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Hi Everyone

I have recently joined this forum and have read a few conversations. It's great to be amongst fellow boaters to share tips, holiday tales, find recommendations etc etc.

Paul and I own 2 full shares in Goosander and love every minute we spend on the water, not only for the beautiful scenery and tranquility but the number of new friends we have made is fabulous.

We are toying with the idea of buying our own boat and wonder what others views are on this, we have spoken to many people who have given their thoughts but it's always good to ask more people as they may come up with things that haven't already been highlighted. I look forward to hearing your thoughts.

Our next trip starts 15th December for 2 weeks and we can't wait :)




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Hello Michelle,

I have welcomed you to the forum in another topic.

With regards to syndicate/boat share this is great for people who are still working or have limited holidays available to use.

I have spoken to people who have had their own boats and struggle to get to their boats, some have gone down the syndicate route as a cheaper option.

We bought our first share in the Ranworth Breeze Syndicate in 2000 and were the second weeks allocation to be used in 2001 the year of its launch, we only bought our second share last year and always use our allocations.

Being on the water is something we have done since 1974 when we took our first narrow boat holiday, we still have an occasional narrow boat holiday when we can arrange to get all of crew available. The Broads is ideal for the two of us.

We are down the first week of December.



Chairman & Trustee

Ranworth Breeze Boat Syndicate


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 :default_welcome: to the forum Michelle. I think Alan  has outlined well the benefits of syndicate ownership. We are retired so have plenty of time for our boat which we own. It’s become a way of life for us now, between March and November we spend weeks at a time afloat. We have quite a long journey to Norfolk so it makes sense for us to have long visits. I’m sure you will get many other views and ideas and there will be lots to think about. The main thing however is to remember that as outright owners you will probably need very deep pockets! It’s all worth it though. Good luck with your contemplations. 

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Hi Michelle 

For us owning gives us the ability to spend time on board when we want,  if its raining all weekend we can stay at home and not feel we have to go to the boat. 

However as im sure you will be aware this comes at a price, how much of  a price does depend to some degree on the size and type of boat and your ability to carry out maintenance.

One major thing that is perhaps overlooked is worrying about your boat, bad weather, high / low spring tides ect. when your sat at home miles away. 


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Hi Michelle

 Welcome to the forum, If you decide to go down the boat ownership road so to speak It's probably best not to buy cheap thinking we will give it a try and if we like it will get a better one, speaking from experience it would be better to spend that little bit extra and buy a boat that somebody else has had all the niggling little things fixed on and spent their money not yours and by the way some of those so-called little things can add up to many thousands of pounds, don't want to scare you off but boat ownership can be very expensive if you're not careful.

I'm sure there will be plenty of advice coming, I'm sure you'll enjoy your holiday next month regards Ted

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Hi & welcome to a very friendly knowledgeable site, we like you thought long & hard about buying as live over 4 hours away and still work , we took the plunge and bought a boat great for the start , then the bills started , after 4 years of repairing and moaring fees going up winter storage, insurance etc, we sold her, 

Bit off advice from us get your figures together first, moorings insurance, winters storage if your not going to use her ,broads tolls, ( spares) repairing money how much your willing to spend each year to keep it in good condition, 

As a boat needs constant work,

Sorry for being negative,  we spoke to lots of people's before we bought but no one told us about costings, 

Good luck enjoy 

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It so depends on the boat and where you moor her. We have always been lucky with mooring, good people giving an eye on a more or less daily basis.

Our first boat was plastic and low cost, we spent on extras as we chose. 

Now we own Brilliant, it’s a costlier process because she is a wooden boat; she is lovely, but a higher maintenance lady!

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