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Aqua Emblem

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Here’s me thinking no Norfolk Broads this year when over Easter we suddenly decide to book Aqua Emblem for a week at the end of April

Norfolk here we come 

looking forward to it already now please stop raining else we will never get under Wroxham Bridge 







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Aquafibre Diamonds are usually quoted around 6'5" air draft, but Ferry seem to be stating 6'7". No doubt the pilots will have a better idea than anyone whether she'll fit nearer the time.


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We took her under in June 19 but realistically it’s not looking likely this year shame as that’s a great trip up to coltishall I’m sure we will be happy wherever we go.

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The Wroxham bridge pilots number is 07775 297638. I'm sure if you give them a call when you collect the boat, they'll be able to give a firm idea whether you'll be able to pass though, so you can decide whether to head upstream or elsewhere.

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11 minutes ago, Graham47 said:

The clearance under Wroxham bridge is currently 6’ 2” which is about where it has been, give or take an inch or two for months.

It should, by rights, start to go down significantly in coming weeks though as spring progresses. If it doesn't, we all collectively need to do everything possible to make a massive noise about it, so BA and EA come under closer scrutiny for the issues of dredging and possible Herring bridge restriction.

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I hadn't realised that Wroxham Bridge was so impassable at the moment. We are on Bella Maria on the 20th May so hopefully we can get through the bridge by then. Can't wait to get back to the broads. All of your exploits whet my appetite. Hopefully we will get a couple of trips in this year. 

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For what its worth , 6'7" sounds about right. My Diamond was that, on the nail and I have not seen it quoted as 6' 5" - however I could be wrong but wouldn't like to be the one to test it!!!!!

I have been under Wroxham with under 7' on the gauge several times but because of the bend, you do have to watch it a bit!!

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  • 1 month later...


We arrived in Horning on Wednesday 24th staying in the B&B dinner then in the swan was ok my first choice sirloin steak not available so I had the ribeye  Mick chose the Lamb dishes  both pretty good , next day we were supposed to go to Suffolk to visit Sister-in-law but due to circumstances that was cancelled so we took the car up to the north coast and had a meander lovely too although very cold.


Dinner in the fish restaurant then Friday we picked up Aqua we had a 12.00 start time so a quick shop and we were at the boatyard just before , boat was ready had our induction and got everything onboard we were away about 12:45.


We headed out and as it was bitterly cold although when in the sun it was better we checked out Ranworth and there were loads of spaces so we moored up and put the power on.Dinner was going to be Ludham butchers steak and kidney pies with Jacket potatoes unfortunately when we tried to light the oven it would not stay on it lit but the moment you took your hand off it went out we tried and tried so I phone the yard they tried to talk us through but it was soon clear we were doing the right thing so an engineer came out change the knobs got the oven on then left 10 mins later it went out but we did manage to relight it but by this time we were a bit frazzled so we ordered a curry .


Saturday still cold so we thought a pub meal and a sheltered mooring so we headed for Womack the dyke was empty apart from a single boat but with the high water levels I’m finding getting on and off a bit of an issue so we went for the Staithe just about got off ok


Late lunch in kings arms Mick had the homemade pie of the day it was huge but looked and tasted delicious I had fish and chips that to was really nice too  a short cold walk then back onboard to warm up.


Sunday was another bitterly cold day wind and rain so we were looking for another mooring with electric and found Horning Staithe almost empty moored up and plugged in I have to confess that turned into a lazy day I stayed snuggled in my fleecy joggers and top all day and didn’t leave the boat bliss just reading , chatting and snoozing we had the pies and potatoes for dinner pies were really good.


Monday morning dawned bright and sunny still a bit breezy but looking good so we set of with Gaye Staithe in mind had a great cruise along the Bure and up the Ant bridge showing tad over 8 foot so no problem when we were on Barton we decided to try Neatishead as we knew there is electric there so that’s what we did and arrived to a completely empty mooring, Mick backed in and as the new key heading is slightly higher towards the back I got of very easily electric on a quick tidy and we were off for the first walk of the trip had a good mooch around then found our way back to the pub , a few drinks and a light lunch didn’t find the menu great but back on board we had left over curry for dinner.


Tuesday another bright sunny morning we decided to return to Womack and  have another meat in the kings arms , beautiful morning to meander down the Ant truly lovely had a lovely display from a kingfisher just past Irstead flew beside us back and forth for quite a while mooring secure walk to the pub and another lovely meal.


Wednesday was supposed to be quite warm so we decided to go back to Ranworth where we can get off and have a really nice walk that exactly what we did and arrived around 10am to a completely empty Staithe we headed for the side but the very end nearest the broad I was to regret this later, as we had got a mooring I went into the Granary and booked us a table for that evening, we took a lovely walk along the lanes watching the reed harvest being unloaded but turned back after the bridal path became really muddy walked to the reserve and then on up past the church and back to the pub we shared a small pizza for lunch and sat in the sun it was lovely,back on board the sun was really nice and I enjoyed a late afternoon watching the comings and goings.

By the time we were ready to go to dinner the wind had suddenly reappeared and was giving us quite a bashing being on the end Staithe by now full so no chance of moving that night I was kept awake for hours listening to the waves hit the side of the boat it finally quietened down around 3am

Dinner was ok nicely presented good service but we both found the menu a bit restrictive and a pet hate of Micks who had ordered steak is that it came to him cut into slices .


We knew the plan for Thursday was to return to the boatyard as we had a table booked in the fish restaurant that evening so after a leisurely breakfast we left Ranworth moments before 10am so we did get our full 24hours , surprisingly this trip we hadn’t visited either Salhouse or south Walsham so we took a little tour around and finally arrived at the yard around midday, set about packing up the car and cleaning we then headed out to get some shopping to take home back on board we finished the jobs and walked to the ferry inn for a couple of beers it was a glorious day and really warm,as we sat there a Red Kite was flying around over head Mick has a video if I can I will post .


Walked to the village for dinner via the  New inn for a quick pint , him not me and into dinner food and service perfect we really love this place still light even at 9 to walk back to the boat an early night as we planned a very early start.


I was awake just after 4am so got up did final pack and tidy washed and cleaned bathroom loaded last bits in car and we were away  before 5:30 am a reasonable drive home it’s just over 400 miles we had pouring rain until just past Salisbury then it dried up with a stop for a quick bite to eat and a toilet break we arrived home at 1:15 so about 7:20 driving time much better than last years 10 hours 30 minutes.


We had a lovely week will miss not being here until next June we have booked Silent Emblem for 2 weeks then and this September we will try the Thames first time ever I’m a bit worried I’m not good with the unknown and moorings and stuff we will see how it goes.


Helen thanks for mentioning that app re birds song I put it on phone an iPad it was brilliant so many different species we heard at various locations sadly though it didn’t pick anything up as we cruised along which was a shame guess engine was too noisy.


Surprisingly Mick didn’t seem to miss the fishing which I thought he would.


Boatyard as ever very good boat performance was great apart form the oven hick up which was fixed promptly everything else was really good shame water too high for Wroxham bridge but we enjoyed what we did met some nice people along the way and thoroughly enjoyed ourselves.


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Great to read your write up Susan. You had a week of two halves with the weather. Sunday was definitely sooooo cold and windy. We’ve been out on the southern rivers and I’ll write that up at some point. Glad your trip home was ok. 

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Many thanks for writing that up. That’s a long old drive home!


6 hours ago, YnysMon said:

I’m glad you discovered the Merlin App, I think it’s great.

I tried downloading it but my phone OS is not a high enough number, too old I suppose. 

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6 hours ago, YnysMon said:

Thanks for the tale Sue. I’m glad you discovered the Merlin App, I think it’s great.

Where did you order the curry from when at Ranworth?

The curry was from Acle Spice about and hour wait for delivery but quite good

i really enjoyed the app will use it loads x


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