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Do You Remember Fenton


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1 hour ago, Labrador said:

So what's good about a dog stampeding a herd of deer and endangering them. A prime example of an irresponsible dog owner.

There is nothing good about it at all.  The poor chap was nearly having a seizure at the time.      The fact that the deer race towards a main road, another minus, but in the end it is amusing as it is not happening to us.      It just shows you how a situation can get out of hand.   Fenton may have never chased anything in his life before but that particular day he was hell bent on chasing the deer.      I am sure the chap himself laughed about it once he knew that  everyone , including deer, dog, motorists and anyone else were deemed to be ok.  Smile and the world smiles with you, weep and you weep alone.



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I've never seen that before, thanks for that, Monica, it made me laugh till I cried. It seems man nor beast were hurt and no harm done, that's the main thing. I just wished I was perfect and never made a mistake, if we were all like that what a perfect world we could all live in


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Only the other day I was trying to remember the dog's name so I could show someone that clip. For the life of me I couldn't remember it so thank you Hylander for the timely reminder cheersbar.

It really is no joke when something like that happens to you. As the owner of 2 dogs, I have had many a 'heart in mouth' moment and the sheer relief when all turns out well is unbelievable. A 'prime example of an irresponsible dog owner'? Possibly, but accidents do happen and for all we know Fenton may have slipped his lead in his excitement. He probably thought his master was egging him on and joining in rather than calling him back! It does make for a good video clip though.

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Raiders of the Lost Bark, hilarious, loved it thanks for posting

Yes it's unfortunate the Deer were spooked, I'm sure it's not the first time and won't be the last. I would imagine they get spooked regularly by foxes and other wildlife. If people are irresponsible and let their dogs run wild then yes they should be punished but accidents do happen and maybe, just maybe Fenton slipped his lead.

Instead of The Horse Whisperer, how about The Deer Scarer :naughty:


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As the owner of two half wit Beagles accompanied by a collie cross (the other half's dog) our thrice daily sojourn into the woods and fields around my home brings me into contact with the numb nutted, irresponsible, flaky and down right stupid on a daily basis.

This week in no particular order we've met:

The old lady who bought a rottweiler. As the dog drags her at a run through the woods you can follow her route by the muffled grunts and sickening thuds as she hits the trees and this week we heard the scream and snap as she broke her hip.

The woman who breeds her French Poodle and insists on bringing her dog out when it is in season...with her dog wearing a pair of silk knickers to prevent impregnation by the packs of assorted mongrels that congregate around them.

The woman who point blank refuses to control her dogs or put them on leads calling out 'they are friendly' just before they attack my dogs (she discovered exactly why I wear steel toe caps for dog walking duties).

The group of four women who each own various 'hunting' type dogs and who each bought a dog whistle, letting their dogs off the lead and then stand blowing their whistles for an hour while the dogs ignored them. Apparently my suggestion that dogs don't answer the whistle unless you train them to answer the whistle was 'sexist and misogynistic'.

The young lad with his bull terrier type dogs with the big leather harnesses covered in bling that discovered his dogs were submissive. All that was missing was the gimp masks.

I'm still keeping my eye out for the pervert who scoops up dog poop into a polythene bag and then hangs and leaves the bag on trees and bushes!

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"I'm still keeping my eye out for the pervert who scoops up dog poop into a polythene bag and then hangs and leaves the bag on trees and bushes!"

I was thinking earlier today that I would love to find those morons too. I would collect a number of their bags, find out where they lived and decorate their own tree (assuming they had one) so it looked like it was festooned with black christmas baubles!! :)


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