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Should Be In 'jokes' - But There's A Valid Point.


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1 hour ago, smellyloo said:

Is it beyond the capability of technology to disable the sending/receiving of calls when a handheld device is moving?

I am regularly in danger of being trampelled to death outside schools when the "time to escape" bell is sounded!!

Good idea, this might stop all the zombies that walk & talk on our streets



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As an aside I really wind Jill up by sitting by the phone and completely ignoring it ringing, I look at the caller display and think I don't want to answer so sod off, before I met her I was on the pensioners rate, aged 35.

The unlucky ones are when I answer a cold call.

Why do people think the most important thing to do is jump to the attention of an inanimate object?

sorry rant over.



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Just think of what could be achieved if all the time doing inconsequential rabbit on mobile phones could be devoted to something constructive.

On another tack, I am a grateful recipient of a free bus pass so I use the busses frequently. It always amazes me when a bus approaches a bus stop and there is somebody (gender anonymous) :) on a mobile phone at the bus stop. They know they are going to get on the bus, they know that they need their payment card, cash or whatever, they are still rabbitting on their phone with it  propped up on their shoulder whilst they dig into the bottom of their handbag/manbag for the needs to pay, keeping the driver who has probably been held up numerous times along the route for the same thing waiting. What is more, they are keeping a whole bus load of people waiting just because they want to rabbit about Eastenders or whatever inconsequential rubbish they want to talk about.


Rant over, wheres me beer?  

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11 hours ago, ZimbiIV said:

Why do people think the most important thing to do is jump to the attention of an inanimate object?




'er indoors used to work in an office where the rule was that no phone should go unanswered for more than one minute.

The habit has stuck.....

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It used to take 5/6 rings for me to decide which damn phone was ringing!

3 internal lines and 1 direct line from outside.

Then we got mobile like phones to use when on the press room floor, useless things couldn't hear them with earplugs in and no one allowed in the print room without them in. Health and safety.


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Just a couple of rings and press the button on the steering wheel and talk. All this without looking down or taking my hands of the wheel and this is a 10year old car. Blue tooth headsets are dirt cheap now at only a few pounds so no excuse. Should you be taking calls...... Why not, no worse than talking to the other occupants in the car. My first mobile came with a shoulder strap and 2 batteries that only lasted 4hours each but even that had hands free.

If you don't want to get caught then get hands free or leave it on the back seat. 


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