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4th July Herbert Woods Busy


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As I mentioned earlier, I think its more about the spirit of it, rather than the letter of the law. The idea was that holidays would commence on 4th July, so technically I suppose 00.01 on the day is legal. Someone mentioned that yards maybe did the right thing by staggering departures and if the sheer volume at Herbert Woods was anything to go by, it maybe wasn't a bad idea. I don't think anyone is going to end up in court over it.  

Anyway, at least we are not having an apoplexy about it and chucking our teddys about!! :default_norty:

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Just for fun I counted the large and medium boats in HW a few weeks ago. At a, probably, not very accurate average of £100,000 there was around £6,500,000 just sitting there, plus the smaller boats.

Whatever the flak,  if any,  someone is sleeping better tonight that's for sure.

There is only around 25 left tonight, I wonder how many will go out tomorrow.

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With a fleet of approx 130 boats I'd say they still have 50% + sitting on the yard. They still have boats moored out on the main river, both the side dyke and back basin are still quite full. That said there is probably quite a few going out today ( Monday ) as a staycation destination the broads offer a great covid escape in my opinion, once your aboard and away you can isolate as much as you want and get away from the madness.. I'm sure there are a lot of yard owners whom have slept better this weekend. 

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On 04/07/2020 at 17:31, psychicsurveyor said:

Had a HW boat go past at Brundall at 4pm :default_sleep:

We moored at Reedham on our way to cross Breydon on Saturday afternoon and a HW boat moored in front of us whilst we were there, probably about 14:00(ish).  Some of the crew went for a swift tipple in The Nelson before heading off again.  I guess they were there for about an hour.

Could’ve been the same one.

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On 05/07/2020 at 18:54, Paul said:

the post will not get anyone in to trouble. If anyone had done wrong gets in to trouble then it will be there own decisions and actions that is the cause, not the reporting of it.

I held off on commenting too much, but this is my point Paul, so thank you. It's an individual's, or company's, actions that get them in trouble, not someone who comments on it. Too often we see people doing things because they can get away with it instead of having the integrity to just do as they're asked. It's always been an annoyance for me, especially now as I have friends in Leicester I can't see at all because even though they stuck to the rules, so many others in the city didn't.

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2 hours ago, MaceSwinger said:

have friends in Leicester I can't see at all because even though they stuck to the rules, so many others in the city didn't.

Was there any one incident/event/happening that triggered the Leicester lockdown do you know?

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it seemed a lot of workers in clothing factories got ill, there was a report that one factory owner was so concerned that his staff keep working that he went in to make sure despite having all the symptoms. and that as some of the factories employed immigrant workers on less than optimal wages they were living crammed into houses 20 to a house.

How accurate these reports were, I have not had time to check, but as it was on facebook, it must be true :default_icon_liar::default_icon_liar: :default_icon_liar:

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6 minutes ago, grendel said:

it seemed a lot of workers in clothing factories got ill, there was a report that one factory owner was so concerned that his staff keep working that he went in to make sure despite having all the symptoms. and that as some of the factories employed immigrant workers on less than optimal wages they were living crammed into houses 20 to a house.

How accurate these reports were, I have not had time to check, but as it was on facebook, it must be true :default_icon_liar::default_icon_liar: :default_icon_liar:

Take it as true, some workers are still housed in truely appalling conditions all around the uk.

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2 hours ago, vanessan said:

Was there any one incident/event/happening that triggered the Leicester lockdown do you know?

I am, very fortunately, outside of the lockdown area. All the county council will say is that the area they've locked down (basically the city itself and a lot of the suburbs) had a much higher than average infection rate. I can't remember the exact numbers, but my area of Leicestershire, Charnwood, had a rate about a third to a quarter of Leicester City. Leicester saw a few very large gatherings, as did many other cities, in the weeks preceding the re-implementation of the lockdown and I would be surprised if that wasn't a factor. But knowing Leicester, and having grown up around here, there'll be more to it than just the pictures we saw of massive crowds rammed together around the clock tower. 

The good news is rates are falling again. Hopefully they'll be able to lift the restrictions a little and not risk having to expand the lockdown area.

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It's a very complex picture in Leicester and there is no single answer to why it has such a high number of confirmed cases. One without doubt is that there have been a greater number of tests following the initial concern over infection rates in the area so inevitably more confirmed cases. When you look at the number of confirmed cases as a ratio to the number of tests carried out Leicester is not that much different to a number of other vulnerable locations which have been highlighted. That said, the number of cases has been too high and does indicate that the measures supposedly put in place to limit the spread of the disease have not worked.

There have sadly been numerous reports in local media of large gatherings in the city in recent weeks, some marking religious festivals, others related to protests ongoing around the country and in all of them social distancing seems to have been non existent. Police have reported visiting a number of manufacturing sites where social distancing has not been observed and "issued advice" though I have not heard of any charges being bought. There are also a large number of extremely secular ethnic communities and it has been suggested that the "message" has just not gotten in to these communities as it should and the method of communicating the lock down rules has been heavily criticised. 


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