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Are Sutton Staithe Hotel Rooms Doggo Friendly? - One Woof For Yes, Two For No


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Just booked 2 rooms at the above hotel for a night before the boat trip and realised I didn't check if I could put my little terrier in a room with me. 

The hotel website says no bueno but I found a review on tripadvisor where someone enjoyed a 3 night stay there with a dog. 

so I'm just wondering if someone had some local knowledge of whether they can take a dog on a case by case basis?




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How many woofs for not sure :default_biggrin:

I have stayed there, a long time ago now though and as far as I can remember the bar is pet friendly but not sure about the rooms, sorry, not much help.

I hope they can sort something for you, send them a pic of the cutie, they won't be able to resist :default_biggrin: x

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1 hour ago, Ray said:

From their website -

"Dogs are not permitted in the bedrooms upstairs"

Pretty clear I'm afraid 🐾

That is a change in policy over the last few years then as I have definitely spoken to people who have stayed there with dogs .

Best to give them a ring I think.

If the information above is correct then give Wayford Bridge Hotel a call as they are definitely dog friendly. And are sponsor's of this site

Thinking about it We stayed there on New Year's Eve a few years ago and had our dog with us👍

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1 hour ago, FlyingFortress said:

That is a change in policy over the last few years then as I have definitely spoken to people who have stayed there with dogs .

Best to give them a ring I think.

If the information above is correct then give Wayford Bridge Hotel a call as they are definitely dog friendly. And are sponsor's of this site

Thinking about it We stayed there on New Year's Eve a few years ago and had our dog with us👍

No longer shown on he list of sponsors for some reason


Just noticed they are back again

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19 hours ago, Ray said:

From their website -

"Dogs are not permitted in the bedrooms upstairs"

Pretty clear I'm afraid 🐾

The waters are not crystal clear given the trip advisor review where a person stayed there with a dog only a few months ago.  

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18 hours ago, FlyingFortress said:

If the information above is correct then give Wayford Bridge Hotel a call as they are definitely dog friendly. And are sponsor's of this site

Thinking about it We stayed there on New Year's Eve a few years ago and had our dog with us👍

Thank you!

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49 minutes ago, troggy said:

The waters are not crystal clear given the trip advisor review where a person stayed there with a dog only a few months ago.  

As others have said, just ring them, there's no clearer water than that from the horses mouth... if it hadn't been forced to drink. If I may mix as many metaphors as possible 😂

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2 hours ago, troggy said:

Thank you!

I agree,  we chose a hotel that was 'no pets' and low and behold they were even allowed in one of the restaurants.   Well not wanting some Alsatian eyeing up my pork chop , we opted for the restaurant where it was no pets.     It does seem that these so called sites are not always correct and I would definitely ring them.

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1 hour ago, Gracie said:


Just brilliant Monica :default_icon_kiss:

I hope you've managed to sort something troggy just don't allow your little terrier to eye up Monica's pork chop :default_biggrin: x

I had to laugh, I can imagine an Alsatian nicking Monica’s pork chop, not so much a little terrier. Pozzick could potentially get at that chop in a twinkle of his eye (his head is level with our table top). Luckily we have trained both dogs to ‘settle down’ when we are having our meals, otherwise it would be mayhem. 

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If only you could have seen the speed that Mrs FF moved when our Hooligan removed a sandwich from the table when we first had him.😳

He was chased across the kitchen and his mouth opened and the sandwich removed promptly.

It was just about a year ago when we first got him but he has never tried it since 😁

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3 hours ago, Gracie said:


Just brilliant Monica :default_icon_kiss:

I hope you've managed to sort something troggy just don't allow your little terrier to eye up Monica's pork chop :default_biggrin: x

He regularly chases herds of Deer on the footpaths so I think he has aspirations for gamier sources of protein.  He does like to chase squirrel though so watch out for that if it's on the menu.   Regarding the hotel and dog situation, I have sent a message over to Wayford Bridge Inn to check if it's ok for a dog as per their websites instructions so hopefully I can get in there.  

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9 hours ago, troggy said:

  Regarding the hotel and dog situation, I have sent a message over to Wayford Bridge Inn to check if it's ok for a dog as per their websites  

Another lovely place, I hope they can fit you in and you have a brilliant time. Although I do understand some people not wanting to stay in pet friendly rooms, pets are part of the family too x

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