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Windows 10 Last Chance

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On a new laptop with 10,  Haven't quite found my way round it yet, but  one annoying thing I've found so far is that approximately four times out of ten the forum asks me to sign in again! and every time I want to check my gmail! I also take a butchers on ebay at the boaty bits and bobs, enter in 200 items a page and of I go but the next time I look its back to 50. Small things but annoying to me because i'm a fifty words a week man on this keyboard. I've ticked the box that says remember me and apply changes etc. ticked all the relevant boxes but still it refuses to play fair. Is there (in idiot speak) a way to enter what I want and have it remain? Any help would be gratefully appreciated.:party:

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1 hour ago, wombat nee blownup said:

On a new laptop with 10,  Haven't quite found my way round it yet, but  one annoying thing I've found so far is that approximately four times out of ten the forum asks me to sign in again! and every time I want to check my gmail! I also take a butchers on ebay at the boaty bits and bobs, enter in 200 items a page and of I go but the next time I look its back to 50. Small things but annoying to me because i'm a fifty words a week man on this keyboard. I've ticked the box that says remember me and apply changes etc. ticked all the relevant boxes but still it refuses to play fair. Is there (in idiot speak) a way to enter what I want and have it remain? Any help would be gratefully appreciated.:party:

Hi there , first thing is what browser are using ? Edge is the stock browser in Windows 10 all the things you are having problems with seem browser related . So maybe I would try a different browser Internet Explorer app is already installed just search for it and give it a go see how you get on with it , I use both myself as Edge did have glitches to begin with . Let me no how you get on cheers ...

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cant abide edge its useless, everything I tried to open it said it couldnt, and reverted back to internet explorer, then every time I try and open a pdf it does it in edge, then doesnt support 3d pdf's, other than that win 10 is fine.

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Good to see the ones using Windows 10 are enjoying it after all the scare mongering , I installed it day one and really not had to many problems , Edge was playing up the stock browser but that's been fixed , the only other thing I have had was a display driver was not loading but managed to fix that since then all is great very happy computer is responsive and very fast ... So guys if you don't have remember it is only free till the 29th of July after that Microsoft will be after your hard earned cash so grab it while you can Microsoft don't give much away I do beta testing for them and have done for many years and I can tell you they are very tight ... cheers ...

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One thing not mentioned, it can take a while to download depeding the power of your broadband etc. Doing it in the busy times for example, may cause a slower loading of 10.

In saying that 2pm today I would think would be ideal! :naughty:


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I have just upgraded a laptop from W7 to W10 a couple of hours ago via WiFi / on to a cable network, it took about 2 hours in all no problems.

I'd agree "edge" is rubbish. On my own PC  I've kept Explorer on W10.  At work, one computer I use brings up compatibility mode Internet Explorer for our time sheets. So I stay in that once booted up. The other works computer has chrome hidden by me for use when I need it.

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I have W10 on my laptop and W7 here on my PC.... my great problem is that I just can't, even after 6 months, edit and print photographs using the W10 "Pictures" app as easily or as well.

I've also got lots of programmes here on W7 that I no longer have the installation discs for... will they still be there if I go over to W10?

I don't know how long it would take me to download it Iain. I've just checked my download speed at 72 Mbps on the BTW Performance Test.

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According to the laptop I upgraded yesterday, it said "All your files are still were they were" and everything I tried still worked.

Wow that's a good down load speed if I was at home in Norfolk I only get 6 Megs on a good day,  they (BT) only guarantee 2 megs. Even so the entire down load and up grade  took about 3 hours. In any case if you have Automatic downloads set for windows your machine may have downloaded it and it may be sitting in the background waiting for installation.

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1 hour ago, Hockham Admiral said:

don't know how long it would take me to download it Iain. I've just checked my download speed at 72 Mbps on the BTW Performance Test.

That looks a very good speed, John. Get it going, then head to your local for a few pints while it downloads! :naughty:0 The Q has described the system well. Like all new programmes, it takes time to find how it all operates. Best of luck .


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Thanks, guys. one last question, please.

Do I do it from the "Upgrade" thingee which keeps appearing on my PC or from a Free Download on Microsoft website?

Which one has the talking lady on it, please? (When I upgraded this laptop from W8 it didn't have her and I had to go back to W8 and get the W10 directly from Microsoft).

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