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I've  just seen  the Front page article on the North Norfolk News saying Local Lock Down is the Last Resort as this is is not good News with this Coronavirus hanging around I can only hope some of us can still be going away on the Broads soon . If this Lock Down doe's happens this will have an knock on effect with  Pubs / Shops / Office's and Boating we all depend on going away. As to the People going Abroad this must frustrates them as they are now seeking holidays here including Wales / Scotland and Ireland if and when their Lock Down end's? I've never known the Coronavirus could do so much damage to our life's as I had a Stroke in January that did put me in a Dark place for some time now feeling better and looking forward going on the Broads in September. I just hope for all of us including the People living in Norfolk this Lock Down doesn't appear. 

Andrew Cook

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Andrew, May I recommend you read these articles with a tad more scepticism " Local Lock Down is the Last Resort" could be the headline in any local paper anywhere in the country. It says nothing but is frequently interpreted as meaning there is a real problem looming.

I'm sorry to read that you've had a stroke but happy to read that you are coming out of that "dark place". Try not to see so many things in such a pessimistic light, you can bring yourself down if you are not careful.

Some time ago I decided I'd become a pessimist, but I just knew it would never work out.

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Not being the font of all knowledge or having a crystal ball ,  I would hope and pray that this area is not one of the 'hubs' that will face a local lockdown.     If it were Norwich as a city , the rest of the Broads would still be ok.     Let us look on the glass half full if we can.

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I think I know, sort of where this may have originated. 

There is a bit of a flap-on in local business, local residents and indeed CofC, I don't know how it originated obviously, but the worry is The resorts of North Norfolk have always been traditional holiday destinations fror the industrial belt of South Lancs and Yorkshire and in particular the East Midlands Counties. These are the hot beds at present.

OK the Manchester area have been told not to mix! But it is not policed. They can get in their car and drop anchor at Sheringham, Cromer, Stalham anywhere.

But as MM says it could be anywhere.

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How the media love to pull our strings! An online newspaper headline this morning states ‘millions of over 50s could be told to stay at home under Boris Johnson’s new plans’. (I think Christmas would be a good time :default_xmas6: oops, sorry folks but I’m not the first.......)

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Newspapers need headlines to sell papers, even online versions need headlines to sell advertising space. Much as I wouldn't like it, the over 50's being told to stay at home probably works more than closing pubs to reopen schools. As much as the virus can take the life of anyone the risk is progressively higher the older you are. The vast majority of people of working age are less likely to be affected and could go back to work and lead a relatively normal life and help the economy tick over. 

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I can understand the local concerns. It is becoming increasingly clear that for many a visit to the beach or pub is an excuse to forget the virus and ignore social distancing. There are local lock-downs in the Midlands yet no effective restriction on travelling from those areas to such as the Broads & North Norfolk. Us elderly Broads locals are naturally wary of the plague carrying grockels roaming and decimating our villages and communities!   

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yet all of my 11 days aboard, from what i could see everyone was behaving and maintaining social distance  generally, conversations were had boat to shore or respecting distancing. the only issue i did have was driving home, where half of london seemed intent on visiting margate and ramsgate by the volume of traffic headed that way.

many of the families i chatted to thouht that boating was the ideal way to have a holiday while maintaining distancing.

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54 minutes ago, grendel said:

yet all of my 11 days aboard, from what i could see everyone was behaving and maintaining social distance  generally, conversations were had boat to shore or respecting distancing. the only issue i did have was driving home, where half of london seemed intent on visiting margate and ramsgate by the volume of traffic headed that way.

many of the families i chatted to thouht that boating was the ideal way to have a holiday while maintaining distancing.

We found exactly the same. It was lovely to chat to people and everyone kept a respectable distance from each other. The two pubs we went to were very organised with signage and the couple of shops we visited, customers all kept to the required spacing.   I dont like stern mooring in normal times but we made a point not to go anywhere where we had to stern moor apart from Salhouse. Our neighbours there chose to have their boat slightly further away than normal.   Boating is definitely one of the easiest holidays to social distance including travelling to and from home.  The thought of airports and being on a plane .....ugh

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PW - if you had a drone Pete, you would find miles of empty beaches so if you want to peg it away from the beach ramps or entrance points, you will not be alarmed. 

However I accept people don't want to lug their stuff too far but go to places like W Runton, and apart from around the ramp or perhaps 100 yds either side the beaches remain virtually empty and glorious. Don't forget too, you are out in the open and I think you can guarantee the nasty little bug will not find its way towards you!! Its in the pubs etc where the issue can arise so if that worries you, take your sarnies like you always did and you will be fine!

The other way you could do it is to take all your clothes off, and I promise people will give you as wide berth!!!!

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