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Potter Heigham Pilot


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Can someone settle an argument I'm having with myself? I think the Pilot Service was introduced in the 69s after a boat got stuck under the bridge for quite some time and was initiated by the hire boat companies for anything over a reo berth hire boat. Am I right?

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My first experience of a Broads holiday was in 1969.  I clearly remember the Hoseasons bridge pilot hut being on the port side of the river just before the entrance to Herbert Woods yard, as you headed towards the bridge from the junction with the Bure.  The pilots name then was Charlie Crowe and he was a Broads character back then, with his photo and name printed in the holiday hints handbook that was sent out before your holiday.

Blakes had their own pilot, but I can’t remember where their office was.  Those were the days, when getting under the bridge wasn’t such a rare occurrence.

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First record I can find for the Bridge Pilot is from 1955  and reproduced below. Hoseasons I don't think introduced one until the early 60s. 

Images of the Blakes pilot at Herbert Woods can be seen on the You Tube film uploaded by Lulu on the thread, " As Seen On Youtube, Broads & Non Broads."



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do note it says the centre height is just 7 foot, in 1955, nowadays of course the height is quoted at a set width (at least thats what the height for the bridge markers shows), so how much to allow for that section, looking elsewhere i see the dimension to the top of the centre arch is approximately 5" above the bridge marker height, so lets subtract that from the 7 foot in 1955, and we get 6'7"

this means we now have a direct measure of the bridge from 1955 to compare modern clearances to. maybe we have lost a few inches clearance, but it doesnt seem as bad as some people make out.

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I remember back in 1964 the pilot said that if me and my brother climbed into the wardrobe in the bow of Gala Girl then he would just be able to get us through the bridge. I cannot imagine the pilot suggesting the same thing in this day and age!!

I also remember that just inside Herbert Woods yard there was a replica of the bridge arch so that you could see if your boat would pass through the bridge. This was just on the right hand side where Mallard is now and was swung out over the water when it was needed.



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