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Wifi Range Extender


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After putting in quite a bit of effort sorting out Dad's junk and getting my office/studio back in,to operation I was exceedingly miffed, to say the least, to discover that my new office/studio is in a huge WiFi dead spot. One bar only on the indicator and that was intermittent. I was not a happy bunny until this morning when the NETGEAR Range Extender was delivered. I've had several of these 'dohickies' before and not been impressed. This one was on offer at Amazon. I'm a regular shopper with Amazon...but not once have I managed to find a listing for said woman!

Impressed? Oh my word yes! Five minutes to set up and works perfectly. To illustrate the power of the range of this thing my WiFi spans two detached houses dived by a huge hedge/fence and my office location is and the router are on the furthest extremes of the properties.

Simply plug the small box into a power source by the router. Press the WPS button on the Extender then press the WPS button on the router. Wait for the light to glow green on the extender. Now log onto the new connection created with your device/laptop/pc whatever, using your existing password. Unplug the extender and pop it into the area where you have the wifi deadspot. wait for it to glow green for a connection and...BANG! Five full bars of glorious power in all locations, including gardens and sheds, office/studio's and workshop.

Very very pleased with this nifty little gadget...now if only they would send me the Amazon I ordered.

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What variety of the Amazon did you require, I see most come with red caps, and are only really deliverable if you are by the waterside, plus they tend to be piratical in nature. I really would avoid ordering one of these unless you have available dinghy parking outside, for two Dinghys, as I am sure they would want their friends the swallows to visit.

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2 hours ago, grendel said:

What variety of the Amazon did you require, I see most come with red caps, and are only really deliverable if you are by the waterside, plus they tend to be piratical in nature. I really would avoid ordering one of these unless you have available dinghy parking outside, for two Dinghys, as I am sure they would want their friends the swallows to visit.


2 hours ago, grendel said:

If you do proceed with this purchase, dont complain if you get held to Ransome


I so wish i'd thought of that ............cheers

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I use the TP-link powerline sockets, there wifi extender gets the network over the mains and then out on 3 lan ports plus wifi and guest network. So it doesn't have to be in the range of a good wifi signal from the main router.


That's the type but price of that is normally around £70 but not searched right now.

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Although the 'Man Cave' is in a veritable bunker I don't think the extender has the range to cover the vast swathes of Suffolk and Norfolk that constitute Peter's back lawn! :naughty:

Where I live was at one time the end of one terrace of houses with where Ellie lives the corresponding end to the next terrace. In the 1970's the terraced house on my plot was pulled down due to subsidence and the council replaced it with two flats. Such is the design that the 'Man Cave' is at the back of my ground floor flat but the building dog legs onto the house next door. Then there is the staircase of the upstairs flat running up and over the top of it. To the other side is my bathroom, kitchen, bedroom, linen cupboard etc so it's effectively encased in steel and concrete.

I'm a little uncertain regarding the phrase 'Man Cave' after boating acquaintances moved home. Pictures were posted on Facetube of their new 'man cave' with promises from the lady of the house that she would post pictures of her 'woman cave' once the kitchen had been finished. Of course it was to good an opportunity to let pass without comment.

As for Nurse Shagwell...I think I married her! :facepalm:

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15 minutes ago, Timbo said:


As for Nurse Shagwell...I think I married her! :facepalm:

And you survived a demanding experience to tell the tale!

Re the swathes of Suffolk that constitute my garden, ha ha, I get a perfectly usable signal to about forty yards from the house. 120m ethernet cables do tend to be rather dear! I can use the BT hub or whatever it's called but I'm loath to donate any more than I have to to their already grossly inflated coffers after the way that they treated me in the past..

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