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Uncle Mike / Jaguar


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Ok, Heads up. 

‘Aunty Pat’ has been on t phone and asked me to publish the following for those that want to know:-

Monday 11th 1200. Woodlands crematorium, Scunthorpe. DN17 1SP

Wake afterwards - The Comet Hotel Scunthorpe DN16 1HL

i intend to be there of course 


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The service, wake etc went very well today.  No one dressed in black as requested, I had even a psychedelic tie on.  I went in Zebedee with the top down, took Trevor Skeleton as a passenger which raised a few smiles / comments.  There were a fair few forumites there too which was nice to see, some having driven hours from well south of Norfolk - Respect

Mike was a huge character - He won't be forgotten


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Finally got time to sit down and compose myself and this.

I have known Mike since 2005, met him in person in 2009 at a forum meet from the other side. We seemed to hit it off straight away.  But that was Mike the affable man as ever. I have over the years enjoyed Mike and Aunty Pat's company on many occasions. So, I thought it fit that I should attend, his last big party here on earth. The most fitting Service, a tribute to his life, we were ushered into the sounds of The Fureys ( a theme which continued throughout the service. ) "My Father's House".

After the welcome and Words on Greif. There followed a most wonderful eulogy written By Aunty Pat and her Grandaughter Mary. Then The poem Leader of the Scouts. This was followed by Reflection music again the Furey's,     "This one's for you". To which I knew every word and was so poignant. This started the tears welling up. (If you haven't heard it please look it up on YouTube) There was then a continuation of the Eulogy and then the committal. And finally, we filed out to

The Fureys "The Old Man"

Then followed many hugs and lots of tears.

We all alighted to the hotel for nibbles and a good chat, mostly about boating as befits.

Must admit to tears most of the way home to Kent. But the journey was worth it to pay my respects to such a great and wonderful man

Rest in Peace Mike, pain free at last.

Was great to see the NBN so well represented.

P.S Griff have fixed the satnav with a 7 pound lump hammer.

I'm off for another cry now.


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Our friendship with Mike started on ‘the other side’ too and carried on over the years. There were adventures, like the time Rondonay’s outboard caught fire. Mike was just up river and available for help. Then there was Chameleon’s trick bunk that landed me in the bilges-mercifully clean! 
We all shared responsibility for several Forum meets, he was 100% reliable, generous and very very clever-brain like a planet! The quizzers all know about the brain…

After Phill died, Mike rang several times a week while waiting for Pat to do her retail therapy. The support from him and Timbo and Pat herself has helped me through.

Meeting Pat was one of the best things that could have happened and she was heroic in her support for him these last weeks.

His funeral was planned by himself and Pat together and was a quiet and fitting farewell  Rest in peace Mike.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Aunty Pat has asked me to thank those who donated through the funeral directors to Mike's chosen charity. Yesterday a cheque for £120 was sent to The Salvation Army in Mikes memory.

We will be scattering Mikes ashes at his chosen spot on Saturday 21st October so raise a glass to him on the day wherever you are.

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