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We’re all different shapes and sizes and that’s what makes us an interesting species. I’ve seen quite a few very large people out with what I assume to be a personal trainer or a friend eager to help and I think good for them. I just wish I could run again!!

Anyways - they’re still not ducks! 

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1 hour ago, vanessan said:

We’re all different shapes and sizes and that’s what makes us an interesting species. I’ve seen quite a few very large people out with what I assume to be a personal trainer or a friend eager to help and I think good for them. I just wish I could run again!!

Anyways - they’re still not ducks! 

Actually I believe the Egyptian Goose is in fact a duck related to our estuarian Shelduck. I also read that they are quite endangered on their native Nile and are now found only North of Cairo and in the delta.

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16 minutes ago, ChrisB said:

Actually I believe the Egyptian Goose is in fact a duck related to our estuarian Shelduck. I also read that they are quite endangered on their native Nile and are now found only North of Cairo and in the delta.

You’re quite right Chris, I remember reading that a long time ago and often wondered why we call them geese. I’m not surprised they’re endangered on their native Nile, they’ve all relocated to the Broads! (I do notice the headline has now been changed to specify ‘duck’ by the way!)

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20 hours ago, Hylander said:

Anyone for rounding them all up and sending them back to Egypt where they are so scarce.    Blooming horrible things are vicious.

And so noisy first thing in the morning. I've been woken up several times by their honking outside the boat first thing. I can remember getting up at 4.30am!!! one June holiday, and herding a gang of them off the walkway of what was Topcraft's moorings opposite Oulton Broad Yacht Station, before going back inside and back to bed.

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59 minutes ago, DAVIDH said:

And so noisy first thing in the morning. I've been woken up several times by their honking outside the boat first thing. I can remember getting up at 4.30am!!! one June holiday, and herding a gang of them off the walkway of what was Topcraft's moorings opposite Oulton Broad Yacht Station, before going back inside and back to bed.

Where we moor we get a couple of families of EG every spring morning honking abuse at each other, better than any alarm clock! Boy are they messy too! 

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