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Greetings From Thorpe St Andrew

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Hi all. New member here, so thought I'd introduce myself. I've been away from boating for around 20 years after we sold our Shetland that we had at Bells Dyke due to small kids. They're now not small any more, and SWMBO and I are seriously considering going floating again.

We're looking for a sports cruiser, 2-4 berth, around the 7-8 metre mark at some point between now and the start of next season. Something big enough to weekend in, and occasionally longer. SWMBO has insisted on an enclosed head, other than that I'm weapons free. I'd prefer a sports cruiser if only for the occasional blast across Breydon and possibly some salty fun once in a while. When I was living in Portsmouth a few years back, we had a small Fletcher speedboat and used to nip over to the Isle of Wight. Not fun in the fog when you're in something 17 feet long and need to get across the hovercraft lane!

Our budget for the boat is 20k, and we'll be based on the southern broads, probably Brundall. I'm only putting that out there in case anyone's looking to sell...I'm all over the various sites like a rash at the moment but more than happy to consider a private sale, even if deferred until the start of the season.

So stand by for lots of stupid questions - I'm military, so work on the basis that there's no such thing as a stupid one. I'll try to chip in with local knowledge where I can, though, just to pay it back a bit.

Anyhow, hello!

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Welcome along. We did make one Solent crossing on a Wightlink car ferry in thick fog. I remember how eerie it was. Hearing the foghorn blast at regular intervals was both reassuring and scary at the same time!! 😂

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