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The Broads National Pike / The Answer Is! I Really Don't Know!


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29 minutes ago, JennyMorgan said:

I'm not insistent on simple, just more modest and well suited to the location.

I will answer the question that I posed above, the village sign reads


Gateway to The Broads

so I think a statement building is correct

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To date the Authority has spent very little on the project; each of the shortlisted architectural practices were paid £1,000 to develop their Stage 2 submissions. The next stage is the development of a full business analysis of the potential costs and income before the Authority commits any significant expenditure or submits bids to funding bodies which will be crucial for the project to proceed. In the meantime we have been investigating other immediate practical measures for the site such as maintaining moorings and the installation of electric charging posts.
Perhaps we should wait for the outcome before getting to excited.
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26 minutes ago, ChrisB said:

I will answer the question that I posed above, the village sign reads


Gateway to The Broads

so I think a statement building is correct

Chris, there are several self elected gateways to the Broads, should they all have statement buildings? Strangely enough there were plans for such a statement building at Oulton Broad, Southern Gateway to the Broads. This would also have incorporated an RNLI lifeboat station for the Broads and would have been beside the Lock, couldn't have been better placed. Guess which planning department put a stop to that!

Does a statement building have to be gross?

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I think that the design chosen is very nice. Likewise it is good to see Potter smartening up. There are and have been too many run down tatty areas on The Broads and as has been stated people don't want that experience any more.

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19 minutes ago, Polly said:

Everyone said the Milennium Dome would be useless......

Yep ...... and it's one of those iconic designs that is instantly recognisable worldwide.

I bet stoneage man kept moaning about the cost & design of stonehenge ..... whilst tapping away on their stone tablets.

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It isnt so much about the cost but the Authority pleading poverty every time the Toll review kicks but suddenly they have all this cash for a completely unnecessary visitor centre the aims of which could easily be served in existing BA buildings on other sites elsewhere.

There is most definately an element of truth bending I might even suspect deliberate dishonesty when it comes to how funding is used by the BA

You cant plead poverty on one hand then find all this cash on the other and expect to be supported. 

Its just one crackpot idea after another.  

I was informed on another thread the Broads Authority are not a River Authority, ask any tourist or uninformed local what they think the Broads Authority are or do what would you expect the majority of people to say? I would think most people believe the Broads Authority are a River or Waterways Authority but if the general public dont even know what the BA are there for its no wonder the BA continue to operate in free hand mode doing almost everything they dont need to be doing at the expense of everything that they should!

In some cases the tripe they come out with is almost idiotic.

I would like to see my BA with sensible leadership not living in fantasy land  getting the basics in order and regaining stakeholders trust and respect instead of seemingly doing everything within their power to get almost everything wrong.  

I cant understand those who seem to support them on this mission to destruction, if I hear one more time that boat owners will be stumping up for the Broad Authority’s short comings with another rise in Tolls I think steam will come out of my ears and my head will explode, wake up people!!

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I'm not in favour of the Acle Centre, but better to stick to facts. The BA said they would do,  ’a full business analysis of the potential costs and income that such a facility could generate before [it] commits to approaching funding bodies for financial contributions.’

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It will very good to have a stretch of B A moorings with proper posts and flat level path,i have only ever found mooring available on other side of river, no posts, long grass and uneavan bank,walk way and if there is coffee and ice creams for sale all the better. And now that we can call the broads a National Park there could well be outside funding for the building which might have elson dump point if public toilets are built which will need mains sewer connection, which will then leave the BA being able to increase 24hr moorings along the whole length of bank.John

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4 minutes ago, ChrisB said:

The BA come under the National Audit Office. I think you can trust their accounting.

It's probably best not to addle some brains with facts, some people aren't able to deal with facts particularly well... :10_wink:

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So can The BA assure me without any shadow of doubt that no funding for this monstrosity will be taken from my Toll Income which has increased at least 35% in 8 years as the levels of Toll income allegedly haven't been enough to pay for the Job in hand?

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2 minutes ago, kingfisher666 said:

It's probably best not to addle some brains with facts, some people aren't able to deal with facts particularly well... :10_wink:

If you are calling me thick I could be tempted by that report button. 

When your argument isnt accepted what else is left in your armoury but insults?

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19 minutes ago, dnks34 said:

So can The BA assure me without any shadow of doubt that no funding for this monstrosity will be taken from my Toll Income which has increased at least 35% in 8 years as the levels of Toll income allegedly haven't been enough to pay for the Job in hand?

Which part of the extract I posted do you not understand?


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probably the bit where they are satisfied that the authority have put into place measures to secure economy efficiency and effectiveness, then say immediately after that they have not considered if these measures are operating effectively.

Thats a bit like saying look there is a money pit, if we fill it in then it wont be a money pit any more, so they are constantly throwing money down the pit to fill it up, but not looking to see if its full yet, or whether it will ever be full.

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5 minutes ago, grendel said:

Thats a bit like saying look there is a money pit, if we fill it in then it wont be a money pit any more, so they are constantly throwing money down the pit to fill it up, but not looking to see if its full yet, or whether it will ever be full.

This is a major problem of today, cash grabbing at every oppurtunity and it really is just the tip of a very big iceberg in my opinion.

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5 minutes ago, grendel said:

Thats a bit like saying look there is a money pit, if we fill it in then it wont be a money pit any more, so they are constantly throwing money down the pit to fill it up, but not looking to see if its full yet, or whether it will ever be full.

This is a major problem of today, cash grabbing at every oppurtunity and it really is just the tip of a very big iceberg in my opinion.

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2 minutes ago, marshman said:

If you believe the current BA accounts consist of all smoke and mirrors then it is a surprise that you do not make a formal complaint to the appropriate authority! 

How do you know that I never have?

I am not suggesting for one moment that anybody is pocketing cash or anything like that but what I am suggesting is I am utterly convinced funding is not put to best use or used in the places for which it was actually intended. 

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