have my support and here's hoping you can make a success of it. Anything has gotta be better than the present eye sore Griff
  17. I visited the opticians this morning. That’s me sorted. I can officially see for another year without the need for glasses other than +1’s reading glasses at nights. Eight years since my last eye test so I got a telling off (quite right too). Not bad for my vintage so am informed. I have also been informed that I'm ok if:- A) I can see a pint in front of me B) A cruiser / Rag-n-Stick bearing down on me C) Score more than 20 out of 25 on any give clay shoot discipline D) Go out misbehaving on the mighty Tiger and get home safely and lastly but most importantly still smile when I see my MrsG Griff
  18. All the best for a speedy and successful recovery Griff
  19. 'Jolly Useful' indeed. I have spent many a night on wild moorings confident that they will hold us there despite some strong winds sometimes. Before now I have tied two on the end of a mooring rope and used them as a secondary mudweight, or thrown them into reeds if no terra firma available, they have never let me down (Carry a second mudweight nowadays). I would not set sail without them Griff
  20. If you can't blog it, then photo's / description will do it for the likes of us in here. We lurv them kind of write ups Griff
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