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Being a glutton for punishment I have taken on another project. Lapwing is a clinker built halfdecker fitted with a 1.5hp Stuart Turner inboard.

She is 16ft long and Gunter rigged and looked to be in ok condition just needing a bit of painting and varnishing.  I took her up to Martham to have her lifted only to find the lead on the bottom of the keel was loose.

It turned out the fwd bolt had sheared off , the head of the bolt is inset into the keel and proved impossible to get out.  I decided to remove the keel from the boat which proved easier than expected as one bolt had wasted to nothing, another sheared off when I tried to undo it leaving only one bolt holding the whole thing in place.   The way the keel,is constructed means it’s going to be easier to make a new on once I can get some timber the right size.

Today saw me sanding the yellow paint from the hull and sanding down the coming, toerails and rubbers. I hope to get the transom back to varnish but we will see once the paint is removed.

The engine needs a bit of work as it looks like it has got a bit warm at some point, so will remove the head and water pump to see what’s going on, the magneto will also need an overhaul. 









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She will make a lovely camping cruiser with a boom tent. Great for slipping under Potter when most others are unable.

In my teens a school friend and I cruised a GP14 then I got one of the first GRP Silhouettes.  Sadly that type of cruising is very much a young man's sport, you need to be supple.

Recently PBO did an article on the Silouette saying what a good little boat they are and now fantastic value for money. I did my first Channel crossing in mine, bit of a disaster as we got storm bound and my father had to bring the trailer over on the ferry to get us back. He was not best pleased as we had omitted to tell our parents of our day trip to La Belle France.

I still get a feeling of excitement when I see one:-


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At the Strumpshaw Steam Fair on Friday, someone had 1 1/2 Stuart Turner for sale, believe it or not!

Not sure if it was complete, or even a runner, but there it was, like something from a bygone age - I remember them from the late 50's and then later in a Macwester 27 sailing cruiser we even had a twin cylinder ( or was it 1? ) 10hp in the bilge!!

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16 minutes ago, LizG said:

Do you know her history for instance previous owners.

It's looks so similar to a boat I remember being kept at South Walsham in the 60s?


She was built in 1965 by Cox’s at Barton Turf. For at least the last 10 years was kept at Hunters Yard who looked after her. Before that I am not sure other than it was for sale in the early 2000’s. 

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I remember this boat so similar to Lapwing and it would have been after 1965 but I don't recollect anyone suggesting she was recently built. I'll have to look at my old photos taken on South Walsham Broad ( in the next few days)

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  • 3 weeks later...

Just a small update,

The varnish has had eight coats so will do until the winter when it will get some more, the hull has had 5 coats of undercoat just needs flatting back then a couple more before the gloss.

Today was trial fitting the new keel, it’s a bit tight but fits the curve of the hull fine, it has been removed and epoxied together. The keel bolts I ordered arrived but I have two 18mm and one 20mm so will have to change them which could hold up fitting the keel permanently. 







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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi Doug you've done a splendid job on restoring her to it's formal glory even if you don't take part in the Three R please put her on show as wooden Boats either Cruisers or Sailing are getting very rare to be seen on the Broads now days .I say a thank you for all your photos Doug.



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Having done it many time in all sort of boats I vowed I would  only do it again in something of -10 handicap or lower. 

Had a first sail today up to Thurne mouth which didn’t go without its issues, the boom goose neck  broke as it had a bit of a crack probably caused by lowering the mast at sometime with it still attached, its now 6 inches shorter.  Some of the rigging was wrong and there was no cleat for the self tacking jib.  An afternoon of fiddling has got things sorted, we will see on our next outing. 



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I would still say a wheel and throttle is much more civilised 🤪😉. Sailing is great I have done it but there’s too many ropes and many other things to think about, especially when that zig zagging thing happens and the wind changes direction. 🤔🤪



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  • 1 year later...


I was the owner of Lapwing for pretty much 20 years before giving it away in 2021ish

(for one season I sold it then bought it back!) The whole history should be with the boat as I left this on board in  folder. But if this has been lost then I can do my best to remember. The first owner, Tom Tillet, was a commodore at NBYC - I had his son come on board once when I was moored at Thurne - tears in his eyes as he remembered being on it as a child.

Re. one of the other posts....It might well have been at South Walsham as Tom Tillet had a boat house there and the son (who had inherited the boathouse) said I could moor there any time when in SW. 

She is a lovey boat - if a bit slow when sailing - she also rows very well. I was very sad to part with her but the 300 mile round trip from south London was getting me down.

If more information re. history wanted, then do please let me know. edyer192@btinternet.com


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