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10 Nights On Saphire Light

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So after another year away, family Wonderwall set off for the 450 mile trip to Norfolk on the 1st of July.

Destination Kings Lynn for a night in hotel leaving us only an hour drive to potter heigham next morning.Journey was thankfully uneventful, McDonald's eaten and back in room to watch the highlights of that nights Wales game.. Bed, then Breakfast , Stalham Tesco, car packed to bursting and Herbert Woods reception desk by 11am. Boat was ready to go :party:, ( my admiration for Herbert Woods grows and grows, I will explain in more detail later) 

All the usual taken care off, life jackets, unpacked bags, bags returned to car, fishing tackle bought, boat handover done on the river for around 1200 hours destination Reedham , low water at GY around 3 pm , it really couldn't have started any better. 

That first half hour cruise past the chalets and onto the Thurne mouth, I really am like a little boy at Christmas. The usual stresses and worries of life just leave you like the outgoing tide. I'm at the place I most want to be, with the people I most want to be with, beer in my hand , wife with wine 2 big kids with whatever they want, Stone roses playing on the tunes . If I ever get a boat ( unlikely) I might call it Sally Cinnamon. A song by the stone roses, if your not aware of the song, Google and listen to it, you will " get me!!"

low revs and the tide pushed us all the way to Yarmouth , I was on the Breydon waters by 1530 I think, and just for the fun of it knocked backed the revs and the tide was with me again!!  Amazing luck and timing. 

Everyone got a shot of the driving , the packing, the tunes , and bar duties. The atmosphere on the boat was magical. Reedham was made in no time it seemed, me and the young lad had 3 games of pool ( with him taking a 2-1 lead) a theme which was to repeat too often the coming week + . 

Our  meal in the Ship was excellent, a sign of things to come,. Back to the boat and with still 2 hours at least daylight , the decision was made to wild moor up the Chet , near Lodden where it gets a bit wider. Off we went!!  

What a first day, all that waiting was worth it. I have a few tales to tell , I'm sure that's enough for now!

Couple of pics of our first few hours afloat.



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The magical wonders of the Broads strikes again!:party:  Great start Neil, and a fair bit of mileage for your first day ! Am still confuzzled wi yon pic elsewhere wi you wi a Dunfermline Athletic top oan ! You'll be barred frae Easter Road, matey !:naughty:

Great start to your tale and awe stress free....BRILLIANT !:clap:clap:clap


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So, we moored opposite hardley flood. Lovely spot and caught some fish. Back inside for a game of cards , and just in time as we then got to watch a terrific lightning show in the not too distant distance. Very impressive. 

Was up " broads early " and had a coffee on deck in the glorious but cool sun. More fishing with lots of bites. Then it was time to set sail for Brundall.

Was passing the beauchamp arms just at opening time , so in we went, it would have been rude not too!   Unfortunately , and not for the last time on the holiday, it has changed from a pub with a great games room , to a restaurant which has an old clapped out pool table stuck away in an uninviting corner. Oh well sign of the times I suppose.

canopy down and onward to Surlingham ferry , reports on here meant I had to try it, and I wasn't disappointed, food and portions excellent all at a fair price.  Mooring up was tricky, wind and tide dictating my boat and catching me out stern on. Kept abandoning it and trying again, eventually got it right without too much embarrassment or damage!!  All good practice !

Surlingham broad that night for fishing , dominoes, and a dvd of the excellent Kevin Bridges. We had the broad to ourselves after about 9pm and a family of geese had patiently waited about 3 hours for a 2nd feast , which they duly got , in a dark broad with a starry Norfolk sky. 

Next day was Norwich and I chickened out going under the bridge at Thorpe, it showed borderline but looked like I would manage no problem. Sensible head said no , another time!,

Went to cathedral and market, ten pin bowling and lunch.

I love Norwich, it has both a cosmopolitan yet still rural feel about it. It's been a while since I walked about the place, holds so many memories for me, as does all the broads to be fair.

Went to the New inn at rockland for tea and moored just down from the broad afterwards, tied up to the side, very quiet where the fish were biting like mad. I caught about 6 but my lad got at least double that , not bad for under two hours. More cards more drinkies sleepy time again unfortunately. These broads days fly by don't they.

Just a couple of random pics, my very busy teenage daughter still hasn't sent me the bulk of pics taken on her camera.

Hope your enjoying my blethering.





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Tuesday morning was wet, had a coffee and caught up with the news for the 1st time since arriving.. A slow cruise up to Lodden where the girls went to the tea room and boys pub for a game of darts. Good bit of banters with the locals about my foreign accent, the beer was good. 

Bit fishing then took the tide all the way to Yarmouth . Not moored here for years, into Yarmouth for tea, ( the regent I think) it was excellent , more ten pin , few beers , back to boat for cards and bed about midnight . Another great day with lots crammed in.

Yarmouth really feels like it's on it's last legs though. I suppose it has for a long time.

Tide pushed us all the way to potter heigham where I had booked a dinghy from Maffets as HW didn't have any spare. They did however give us a day boat FOC to get under the bridge and pick it up. Very good gesture.  CD player on boat was a bit dodgy so they replaced that, water running along the prop shaft was fixed and silenced, pump out and the drains which had smelt a bit on the odd occasion were cleaned out. This was all done by the time we came back with the dinghy. Great service, all with a smile. Can't speak highly enough of them.

Up to Womack waters where of course the island was occupied but a wild moor just over from it was excellent. So,was the big pike I caught that night, pictures to follow for proof. Fun for all in dinghy , young lad got wet up to waist trying to get in from the island. We didn't laugh too much!!

Watched the football, played dominoes, polished off my dark rum. Everything goes at such a lovely slow pace on the broads, except that is for the time which zooms by. Scarily we are getting near the half way point

A very peaceful and picturesque spot we had this night, 



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43 minutes ago, SwanR said:

You certainly covered some miles getting all the way down to Norwich and back. I am missing the southern rivers ... maybe next year.we

Had the tide most of the time, and with 4'willing drivers it wasn't a problem and certainly didn't feel like slog. Tunes , crosswords and beer help a lot!!,

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Next morning was a cruise to wroxham. I had been up early with no luck at the fishing and pretty much cat napped all the way until we reached Horning. As much as I enjoyed my sleep catch up, I was worried what I missed while my eyes were closed!!!   

Moored im wroxham and spoke to the pilot who said he could take us through the bridge anytime soon, so through we went with lots to spare, and moored up again and sampled the delights of Roy's and the fishing shop. My wife bought an expensive pair of definetly unneeded shoes but apparently they are amazing. 

I bought an amazing T shirt as did my lad, Rosie bought a few lovely NIK naks. Cruise up to Coltishall where a wonderful meal was had.  

Also the fishing was amazing. Me and the young lad kept catching small fish which a pike kept trying to steal, which it did a couple of times. Because the water is so clear up there we could see it all. Mr pike was not interested in my lure though. It was quite an experience . Another broads first .

A faster than we should have cruise was then had down to the quiet  moorings at Wroxham before the bridge, myself and David going to the shed for a couple of pool games which Dad did not win :-(. Then a small 2 min cruise into the small broad where we fished and then played cards. 

Another broad all to ourselves, we can find the spots I tell you, I think I might come back to the broads if allowed :-)

As usual on the boat, but not usual for me , sleep happened the minute my head hit the pillow. 

I love this place xxxxxxx

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The next day was a vist to Salhouse broad, flowers laid on the spot where my Mums ashes were scattered 10 years ago. Hung around for a little while with my thoughts and memories , then it was time for lunch in the New inn. The sun was out again and the usual welcome from Gus, a game of pool in the sun and another lovely meal,was had.

Next destination was Ludham bridge with the plan to stop and watch the usual mayhem, but never stopped as it was quite busy so carried on to my faviroute bit of the river and on to Neatishead with a game of darts in the pub the plan. We arrived at the narrow staithe and there one space left in the far corner, very tight but in we squeezed . Here we came across our only undesirable neighbours. It was around 3/4 pm and they had a party in full swing. Loud music , swearing, cursing and enough alcohol on board to sink the boat. Now,I am as far removed from a snob as you could get I think, but we decided to move on. Goodness knows what state they would be in by night time , and I certainly wasn't on the broads to get stressed out by some ignorant folk with no respect for other people. 

Why do these people not just go to Magaluf? 

A slow tight but successful reverse out the staithe , with over people commenting on how,they don't blame us for moving on    Some people even offered us to come on board their boat! The Hibenian flag we were flying was making us friends!!

Headed up to Barton Turf , peace and quiet, good fishing , where my daughter had a few hours fishing while I helped her and also had a shot in the dinghy. Some kind lad who was handing his boat back next day gave me a huge tub of juicy worms , which I used for the rest of the holiday and caught a few big uns . 

Late supper on board with  Al Murray comedy DVD  watched and more cards played. A late night drink on deck with Elaine , soaking it all up , trying to forget I had to leave this place in the near future. 

Id love to do some night cruising, maybe one day . It must be lovely to have the revs right down and cruise in darkness and almost silence.


Flowers at Salhouse, saying hello to the greatest X 



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Next day was the lovely cruise up to Dilham, with a stop over in wayford. The cruise up to Dilham is pretty much just a canal, very pretty and tight.Again the water becomes so clear you can see all the wildlife in the water.

The staithe was empty , so we turned the boat, then went to th pub. Again , the great games room with 2 pool tables, dartboard and juke box had made way for table and chairs for dining. Such a shame, but I suppose the business must do what it must to survive. 

So a bit fishing , and with the young lad very keen on a game of pool we headed off to Sutton Hotel, which has the games room to top all games rooms.  .....err not anymore , they have a dartboard above a table which serves dinner!!. Had a lovely meal though , then wild moored towards wayford but couldn't get going for all the weeds ! 

Watched the football on tv and played cards. Not our most luckiest day afloat, , but still very enjoyable. Sat down and asked everyone where they wanted to go tomorrow, " wherever you decide Dad is good with me" was the routine reply as always!, 

Our moorings in some trees was beautiful, I don't think another boat  passed all night.

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Enjoying your tale. Being able to take over the boat at 11am was exceptionally good, even if the boat had been empty beforehand.

I'd have done exactly the same as you at Neatishead. Its a lovely spot but can feel claustrophobic if you're unlucky with your neighbours. Anyway I love doing that slow skilled reversing thing!

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I'm still waiting on the majority of pictures , so rather than just chuck a couple in at the end, I will do my a summary of my holidays then go back and finish the tale. A bit wonky I know, but here goes.

Firstly the weather, we were very lucky considering the summer we have had. 90% of the time the canopy was down while cruising. The sun was out most days , and yes it did hide behind clouds quite a lot but if someone had offered me the weather I got before I went, I would have bought it.

Herbert Woods, professional, friendly, helpful, and service with a smile. I really can't fault them hence why I keep going back to them.

Saphire light 2 , we had the almost identical boat last year so knew what to expect and that's what we got. There's always pros and cons with boats and this one had a few faults but were all fixed first time of asking. When I phoned about the sound of running water , they knew exactly what it was and offered to come out and fix it there and then. But because I was due in Potter next day I told them not to bother.  The chap explained a temp fix for that night which was fine. Good boat would recommend it , but will try something different next time.

Norwich, I forgot how much I liked the city. It has great feel of trendiness yet still has a rural feel about it. The city like its people is somewhat quirky. It holds many memories for me as my first vists to the broads in my single figure years started in Norwich as the night time sleeper train to London then early train to Norwich was the routine  Going to the market and getting spoiled by my grandparent before picking up our boat or chalet .Happy days indeed. As is every broads holiday. 

The people of Norfolk, yet again impressed me. I like their friendliness, laid back , polite and helpful. Very much the majority of people made me smile.

The pubs, the food was very good , as was the service all at a reasonable price, never had a bad meal and ate  out either lunch or dinner every day.

The pubs are changing however. Surely some places would benefit from just being a pub. Darts, pool, dominoes, cards, tv, and characters. Talking to locals and holiday makers alike. I miss that.

Fishing .. Caught loads , my lad caught more than me , though I did get a decent pike , and when I started using worms  I was getting less bites but when I did they were a good size. It's a wonderful pastime , having a few beers, taking in the scenery , sorting out the world with my young lad, and helping my daughter to catch a few.

The broads, still holds its magic for me. All the family loved it too. It's not every 13 and 17 year olds idea of a holiday but both enjoyed it again and said they would be happy to come back. ( correct answer kids:party:) My wife seems to fall for it more and more.  And she liked it very first time I took her over 20 years ago!, I've said before she has good taste :love

She deserves a medal for putting up with me, but I will treat her to the broads again I think.:dance

I thought the broads looked a bit busier than normal , but still lots of boats in boatyards .

The beauty of the place as ever was a joy to behold., Some of the riverside properties and boats are stunning  If I said I wasn't jealous I would be telling a fib, so I won't mention it :norty:

It all just leaves me wanting more, and more and a little bit more. 

I Will post some pics with a round up of our last few days afloat as soon as I get sent them. 

All the best folks 



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Hi Neil,

All you have said and done, we have copied, many times., but for over forty years :dance Your kids are smitten, and would lay a small wager, they will find their own way to the Broads in years to come.

A brill write up, just inform the happy snapper you require the pics or the Pesky Mod will not be a happy chappie !:naughty:Worse still, Ray, Poppy and Mrs High Heels will become Strathpepherous! :facepalm:


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  • 1 month later...

I've found a few more pictures, I will post a few of the scenic ones ( which I don't have lust now) in a few days time

For just now, my nice big pike , which thankfully I am managed to get the hook out in seconds and he was returned to the water in no time, and swam away smartly. Any guesses on the weight folks?

Me trying to get a wee bo-peep :naughty:


Flowers at  Salhouse, saying hello to the greatest.




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