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Wednesday 9th.

Woke to a dark overcast blustery morning as usual tea and coffee apparently there had been a disturbance during the night an alarm had woken Mick concerned he got up looked around the boat but couldn’t trace it opened the side door and it was outside ,this morning our neighbours have apologised about their alarm I graciously said it didn’t matter after all I didn’t hear it!

Filled up with water whilst cooking breakfast then we decided to go for a little walk when it started raining we turned around back to the boat , disposing of our rubbish and empty wine/ beer bottles we thought a trip up the Ant would be nice weather was supposed to brighten later,in readiness for the bridge we put down sides back seat and removed the little table off we set at about 10:20 there were plenty of available spaces.

It was blustery on outside steering position I was glad of my fleece and hat ,not much on the rivers in either direction saw a couple of kingfishers along the bure and again on the Ant more river traffic on Ant mostly down the centre of the river one or two forcing us into the reeds.

First bridge marker was about 8’4 second nearer 8’6 now depending which part of the boat info you read one said 8’2 the other at helm said 8’4 we slowly approached and it was very evident we had loads of clearance probably 8 or 9 inches.

Lovely very slow meandering up stream it was lovely busy through Irstead four boats at moorings passed Jemaki on his way down to late to acknowledge Barton breezy and as we pulled around into paddy’s lane the boat on the end departed ideal for fishing so that’s where we stopped.

I went for a short walk Mick set up his fishing gear by now the sun was almost out so after passing out a beer to the fisherman I thought a glass of wine on the top deck with my book was appropriate,just got settled and it started raining,didn’t last long the sun made a reappearance and it was out for the rest of the day and gloriously warm.

Left over curry for dinner thoroughly enjoyed more rubbish tv for an hour before bed,

Just to add having left Ranworth with 100% battery capacity from being on the power when we moored we were down to just about 70% as we were backed to no one we turned the generator on just for 10 mins to top up to 90%.tomorrow heading back towards Horning for a pump out and want to moor overnight reasonably close to Wroxham as we are meeting friends for the day on Friday.

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Thursday 10th.

Quiet night had a paddy’s Lane I like it better at this far end than nearer Barton turf I find the boatyard security light distracting,woke just after 6 Mick was already up wanted the loo so got up imagine my delight as I looked out of the window and saw an otter swimming past called Mick but he missed it.

Lazy tea and coffee it was a nice enough morning so we decided to head of about 9am sitting on upper helm usual 3mph over Barton we were overtaken by 2 boats obviously more in a hurry than we were took some photos of some cormorants through Irstead another boat came out of nowhere behind us and we watched the boats in front tying to overtake on the sharp bends ,why such a hurry it was beautiful just to cruise along .

Ludham bridge was an adventure yesterday on the way up Mick was commenting on the number of boats stuck right in the middle of the river almost afraid to move over,a prime example was thankfully just before the bridge moorings he was so centre we had to stop in the reeds but the look on the skippers face was of sheer terror not enjoyment ,at the moorings the left bank had a boat bow in stern out so we had to wait for them to try again once they were done we started to proceed only for a boat behind them to pull straight away from moorings into our path ,I said didn’t he see us ? He did eventually stop and let us pass as we approach the bridge the boat that had just come through also stopped right in front of us whist the husband and wife discussed the virtues of mooring there ? By now the boat behind was almost going to overtake us and another boat was coming through the bridge where the hell were we supposed to go, luckily the boat coming through saw our dilemma and kindly waited and let us through I shouted a very hearty thank you at last a skipper with some sense.

Now remembering we were planning on going up towards Horning way at the bottom of the Ant Mick suddenly said where shall we go as he turns left then right again not long after SW is his favourite place but I do get a tad annoyed he is not more adventurous so SW it is as we reached the corner moorings the end spot we had the other day is free so there we go.

Thinking friends will be aboard for the day tomorrow I spend an hour or so having a good clean through inside and out ,yesterday at paddy’s Lane we got covered in leaves , Mick of course got on with the serious business of fishing , I made bacon baguettes for lunch very nice too ,sun now out so me on the bank chair hat and book, we both went for a nice walk later and then had a simple ham and cheese  ploughman’s for supper, friend called unfortunately she has an emergency dentist this morning they may make it later but until tomorrow won’t make the decision,we have arrange with them to meet at Salhouse them by car we by boat it won’t be till mid afternoon but we should still be able to cruise with them for a while.

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On 09/09/2020 at 21:03, NorfolkNog said:

Not a Greene King fan by any means but I can relate to that! 

They do have the odd non GK beer on occasionally. 

Tbf that’s the option I usually go for and 10% off on my camra membership!

although it doesn’t help much on my bar tap for the week NN!  😉

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Friday 11th.

Not the day we planned for really, up early as usual we were waiting to hear from my friend to see if they were coming up after all she had an emergency dental appointment and wasn’t sure ,still not heard by 10:30 I text to check and was told no they had decided not to meet us ,we needed shopping so thought a slow cruise up to Wroxham was best although to be fair I am a little fed up of being chief cook and bottle washer on this trip!

It was really blustery once we set off and we only lasted about half an hour up top even with 2 fleeces and a woolly hat I was getting cold through Horning and into Wroxham itself we went back out,moored in Faircraft I went to Roy’s whilst Mick stayed on boat ,one plan was to stay overnight and eat out somewhere but when I got back on the boat we both agreed unless we could find a better mooring we would leave Wroxham, nothing was free we wanted didn’t fancy Hotel moorings or the ones next to it they back straight on to people sitting outside not ideal and they are £10 not that we mind paying but... Barnes was full even though it was almost 3:30 and we thought ,hoped we would get in there but no ,so we headed out and came into Salhouse several spaces still free it was close to 4:30 nothing much more came in and the private boat to our left departed only to go over to the corner to mudweight.

Dinner was a shop bought Chicken pie and some chips those sort that are sort of fresh ready cooked a tad expensive but easy to do and cheaper than eating out!

Mick fished for a bit didn’t catch anything yesterday at SW he had a good day several skimmers and perch also a Ruffe or 2 and a largish perch in the morning before we left.

Having both slept bad the night before we blamed going to bed too early we said we would stay up longer ,it must be all this fresh air as again after dinner and an hour of TV we both nodded off,slept much better though and have woken to grey skies trying to brighten.


The only plan today so far is a pump out either at Ferry or Southgates then we are undecided what the day will bring.

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We passed you yesterday just downstream of Cockshoot. You were both wrapped up well in heavy weather gear on your flying bridge, complete with L.J's, Life Jackets that is, not Long Johns, although you probably need them  as it was chilly. Its a shame the Padstow pasty shop does not have a branch in Wroxham as I would be a regular visitor and they would have a good trade!!

Enjoy the rest of your time here.


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Left Salhouse about 9:30 lovely morning sat up top slow cruise along towards Horning only “spoilt” but the continual buzzing of all the day boats at the Swan corner we had 2 overtaking on the outside and one doing the same on the inside.

We moored outside Southgates and waited,and waited finally calling out but nobody came I walked through to office but it seemed entirely empty , Mick called out louder and a guy came out of a side room we asked for a pump out he wanted to move the boat about 3 feet down from where it was chatted happily away about our trip so far ,lockdown and having spotted the rods fishing pump out finished we were on our way.

It seemed busy on the water mainly day boats but some cruisers to Mick was hoping for an end spot at cockshoot dyke there were spaces but none on the ends so we carried on surprisingly he said he wasn’t going to SW as we approached Ranworth Dam I think the day boats had annoyed him as one kept trying to undertake revving the engine so much then pulling back ,he finally overtook outside and when they went past all 4 Mum, Dad 2 kids  gave us a funny look as if by going at 3.5 miles an hour we were doing something wrong?

We headed down to Ranworth not really expecting to get in but just as we reached the Staithe a boat 2 nd on the front lifted his mudweight and in we went.

On the power showers had and then going for a walk but the pub garden won instead it was quite busy so we chose a seat and had a couple beers and a wine we then decided to order some food ,no cooking today hurrah, quite ok nothing special but I didn’t have to cook so I enjoyed it,back on the boat I sat outside weather was lovely chatted to neighbours and read until about 5:30 when I went down joined Mick about 7 we put a film on we had brought some on a USB so could watch our own choices, bed then and slept really well.



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Sunday 13th.

What a lovely day today has been nothing out of the ordinary but just lovely,after tea and toast at Ranworth a water top up and the bins done we set off just after 8am it was so nice we decided to just have a run up to Potter Heigham not for any reason we just like it so as usual it was slowly slowly nothing much out on the rivers ,what a change that will be later in the day!

At Potter we turned and headed back out as we passed the entrance to Womack dyke we thought we would go see if there was a space got one behind a private boat he had the end spot nearest the Staithe we both felt a bit hungry so I cooked some sausages and we had sausage sandwiches,Mick set his fishing gear out whilst I cooked and when we had eaten the boat in front left so we moved down one onto the end,decided to go for a walk it was lovely followed the path away from the village for some way then turned and headed back to the Staithe where we purchased some tasty worms well I hope the fish like them,what was tasty were the Portuguese tart I bought from the house about half way down delicious.I sat on the bank reading or on top deck at times it was a bit breezy but very warm I thoroughly enjoyed the day ,however never having moored here before it is terribly busy boat after boat going past at one point there was a queue of about 10 boats it finally stopped about 5:30 glorious sunset a perfect evening ,enjoyed dinner up top a few glasses of wine ,not sure what it was but I had the most enjoyable day ,fishing was not too bad either caught a few larger skimmers but it quieted down around 3 so he called it a day, no plans for tomorrow but if it’s half as good as today I’ll be happy.






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Tues 15th.

SW was swathed in mist this morning it was beautiful cleared quite early some boats already on the move ,we discussed where to go whilst enjoying tea and toast we thought of going to Acle we need some food either a shop or a meal out discarded that as we thought there would be no shade and it’s supposed to be very hot today so we are heading to Wroxham or Salhouse where we can walk to the pub.

Probably the best morning cruise we have had it was already warm at the early stage we were alone on the river it was just great,as we got further traffic increased almost all going in the opposite direction when we passed Ferry Marina a guy called out to us “ all ok guys “ yes we shout “ looking good “ he said we did have the LJ on as on this boat if you want to get into the cabin you have the side door or back steps so safety first going along we wear our LJ.

We didn’t always do this years ago like many once on the boat they went in a cupboard until we gave the boat back ,now older and wiser and maybe not so nimble we wear them!

Salhouse was lovely very peaceful not many moored but it was only about 11am we had left about 8am deviated here and there on the trip and as always only going slow.

Sat up top for a while reading and watching the boats come and go had a shower and put on a sundress I had never expected to wear on this holiday but brought along just in case it was a fabulous day,walked up to Fur and Feathers I had reserved an outside table good job to as it was really busy sat in half shade with umbrella and enjoyed a beer and a wine before we ordered lunch we both had the fish and chips it was really nice but huge portion even Mick didn’t eat it all,walked back to the boat and saw 2 Newfoundland dogs a couple of boats down the boat was Moonlight Shadow so I spoke to them and introduced myself they were just off up to the pub dogs had been for a swim.

On top for a few hours it was in partial shade so lovely read and just enjoyed being there,fishing was rubbish the man on the next boat had a large magnet on a rope he kept throwing in think it put the fish off he pulled out a lost mudweight!

Light supper watch last half of film we had started then to bed ,I was woken by dogs barking about 1:30 went on a bit people onboard must be  deaf or used to it.

Tomorrow who knows just go with the flow.

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Wed 16th.

When Mick got up this morning after a lovely day yesterday it started raining we had planned an early start to have a nice cruise about in relative quiet, we had a quick bite of toast tea and coffee and made a start I wiped down the top helm but we stayed inside for the first 1/2 hour just to let it dry it had stopped raining and was trying to brighten, we headed up towards Wroxham but turned before the housing starts,back passed Salhouse through Horning by now we were sitting on upper helm weather was ok but not a nice as yesterday morning.

Thought about going up the Ant but we need food or a pub headed for Acle could have either Pub ,Pedros or a curry got as far as the Thurne mouth when Mick said let’s go to Ranworth instead  , I really don’t care where we go I enjoy everything about this so yes let’s do that .

We had left Salhouse before 7am it was now just after 10 so by the time we reached the moorings at Ranworth it would be about 11am ,as luck would have it just as we reached the Staithe a boat pulled away so we were going for his spot on the front when another came out from the side Micks preferred location, I was at back ready with ropes as we went in we seemed to take a while ,it transpired bow thrusters failed completely just at critical point so he had to pull forward and start again without it,into mooring ropes done electric attached little chat with neighbours either side we decided to have the last of the breakfast goodies before going for a walk.

Walked the bridal path we know and had a really nice walk weather trying to clear but failing when we got back to the boat it had clouded over and the wind had got up ,so much so I couldn’t sit up top it was too windy ,watched life going on boats coming and going Mick tried to fish but soon gave up , we just sat and chilled until it was time to order curry , they said it would be an hour it took and hour and three quarters and 2 phone calls to get it ,but it was good when it came.

Last day tomorrow bet you can’t guess where he wants to go ?

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Thurs 17th.

After a very blustery night the bow slap was terrible lucky we sleep in the back but still noisy

We took an enormous cruise today from Ranworth Staithe to South Walsham left about 8:30 a very slow cruise along lovely as the sun tried to break through still windy though.

Moorings were almost empty apart from the very end the one he wanted but just as we passed I saw them undoing their ropes so we go for a turnaround ,what happened next I really have no idea as I was on the back of the boat and couldn’t see but we seem to come in far too fast and at a slight angle anyway I was able to step of the stern and went to the post but the boat kept going and the rope would not reach , in a split second I thought oh god I’m going to have to let go ,but just as I thought that the boat came back to me ,I got shouted at for not having it on the post and told to get the front rope finally secured I dare to ask what happened

A mix of bow thrusters failure, to much throttle , it’s hard as there is no engine noise to warn you then she charges forward and then it was the wind must be our worst mooring ever,and watched by a couple in a private boat behind us ,god they must have thought Blo—dy novices!

After that it was bacon butties , fishing a nice walk and sitting by the river reading a thoroughly lovely time .

Started packing up early evening and had the left over curry for dinner the last night onboard and back to Horning tomorrow sad to let go but our adventure in Norfolk continues for another fortnight.

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Some how I missed Monday’s Post



Woke up to a glorious morning absolutely perfect Mick said he got some good photos of the sunrise let’s hope so ,not a healthy breakfast today custard tarts and coffee delicious undecided what to do and where to go we are a little short on bread and getting short of fresh food we think we should shop but really don’t have the inclination,set off about 8:30 it was heavenly up top slow cruise down towards Acle consider going further but turn around after the bridge we have cooked chicken and salad to eat tonight so don’t need a pub meal . Back up the Bure it was quiet of river traffic not much out yet turned towards St.Benets and after a short while Mick surprised me by saying I think we will go to SW what a shock!

As we looked across the field you could see corner moorings looked full it was after 10:30 so not sure if they are late starters or early moorers ? Into fleet dyke and several boats were leaving and when we reached moorings there were several spaces took one opposite to where we had moored previously,before fishing we decided to go for a walk before it got too hot walked to the village and back stopped at fairhaven and bought a couple of bottles of water it was getting very warm,we had moored in front of the escape ladder by about 6 foot when we returned a hire craft had just pulled in behind us his bow almost touching our stern Mick politely told him he should not moor across the ladder to which he replied I had nowhere else to go we asked the pulled back a bit as they were knocking us Mick had to deal with the ropes I do not think this crew knew what they were doing.

Enjoyed all the comings and goings after a salad sarnie for lunch some fishing and reading it was a lovely afternoon spent just being by the river.

Saw Cerise Lady at Ranworth but when I went past early morning I didn’t see anyone to say Hello to.

Up to Wroxham tomorrow quite early for a bit of shopping then maybe back to Salhouse and a walk to the pub but that could change who knows that’s the enjoyment of being here.m


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Fri 18th.

So the last morning has arrived sad to end such an enjoyable time afloat but give back the boat we must, both up early having tea and coffee , it’s only an hour back to the yard but we set off at about 7am going very slowly ,I stay down finishing packing away kitchen things and doing a clean through , I go up just as we pass Ranworth Dam and take over steering so Mick can finish packing up the fishing gear.

All too soon we approach the Marina perfect mooring unlike yesterday so much so as we started the manoeuvre one of the ferry guys came up to the key heading to take a rope but as Mick had it perfectly controlled he just shrugged his shoulders smiles and walks away lovely sign of approval.

Car parked behind unpacking of the boat done we report the faults that bow thrusters issue a dodgy blind that won’t wind up and that we broke a glass all logged handed back the 4 unused electric cards of the 10  that they  supplied at beginning of holiday said farewell and drove away.

We had never done more than a week so not sure if we would like it , of course we did it still didn’t feel long enough, however we did not eat out as much as we would have normally so I did more cooking than I wanted only simple meals but still more work than I needed.

Love Silent again a great boat for 2 expensive of course but really suited us with such a nice rear cabin and forward living areas ,no real downsides to the boat apart from the Bow thruster ongoing issue, we had no problems mooring anywhere we went but that’s because of the way we like to use our time sail early very early some mornings do 2 , 3 or 4 hours then find our mooring as “most” boaters are leaving having had breakfast whilst we were out on the rivers, it was busy in some parts but also peaceful in others loved it all.

We now have a week in Horning in a cottage in the Marina before stating the new chapter in our boating lives with our first trip out on our syndicate boat staring Saturday 26th out of Brundall for a week, I will let you know how we get on very much a just getting to know the boat exercise both looking forward to it greatly.

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4 hours ago, snunn said:

Fri 18th.

So the last morning has arrived sad to end such an enjoyable time afloat but give back the boat we must, both up early having tea and coffee , it’s only an hour back to the yard but we set off at about 7am going very slowly ,I stay down finishing packing away kitchen things and doing a clean through , I go up just as we pass Ranworth Dam and take over steering so Mick can finish packing up the fishing gear.

All too soon we approach the Marina perfect mooring unlike yesterday so much so as we started the manoeuvre one of the ferry guys came up to the key heading to take a rope but as Mick had it perfectly controlled he just shrugged his shoulders smiles and walks away lovely sign of approval.

Car parked behind unpacking of the boat done we report the faults that bow thrusters issue a dodgy blind that won’t wind up and that we broke a glass all logged handed back the 4 unused electric cards of the 10  that they  supplied at beginning of holiday said farewell and drove away.

We had never done more than a week so not sure if we would like it , of course we did it still didn’t feel long enough, however we did not eat out as much as we would have normally so I did more cooking than I wanted only simple meals but still more work than I needed.

Love Silent again a great boat for 2 expensive of course but really suited us with such a nice rear cabin and forward living areas ,no real downsides to the boat apart from the Bow thruster ongoing issue, we had no problems mooring anywhere we went but that’s because of the way we like to use our time sail early very early some mornings do 2 , 3 or 4 hours then find our mooring as “most” boaters are leaving having had breakfast whilst we were out on the rivers, it was busy in some parts but also peaceful in others loved it all.

We now have a week in Horning in a cottage in the Marina before stating the new chapter in our boating lives with our first trip out on our syndicate boat staring Saturday 26th out of Brundall for a week, I will let you know how we get on very much a just getting to know the boat exercise both looking forward to it greatly.

Hi Sue, 

Karen and I hope you have a really great first experience aboard Lightning. Some time I will tell you about our first week aboard, what an experience that was. 

Enjoy your first time afloat on our lovely boat. 

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Holiday Cottage Week

We left the boat about 9am and thought we would head for Wroxham for breakfast parked and walked to the Wherry man cafe sat outside sun was nice but wind a little chilly.Ordered 2 full breakfasts a tea and coffee all ok not world beating but nice enough and reasonably priced @ £18 for all.

The premier inn at Norwich booked for tonight room available from 2 pm so after breakfast we head back to the car we have several hours to kill, headed out towards Cromer it was a lovely bright sunny morning roads were quiet and we enjoyed the trip didn’t stop just carried on along that north Norfolk coast road absolutely stunning if a little narrow in places for his new car !

Finally reached Hunstanton around 1pm and parked on the cliff top car park had a little walk around stretch the legs and get some fresh air after a toilet break we thought it was time to find our way back to Norwich arrived at the hotel just after 3 and told room would be ready in 10 minutes as we had to sort out bags etc and overnight things by the time we had done that we were ready to go and check in ,room ok clean we tried to book a table for dinner at the next door establishment only to be told they were full , we managed online to get a 5:30 slot too early really but by the time we had a couple of drinks it was almost 6:30 and we ordered our food was supposed to vacate the table at 6:45 but was not asked to do this annoyingly tables around us all remained empty even when we left sometime after 7.

Food ok nothing special what was good was the service we received which was excellent.


Another messed up day today as leaving here for our holiday cottage in Ferry Marina which we have been told will be ready at 4 pm so more time to kill.Didnt stop for breakfast just had tea and coffee in room and as check out was 12pm we didn’t hurry , got a bit of cabin fever around 11 am so we left , went over to Horning to find cottage which we did but no one was around so we drove away and meandered up to Barton Turf and Neatishead  then onto Stalham and Tesco for some essentials like Wine ! That done we went back via Ludham to visit the little veg shack just outside the village bought eggs there but no veg only potatoes.

Next went to butchers got there at 1:30 just as they were closing but I managed to get sausages and bacon and a couple of their lovely pies, I had forgotten a couple of things we needed in Tesco so we went back to Roy’s in Wroxham for those by now it was 2:30 so again we tried the cottage this time the windows were open I looked in and there was a bottle of wine on the table and all looked done so we opened the door called out but it was empty so with Anti virus spray in hand we went in ,unloaded the car and settled ourselves.

With a couple of nights B&B before the 2 week boat hire then a week in this cottage ,followed by the week onboard Lighting we have a lot of luggage so I need to resort things do some washing and get straight.

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