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10 minutes ago, Ricardo said:

Perception ?? Its real for heavens sake the danger most can recognise is there , as for 25 anti that's grossly unfair as 25 member's are no anti at all but would prefer it to be held in an area more suitable , how is that anti swimming event ?????? Its not its just common sense !!!!!!!! 

I thoroughly agree with Ricardo on this.

So what category, or pigeon-hole, does this put me in? I am one of those who has expressed fears on safety grounds as well as being against the closure of a holiday navigation.

And yet I am one of the main ones who has sought to find an alternative venue so that the event can go ahead in a place which will also include spectators and much better access to the banks.

So perhaps I could be called "for" the event, and have done my best to try and help it succeed.

You want to know how I really feel? After a life-time of falling in, and swimming around in rivers?

I think it is a bloody crazy idea!

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Im not sure it will be possible to change the minds of those who feel like they are being bullied.

If you cant cope with someone having a different opinion to yours and  that person being just as prepared to argue their view as you are yours then a forum may not be the best place for you.

I see no evidence of bullying I see a thread of differing views all being put forward. 

The only thing that stands out to me is the people against have put forward a reasoned argument whereas the people for are not putting forward a coherant counter argument. Those against were just accused of being bitter/negative/ etc etc.  

Untill I see any actual reasons why the against view is wrong that may make me reconsider my opinion then Im still against and I dont feel the need to fall out with anyone over it, if I were on the otherside of the argument I dont think I would feel any different.

We all see things differently whether we are right or wrong and theres no justification thats going to change that, it isnt bullying. 

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Oh dear

I think therefore I am........

I think Densil and Que Veggie are idiots (insert forum names of your choice, they are just two that came to mind), but that won't stop me letting them buy me a pint, if I ever catch them.

I also think that the world is square, not round or flat that others think, they are idiots too.

We all have views, some better than others, depends on where you live, I can see a park from my house, others can see a river..

Do we argue or DISCUSS the better view......

Are we adults or children, sometimes I have to think, pram, toys, bully, playground.

We all have views, but let me tell you this......


ooopppps, sorry caps lock stuck... or did it.......


this has been a long weekend....


Edited by grendel
invective changed to oh dear
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1 hour ago, JohnK said:

This thread is for discussing forum behaviour not the swimming event emoji6.png


If you look as to where that quote came from them maybe you will realise that its from this very thread , maybe you should have a word with the person I was responding to , I do not need to be reminded of what the topic is about its in the heading .

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13 hours ago, Ricardo said:

If you look as to where that quote came from them maybe you will realise that its from this very thread , maybe you should have a word with the person I was responding to , I do not need to be reminded of what the topic is about its in the heading .

agreed, it was a valid response to the figures posted about the participation in the other thread, where the perception that the pro event participants were a minority was put forward. and the fact that the people with safety concerns were anti was all a matter of perception, This is a crucial hub in this thread, as it is the perceptions and reactions to posts that we are discussing here.

Its only by pointing out the different perceptions that we can begin to understand why we end up with people perceiving they are in a minority and feeling bullied. once again that seems to be down to perception, when the moderators look for bullying they cant see it (in most cases) they can see however that some comments looked at from a different perspective might possibly be construed as such, so then it comes down to whether we feel it was deliberate or not.

so as such what do we (everyone - not just the moderators) do?

well if we read posts we can read them with a generous mind, ie try to see the good points and not read them trying to find bullying where it doesnt exist (of course if it does exist, report the post), and of course when we post, try quickly reading through to check what you are about to post to make sure it doesnt come across as bullying.

Edited by grendel
missed an important word
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Can any of the moderators advise please, is there any way of reporting concerns other than by reporting one particular post? Quite often I find myself wanting to report the way a topic is going rather than one specific post? Or the general behaviour of a member, although this is more easily done by reporting one of their posts. And are we ever likely to receive a reply about something we report?

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4 minutes ago, JohnK said:


It was a joke hence the winky face.

That post took a long time to be approved by the mods.

Over night posts often do sadly , OK taken as a joke then :default_beerchug:

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2 minutes ago, SwanR said:

Can any of the moderators advise please, is there any way of reporting concerns other than by reporting one particular post? Quite often I find myself wanting to report the way a topic is going rather than one specific post? Or the general behaviour of a member, although this is more easily done by reporting one of their posts. And are we ever likely to receive a reply about something we report?


The report button is there for reporting, you can leave any comment and concern in the box. All reports are look at and discussed by the moderation team. A reply is sent if there needs to be a reply to the report

I hope this helps you

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Whilst I agree that this thread is about forum behaviour, it is to be remembered that it's existence is from one other thread in particular, and some 'bleed over' will be inevitable. however, I see this thread being revisited many times in the future (and I hope it is) whenever an important issue is discussed and that the discussion goes a little out of control.




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2 minutes ago, JohnK said:


What percentage do you get blocked?
Are the blocked ones later in the evening? emoji6.png

As much as the moderators would like to be on hear 24/7 we do have to sleep, eat and carry on our lives outside the forum at times John. So late night posts needing moderation are moderated asap.

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5 minutes ago, grendel said:

moderators will not comment on the moderation applied to another users posts.

And guess what neither will I , but  will say this I know where the  report button is and I do use it :15_yum:

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23 hours ago, JohnK said:

The funniest part is I was thinking I was trying to help but I’m seen by most as trying to undermine the forum.
So my options going forward are keep quiet or agree with the majority. Sad really in my opinion.

Your first sentence must be your own "perception" since I can't remember anywhere where that has been suggested about you.

Your second sentence is indeed sad, and I hope that is not how you really feel, since this thread has already reached 4 pages of serious and genuine discussion as to how we can ensure that all are welcome to express their views. We are actually on your side.

If you choose to perceive it that way.

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Your first sentence must be your own "perception" since I can't remember anywhere where that has been suggested about you.
Your second sentence is indeed sad, and I hope that is not how you really feel, since this thread has already reached 4 pages of serious and genuine discussion as to how we can ensure that all are welcome to express their views. We are actually on your side.
If you choose to perceive it that way.

All fair.
I think the problem here is you’re including yourself in criticism of the “anti’s” in the same way I’m including myself in criticism of the “other” side.
I’m not sure I’ve explained that at all well. So I’ll try an example .... I think the points you make about safety are completely genuine (as are some other people’s). However, some people in my opinion are jumping on the safety bandwagon because they don’t think anyone else should be allowed to use “their” water. Some people have criticised the bandwagon on jumpers and you’ve taken that as criticism of you.
I think I’ve done the same thing.
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I think that bullying or intimidation is how it is perceived and it is not always meant  in the way that it comes across.However, I very rarely post , although recently I received some excellent advice on selling boats. The reason that I don't is that some time ago I expressed frustration at the constant disparaging remarks regarding grp boats.Quote" My proudest moment in my life is never having sailed in a bathtub".  The response that  I received from some members was very upsetting , but I would  imagine and hope that should I have met them face to face that they would have been surprised at  how that dialogue affected me. I think we need to think a little more before we post. When I was working  when sending memos or letters , no matter how hacked off I was, I always wrote it. then revisited and invariably adjusted the tone. Rarely does anyone set out to offend

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8 minutes ago, JohnK said:

However, some people in my opinion are jumping on the safety bandwagon because they don’t think anyone else should be allowed to use “their” water.

I could repkly to this but it would be the totally wrong thread to do so on .

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