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31 minutes ago, floydraser said:

Word of mouth and the displaying of solidarity with local businesses.

One criticism of Dr Packman's BNP campaign is that it is devisive and history certainly supports that. Ideally there should be solidarity but that is a two edged sword. My view is that those on both sides of the fence should agree that the truth shall be the unarguable, deciding, and uniting factor. At the moment we have devisive, deceitful and muddled marketing and that helps no one.  

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47 minutes ago, floydraser said:

Is it in the defined area? I thought we didn't know. No point in keeping the front of your corner shop clean and tidy then as customers only visit once? Word of mouth and the displaying of solidarity with local businesses.

Spare me your cv until bedtime, it'll help my insomnia.:default_dry:

In honesty I think given its been reported in a local paper rather than a national it's pretty obvious it's a given its in Norfolk or Suffolk , who said visitors only visit once I certainly didn't , what I did say is you can't attract people to the area that are already here .

As Fred pointed out marketing is not part of BAs remit they have enough on as it is .

Very cute comment regarding my CV , BTW , however I don't feel the need to prove myself really so your insomnia will be intact .

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13 minutes ago, JennyMorgan said:

It seems to me that the Authority is doing its damnedest to bully people into agreeing and accepting its BNP aspirations. This is not the way forward, and it never will be. 

But they don't know any other way. It works for them within their organisation, so think it will work outside it as well,

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16 hours ago, D46 said:

Not having the tourism figures for before and after this BNP issue started I can't really comment but I'll stick my neck out and surgest there's barely any increase in footfall .

Anyone involved in Broads boating tourism in the 50s and 60s will tell you there is now one heck of a lot less.

They will also tell you however, that there were many other factors both on and off the Broads, which brought about this decline and you can't really blame the BA for any of those. I think I can reasonably blame them for not doing enough to try and let business recover from it, in their early years but then, they are not supposed to be involved in marketing. That is not their role.

Oh dear! I hope this doesn't sound as though I am "sitting on the fence"?

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18 hours ago, D46 said:

Not having the tourism figures for before and after this BNP issue started

Perhaps I should clarify that the BNP issue was there before the Broads Authority was invented. In those days it was only a discussion, as almost all local people were strongly against it. It was the BA however (and years before Packman) who picked up the ball and ran with it.

I have working experience of the "before" and after more than 35 years of all this legal wrangling I still don't believe that NP status would be the best thing for the Broads. This is why I am fed up with all this "pushing" and why I see these road signs as deliberate provocation. 

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24 minutes ago, Vaughan said:

Perhaps I should clarify that the BNP issue was there before the Broads Authority was invented. In those days it was only a discussion, as almost all local people were strongly against it. It was the BA however (and years before Packman) who picked up the ball and ran with it.

I have working experience of the "before" and after more than 35 years of all this legal wrangling I still don't believe that NP status would be the best thing for the Broads. This is why I am fed up with all this "pushing" and why I see these road signs as deliberate provocation. 

I rather agree with you Vaughan. I believe these signs are both harmless and pointless, and have resulted in focussing opposition. I wish Dr P would just shut up about it. 

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I speak as a visitor  both hiring and now a boat owner for the last 40 years or so rather than a resident,  it is my experience the vast majority who come to the Broads rather than Norfolk in general come for a boating holiday or with the riverside properties angling and in many cases both, in general these also make up the majority of those interested in the flora and fauna of the area all centred on the navigation and has nothing to do with NPs or equivalent status, in fact when coming for the first time most I speak to are not aware it is supposed to be one so promoting it as such is pointless as well as being fraudulent.

The rise and decline in the holiday trade be it on the Broads or elsewhere in the country is very much to do with cost and peoples changing lifestyle and it is down to the various sectors of the holiday trade to make their product more attractive it is not the job of the BA, their  responsibility is to maintain  the infrastructure and habitat and make it as accessible as possible within its existing boundaries.



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3 hours ago, Vaughan said:

Anyone involved in Broads boating tourism in the 50s and 60s will tell you there is now one heck of a lot less.

They will also tell you however, that there were many other factors both on and off the Broads, which brought about this decline and you can't really blame the BA for any of those. I think I can reasonably blame them for not doing enough to try and let business recover from it, in their early years but then, they are not supposed to be involved in marketing. That is not their role.

Oh dear! I hope this doesn't sound as though I am "sitting on the fence"?

No, it doesn't sound like sitting on the fence, it sounds like an injection of common sense argument and you could get shot for that around here!:default_coat:

You managed two posts without directly having a go at Packman. If only others could free their posts of evidence of a deep seated, decades old personal grudge against one person.

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1 minute ago, floydraser said:

You managed two posts without directly having a go at Packman. If only others could free their posts of evidence of a deep seated, decages old personal grudge against one person.

Thank you. You will find if you look back at all my posts, that I always talk about "the BA". I only mention the good Doctor if it is something that he is quoted as saying, or reported as having proposed. I don't know him personally, as some others do but I certainly have many years experience of what the BA have - or have not - done to the Broads!

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1 minute ago, Vaughan said:

Thank you. You will find if you look back at all my posts, that I always talk about "the BA". I only mention the good Doctor if it is something that he is quoted as saying, or reported as having proposed. I don't know him personally, as some others do but I certainly have many years experience of what the BA have - or have not - done to the Broads!

When I started reading this thread I learned about "The good Doctor", "JP", Mr Packman" and "Dr. JP" and thought they were four different blokes!:facepalm:

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13 minutes ago, floydraser said:

I don't think this is off topic but who's job is it to market the Broads then?

Given the fashion for holidays abroad and the amount of spare cash young people spend on mobile phones, take-away food and tv packages I'd say they have a tough job.

As JM said the industry itself plus the national tourist board who are far more experienced in these matters, I have seen full pages in holiday sections of national journals dedicated to a boating holiday on the broads that and now days social media is the way to promote it not a few signs once you have already arrived after seeing it advertised elsewhere.


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Reading the comments on both the issue and the Loddon councillor by readers of the EDP are interesting - views seem pretty split unlike this Forum!!!!


(You do have to scroll through a load of squit to get to them at the bottom) -  good to see PW upholding his honour!!!!

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1 hour ago, rightsaidfred said:

As JM said the industry itself plus the national tourist board who are far more experienced in these matters, I have seen full pages in holiday sections of national journals dedicated to a boating holiday on the broads that and now days social media is the way to promote it not a few signs once you have already arrived after seeing it advertised elsewhere.


Sorry Fred but:

"Pete Waters, of Visit Norfolk and Visit East of England, said: "We should be proud of the fact that we have a National Park in this region, one of just a handful in the whole country."

From the EDP. This is why it's confusing to the outsider.

No doubt someone will be along in a minute or two to explain that Visit Norfolk and Visit East of England are NOT there to market the region?

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37 minutes ago, floydraser said:

Sorry Fred but:

"Pete Waters, of Visit Norfolk and Visit East of England, said: "We should be proud of the fact that we have a National Park in this region, one of just a handful in the whole country."

From the EDP. This is why it's confusing to the outsider.

No doubt someone will be along in a minute or two to explain that Visit Norfolk and Visit East of England are NOT there to market the region?

Sorry to disillusion you but to quote another fake news is just that, because someone says something dosnt make it true or a fact apart from that what qualification does he speak from in real terms, as far as I can tell that is just another promotional organisation not an official body.


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1 hour ago, marshman said:

Reading the comments on both the issue and the Loddon councillor by readers of the EDP are interesting - views seem pretty split unlike this Forum!!!!


Oh dear, more misinformation from the pro-BNP camp.

From the EDP comments,BA has legal permission to brand and advertise the Broads as a National Park.”

Cobblers! No-one, other than themselves, gave them permission.

The High Court was asked to consider these specific claims made by the claimants, regarding the rebranding:

  • It was not within the scope of section 111 of the Local Government Act 1972.
  • The Authority’s discretion to exercise the power granted by section 111 is not unfettered.
  • The decision was irrational.
  • The Authority had regard to an immaterial consideration.
  • The Authority’s decision was procedurally unfair.

He found that none of the claims was proven.

At no time during those proceedings did the BA ask for, or the judge grant, any permission for the BNP expression to be used. Defra didn't give any permission either, saying only that the rebranding exercise was a matter for the authority.

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