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Gov Legislation Of Rebated Fuels


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17 minutes ago, annv said:

If we hadn't joined the common market we would still have 100% red diesel at 0% tax. John

I would think that's highly unlikely. The Government had the choice of removing duty for the propulsion element after Brexit. It didn't and it won't because now it has carbon emission targets to hit, which would have led to increased duty on Red even if we hadn't entered the Common market.

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4 hours ago, BroadAmbition said:

Further more I would offer that if it was still the common market today that the uk originally joined there would never have been a Brexit 


Most people I have encountered regarding brexit, voted for it because of immigration and nothing to do with trade etc.

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4 hours ago, Wonderwall said:

Most people I have encountered regarding brexit, voted for it because of immigration and nothing to do with trade etc.

That is a bit of a generalisation - a large number were fed up with the EU being unaccountable and not acting in UK interests.

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20 hours ago, Bikertov said:

That is a bit of a generalisation - a large number were fed up with the EU being unaccountable and not acting in UK interests.

I did say the people I have encountered. Where did the EU not act in our interest , to our detriment?   Genuinely interested , not trying to stir up a debate. I honestly can’t think of anything they done which had a huge negative effect on my quality of life.

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5 hours ago, BroadAmbition said:

Where did the EU not act in our interest , to our detriment? 

Seriously?  Really?

It'd take me a month to compile that list, then I'd no doubt miss off a stack


Well, we go this angle then. Name the rules imposed on us that damaged our country. 
I’ll get a few of the easy ones off the table. 
Freedom of movement. Nope. We had control over that by limiting time but we chose not to. 
Metric system. Nope our choice to impose that. 
Blue passports. Nope. Countries could choose any colour. We chose red. 
European army. Nope. Just a discussion point. Needed 100% member agreement at least. 
over to you. 

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Still so much disinformation being touted by people about Brexit. 

The figures of just how well we're doing are easily available. No other country has seen fuel queues. No other country is seeing supermarket shelves empty. The cost, per houeshold, for leaving is staggering. 

Be under no illusion that leaving is a disaster for this country. The only ones who benefited were the ones that told you we could spend £350m a week on our NHS. 

We haven't taken back control. We've merely handed it to the wealthy right-wing government who will use it against us for their own benefit. 


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I think that if we start discussing the pros and cons of Brexit we will be very quickly straying into the realms of politics (well further than we have at present, which as we all know people hold varied and diverging beliefs and tend to strongly argue their case, which often leads to disagreement and then people forget themselves and start attacking each other, the above reason is why the topic of politics is deemed unacceptable - except where said politics directly affects the Norfolk Broads and is a vital discussion point. 

So remembering this Can I ask on behalf of the moderation team that we drop the political discussion of Brexit in this thread, except perhaps where it directly bears upon the fuel Duty mentioned in the heading.


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1 hour ago, grendel said:

which as we all know people hold varied and diverging beliefs and tend to strongly argue their case, which often leads to disagreement and then people forget themselves and start attacking each other,

That sounds like a sign I once saw in a pub :

Please do not ask for credit as a smack in the face can sometimes offend.

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14 hours ago, grendel said:

I think that if we start discussing the pros and cons of Brexit we will be very quickly straying into the realms of politics (well further than we have at present, which as we all know people hold varied and diverging beliefs and tend to strongly argue their case, which often leads to disagreement and then people forget themselves and start attacking each other, the above reason is why the topic of politics is deemed unacceptable - except where said politics directly affects the Norfolk Broads and is a vital discussion point. 

So remembering this Can I ask on behalf of the moderation team that we drop the political discussion of Brexit in this thread, except perhaps where it directly bears upon the fuel Duty mentioned in the heading.


I will, and have refrained from discussing it any further. I appreciate it must be a “ sare fecht “ as they say in these parts, trying to keep things in line .

I asked a question, because I’m genuinely interested in what other people think , and how they come to their way of thinking . I have an open mind on it, and I may learn things I did not know. How else do we learn, and expand our knowledge?. The people on here, who appear to have a different opinion on this matter, I absolutely respect, and no doubt agree with them on many other matters. I absolutely did not want to fall out with anyone, and don’t think for a minute i would have.

I totally respect the stance on it, and hope I didn’t stray close to the line. 
See you all on the broads again soon I hope. 😎


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you were fine, its just from experience we know we have to draw a line somewhere, older members should remember we have done so in the past, but for the newer members a reminder now and then brings them up to speed, and reminds everyone where we set the boundaries.

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